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研究生: 白炅錄
Baik, Kyoung-Lock
論文名稱: 緩解在社群商務中,快樂適應現象對社會結構、社會知覺價值和社會信任的影響
Alleviating Hedonic Adaptation in Social Commerce: The Impact of Constructs, Perceived Social Value, and Trust
指導教授: 張佳榮
Chang, Chia-Jung
口試委員: 張佳榮
Chang, Chia-Jung
Liu, Su-Chuan
Chou, Yun-Hsin
口試日期: 2024/07/16
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 社群商務快樂適應社群商務構建社會知覺價值社會信任消費者參與
英文關鍵詞: Social commerce, Hedonic adaptation, Social commerce constructs, Perceived social value, Turst, Consumer engagement
研究方法: 實驗設計法調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401543
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:32下載:1
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  • This thesis examines how social commerce constructs (SCCs), perceived social value (PSV), and trust affect hedonic adaptation (HA) in social commerce. It aims to address the theoretical gap in sustaining long-term consumer engagement on social commerce platforms by mitigating hedonic adaptation.
    A pilot study identified a vacation resort as the most suitable hedonic product for the main study. Participants were divided into high and low engagement groups to assess the impact of SCCs, PSV, and trust on HA. The manipulation check showed significant differences in engagement levels between the groups. Analysis revealed that high engagement participants had a higher hedonic response across all trials compared to low engagement participants. Regression results indicated that SCC1, SCC2, and SCC3 significantly alleviate HA, with SCC2 having the largest impact, followed by SCC1 and SCC3. PSV mediated the relationship between SCCs and HA, enhancing consumer engagement. Although trust positively influenced HA, its interaction with PSV did not significantly predict HA.
    These findings highlight the crucial role of SCCs and PSV in maintaining consumer engagement and satisfaction in digital contexts. The study provides insights for designing engaging social commerce platforms to mitigate hedonic adaptation, ensuring long-term success in the online retail environment.

    Table of Contents-----II List of Figures-----III 1 Introduction-----1 2 Literature Review-----5 2.1 The Impact of Social Commerce Constructs on Hedonic Adaptation-----5 2.2 Perceived Social Value as a Mediator between Social Commerce Constructs and Hedonic Adaptation-----10 2.3 Trust as a Moderator in the Perceived Social Value-Hedonic Adaptation Relationship-----14 3 Method-----17 3.1 Pilot study-----17 3.2 Study1 - Social Commerce Constructs (SCCs) Alleviate Hedonic Adaptation-----19 3.2.1 Participants and Design-----19 3.2.2 Materials and Procedure-----20 3.2.3 Results-----22 3.3 Engagement with Forums and Communities-----27 3.3.1 Regression analysis for H1a-----27 3.4 Engagement with Reviews and Ratings-----28 3.4.1 Regression analysis for H1b-----28 3.5 Engagement with Recommendations and Referrals-----29 3.5.1 Regression analysis for H1c-----29 3.6 Study1 - Perceived Social Value Mediates the Relationship between SCCs and Hedonic Adaptation-----30 3.6.1 Regression analysis for SCCS-PSV model-----30 3.6.2 Regression analysis for SCCS&PSV-HA model-----31 3.7 Study1 - Trust Moderates the Relationship between Perceived Social Value and Hedonic Adaptation-----33 3.7.1 Combined Effect of PSV and Trust on HA-----34 3.7.2 Interaction Effect of PSV and Trust on HA-----34 4 General Discussion-----37 4.1 Conclusion-----37 4.2 Theoretical Contributions-----39 4.3 Limitation and Future research-----41 5 Reference-----42 Appendix-----51

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