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研究生: 張宛儀
論文名稱: 以薩‧柏林(Isaiah Berlin)的自由哲學及其教育意涵
Isaiah Berlin's Liberal Philosophy and Its Implications in Education
指導教授: 林逢祺
Lin, Ferng-Chyi
Hung, Ren-Jin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 124
中文關鍵詞: 以薩‧柏林價值多元論不可共量性兩種自由積極自由消極自由自由教育
英文關鍵詞: Isaiah Berlin, the plurality of values, incommensurability, two concepts of liberty, positive freedom, negative freedom, liberal education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:530下載:50
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The main purpose of this research is to find out the concept of Berlin’s liberal philosophy and its implications in education.
Berlin’s theory is comprised by two fundamental framework ‘the Plurality of Values’ and ‘the Two Concept of Liberty ’The former one strongly resists the platonic ideal : all genuine questions must have one true and the unique answer ,rejecting all others , and the answer shed light to the very truth. We could deduce the perfect life will exist when the human being finally conceive it with a correct understanding of the only rule that governs the universe.
Berlin believed there is a plurality of incommensurable values: forms of life differ, ends, and moral principles are many, too. We can’t find an overarching criterion to measure different ways of like ,of course, we can try to reach a common ground, but Berlin reminded us that values may unavoidably clash,too. However,its not a relativism, Berlin argued that these values though many but they are finite many, they must be within the human horizon, which also make it possible for communications between people.
Additionally, Berlin’s two liberty is based on the idea of pluralism as well.First, Berlin distinguished the complicated concept of liberty. Second, Berlin contended as well as platonic ideal there is a lurk danger of positive freedom that may lead to totalitarianism or monocracy, just like Stalin in twenty century. As a result, Berlin seemed to support negative freedom more than positive freedom, but Berlin also believed positive freedom has its own value, too.
Finally, I try to bring Berlin’s theory into educational practice, contending that the education should not take traditional ‘whole person’s view’ as the only aim in education then pay more attention to the change of educational context, the relations of teachers and learners, and find out what the great pertinence of education is. Education negatively was seen as freeing individuals from internal constraints and positively was seem as empowering individuals to resist external constraints, hoping through educational process, we can open more doors for the rising generation and help them on the way freedom.

目 次 第一章 序論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與步驟 5 第三節 研究範圍和限制 7 第四節 研究章節要義 10 第二章 柏林的智識背景 15 第一節 柏林的生平簡述 15 第二節 柏林的思想脈絡 17 第三節 柏林對二十世紀的時代診斷 32 第三章 柏林的價值多元論 39 第一節 一元論的觀點 39 第二節 柏林對一元論的質疑 43 第三節 追求良好而非理想的社會 47 第四節 價值不可共量性 51 第五節 多元主義不等於相對主義 59 第四章 柏林的自由學說 63 第一節 兩種自由觀念 63 第二節 兩種自由與價值多元論的關係67 第三節 泰勒對柏林的評論 72 第四節 柏林的回應和格雷的辯護 80 第五章 柏林自由哲學在教育上的應用89 第一節 價值多元論與教育 90 第二節 自由理論的教育應用 103 第六章 結論 111 參考文獻 119

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