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研究生: 侯偉富
論文名稱: 應用Topic Map及Google Search API 建構個人化九年一貫教學資源之研究
A Study by Applying Topic Maps and Google API to Construct Personal Teaching Resources
指導教授: 陳昭珍
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 主題地圖知識本體語意網XTM九年一貫教學資源Google API
英文關鍵詞: Topic Maps, Ontology, Semantic Web, XTM, Grade 1-9 Curriculum, Teaching Resource, Google API
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:214下載:6
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  • 本研究以主題地圖(Topic Maps)及Google API技術,結合知識本體(ontology)、語意網(semantic web)及「數位教學資源交換規格」,設計並實作九年一貫教學資源管理雛型系統,期使教師能夠透過雛型系統達成建構個人化九年一貫教學資源之目標,讓教學資源的管理及檢索能更具成效,以滿足教師對於教學應用及知識管理的需求。

    四、基於教師之需求,本研究發展以主題地圖建構九年一貫知識本體之方法、教學資源管理機制、將教學資源轉為標準的XML語法,並結合Google API,發展整合式九年一貫教學資源檢索服務。做後並進行使用者評估,經評估,教師認為此系統有助於教師知識管理與分享。


    This research proposes Topic Maps and Google API, combining ontology, semantic web and Taiwan educational resource exchange standard V2.0 to design and implement teach resources management prototype system. This research not only expect the teacher can construct personal Grade 1-9 Curriculum teaching resources with prototype system but also make management and search for teaching resources more efficiently, In order to meet teacher's demand for teaching and knowledge management.

    In view of the above, this research adopts literature analysis, interview and system analysis for research method. The first step of this research is to summarize related research and technology. Secondly, having interview with teachers to understand the demand for teaching resources management, and then according to the demand of the teachers to analyses the prototype system with UML. By the result of system analysis, this research implements prototype system with ASP.NET and relation database.

    Finally, this research has an interview with the teacher that used the prototype system for system evaluation. Finally, the result of the research is as the following:

    1. the reasons of searching teaching resources for teachers are dealing with insufficient content of textbooks, obtaining plural teaching resources and the latest related teaching information. Designing advance search interfaces have to include grade and the classification of teaching resources. Displace of search results have to include the fields of title, description, URL, author, date and digital copyright.
    2. teachers expect a personal and integrated of teaching resources management system.
    3. the types of teaching resources that teachers commonly use are material, webpage and the question. The kinds of file format are such as doc, ppt, pdf, swf, html, mid, jpg, gif, flv, mp3.

    On the basis of the teacher's request, this research develops the method for constructing the Grade 1-9 Curriculum ontology and the mechanism of management for teaching resources. It not only transfer the teaching resources into XML standard but also combine the Google API to design a integrated search service of Grade 1-9 Curriculum teaching resources. After implement and evaluation, all the teachers propose the prototype system is useful in knowledge management and sharing.

    Finally, based on the results of the study, this research brings five suggestions as a reference for later studies. It including:
    1. develop the discipline domain based of subject catalogue.
    2. design a digital copyright mechanism.
    3. Combine algorithm to promote the efficiency of construction domain ontology.
    4. expand the construction range of domain ontology.
    5. improve the user interface of the prototype system.

    第一章 緒論...................................... 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 ........................ 1 第二節 研究目的............................... 4 第三節 研究問題............................... 4 第四節 名詞解釋............................... 5 第五節 研究範圍與限制......................... 7 第二章 文獻分析.................................. 8 第一節 九年一貫課程與教學資源................. 8 一、 九年一貫課程............................. 8 二、 九年一貫教學資源......................... 12 第二節 九年一貫教學資源組織................... 15 一、 後設資料................................... 15 二、 Dublin Core(DC)........................ 16 三、 學習物件後設資料......................... 18 四、 台灣學習物件後設資料標準................. 20 五、 數位教學資源交換規格..................... 20 第三節 語意網................................. 22 一、 語意網的緣起............................. 22 二、 語意網的架構............................. 23 三、 語意網的技術............................. 24 第四節 知識本體............................... 26 一、 知識本體的組成元素....................... 26 二、 知識本體的應用........................... 27 三、 知識本體的類別........................... 28 四、 知識本體語言............................. 31 第三章 研究設計.................................. 45 第一節 研究架構............................... 45 第二節 研究方法............................... 45 第三節 研究工具............................... 48 第四節 研究流程與步驟......................... 51 第四章 系統發展與實作............................ 54 第一節 需求分析............................... 54 一、 教師使用教學資源的需求................... 55 二、 教師搜尋教學資源的行為................... 55 三、 教師針對教學資源內容、管理及檢索的看法... 57 四、 教師對於教學資源管理系統的意見........... 58 第二節 系統分析............................... 60 一、 功能分析................................. 60 二、 使用者分析............................... 62 第三節 系統設計與實作......................... 68 一、 系統特色................................. 69 二、 系統功能................................. 82 三、 知識本體實作............................. 84 第四節 系統評估............................... 93 一、 使用者介面............................... 94 二、 系統易用性............................... 94 三、 系統功能性............................... 95 四、 建議事項及使用感想....................... 98 第五章 結論與建議................................101 第一節 研究結論...............................101 第二節 研究建議...............................104 參考文獻.........................................106 附錄一 需求分析訪談大綱.........................112 附錄二 系統評估訪談大綱.........................113





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