簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李佩璇
論文名稱: 適性螢幕鍵盤系統之研發
Research on the Adaptive On-screen Keyboard System
指導教授: 葉耀明
Yeh, Yao-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 83
中文關鍵詞: 肢體障礙螢幕鍵盤適性調整評估
英文關鍵詞: physical disability, on-screen keyboard, adaptive adjustment, evaluation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:106下載:4
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  • 隨著科技的日益發展,電腦已在日常生活中扮演不可或缺的角色,但對於肢體障礙者,電腦的操作仍有一定的難度,需藉由電腦輔具來協助。目前國內已有許多螢幕鍵盤軟體可以協助肢體障礙者操作電腦,但肢體障礙者的障礙程度與動作能力個別差異甚大,對於螢幕鍵盤的需求亦不盡相同,且在操作複雜的動作與功能表上有極大困難。

    With the development of computer technology, computer is becoming an essential part in our life. But, to operate on computer might be a very difficult task for persons with physical disabilities. At present, there are many on-screen keyboard software been developed to assist persons with physical disabilities. However, these software can not fulfill the complex demands of the on-screen keyboard for people with physical disabilities.
    The purpose of this study is to develop an adaptive on-screen keyboard system which can include a on-screen keyboard evaluation process. Using the on-screen keyboard evaluation process, users will get his personal proper settings of the on-screen keyboard, including: the input mode of the on-screen keyboard, the size of the on-screen keyboard, the size of keys on the on-screen keyboard, and the minimum delay time in hovering mode. In addition, we also design a XML format of the user evaluation report, and create a user-adaptive adjustment on-screen keyboard to satisfy the needs of different users.
    Our system provides not only shortcuts function but also menu operating function which is better than most of the current on-screen keyboard software. User can quickly and easily control the start menu, pull-down menu and popup menu to reduce the burden of the people with physical disabilities. In other words, it can simplify or speed up the computer operation. In addition, it can also flexibly adjust the settings and layout of the on-screen keyboard according to user's different demand. This research can help people with physical disabilities to use computer and input data in more convenient and easier way.

    附表目錄...ii 附圖目錄..iii 第一章 緒論......1 第一節 研究背景與動機...1 第二節 研究目的.........2 第三節 名詞釋義.......3 第二章 文獻探討....5 第一節 現有電腦輸入裝置的探討....5 第二節 肢體障礙者相關電腦輔具介紹....10 第三節 肢體障礙者的動作特質與操作電腦所面臨的困難...23 第四節 螢幕鍵盤的特性.....32 第五節 現有螢幕鍵盤軟體的探討....33 第三章 系統設計....36 第一節 系統架構........36 第二節 螢幕鍵盤評估系統...37 第三節 介接設計..........43 第四節 螢幕鍵盤系統......46 第四章 系統功能...53 第一節 螢幕鍵盤功能介紹...53 第二節 介接設計功能介紹...72 第三節 與其他螢幕鍵盤軟體之比較...73 第五章 結論與未來發展.....77 第一節 研究結論........77 第二節 未來發展........78 參考文獻...80

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