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研究生: 劉鈺涵
Liu, Yu-han
論文名稱: 戰後臺灣國際現代主義:臺北中央研究院美國研究中心
International Modernism in Post-War Taiwan: The Center for American Studies at Academia Sinica in Taipei
指導教授: 辛蒂庫絲
Syndikus, Candida
口試委員: 辛蒂庫絲
Syndikus, Candida
Nussbaum, Valentin
Wang, Wei-Chou
口試日期: 2024/07/30
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 藝術史研究所
Graduate Institute of Art History
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 188
中文關鍵詞: 美國研究中心王秋華普西沃˙古德曼王世杰現代主義建築中央研究院中美合作
英文關鍵詞: Center for American Studies, Wang Chiu-hwa, Percival Goodman, Wang Shih-chieh, Modernism Architecture, Academia Sinica, Sino-American Cooperation
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401191
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:73下載:13
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  • 一棟坐落於臺北市南港區中央研究院的西南角、具現代主義特色簡樸建物,為今日的中央研究院歐美所圖書館。前身係美國研究中心,建物完成於1972年由美籍建築師普西沃.古德曼(Percival Goodman,1904–89)與他來自中國的合作夥伴王秋華(1925–2021)所設計。
    本論文透過分析建物的歷史、建築語言、材料選擇和結構配置來研究美國研究中心的發展歷程。旨在追溯建物構件的潛在起源,以及理解建築師如何運用現代主義建築語言來實現設計目標。此外本研究也將試圖確定負責該設計的建築師。鑑於學界通常將執行設計師的角色歸於Percival Goodman與王秋華兩人,有必要調查Goodman是否在設計中擔任主導角色,或王秋華是否獨立設計,尤其考慮到她對當地環境更為熟悉。

    In the southwest corner of the campus of Academia Sinica in Taipei’s Nangang District, a sober modernist building accommodates nowadays the Library of the Institute of European and American Studies. Once serving as the Center for American Studies, the structure was completed in 1972 according to the design of the American architect Percival Goodman (1904–89) and his partner from China, Wang Chiu-hwa (王秋華; 1925–2021).
    After World War II, Taiwan’s political, economic, and social recovery was closely tied to the U.S. foreign aid, which also played a crucial role in the country’s academic reconstruction and development. In response to the increasing demand for research related to the United States and to strengthen the country’s international position, two deans of Academia Sinica, Hu Shih (胡適; 1891–1962) and Wang Shih-chieh (王世杰; 1891–1973), actively encouraged academic collaboration with the United States. In March 1972, the Sino-American Cooperation Committee for Humanities and Social Sciences founded the Center for American Studies. By September of that same year, the building was completed and operational.
    The origins of modernist architecture in Taiwan can be traced back to the era of Japanese colonial rule. After World War II, a group of Chinese architects arrived in Taiwan bringing with them Western architectural knowledge and experiences acquired through studies in Europe and the United States. These architects also integrated traditional Chinese architectural concepts into their practice in Taiwan. Architect Wang Chiu-hwa, who studied architecture in mainland China and possessed an academic background from the United States, incorporated her practical experience into her work. The quality of her designs bear witness to her expertise and experience.
    This thesis scrutinizes the progression of the Center for American Studies by analyzing its history, architectural language, materials, and structural configurations. The goal is to trace the potential origins of the architectural language and to understand how their architects utilized modernist architectural vocabulary to achieve their design objectives. Additionally, the inquiry will seek to identify the architect responsible for the design. Given that scholarship typically attributes the roles of executing designers to both Percival Goodman and Wang Chiu-hwa, it becomes imperative to investigate whether Goodman assumed a leading role in the design or if Wang independently contributed, especially considering her greater familiarity with the local context.

    English Abstract i Chinese Abstract iii Introduction 1 State of Research 4 1. Retracing the Institute’s Historical Journey 14 1.1. The Institute’s Historical Development 14 1.2. Chronicle of the Construction 22 2. Wang Chiu-hwa’s Evolutionary Path: From China to the United States and Taiwan 33 2.1. Early Years in China 33 2.2. Mentorship and Partnership: Percival Goodman’s Influence 42 2.3. Wang’s Architectural Endeavors in Taiwan After 1979 48 3. The Building’s Aesthetics 52 3.1. Visual Analysis 52 3.2. The Initial Design of the Building 61 4. Confluence of International Modernism 69 4.1. Influence of Le Corbusier’s Modernist Architecture 69 4.2. Modernist Design in America 81 4.3. Sources of the Chinese and Post-War Taiwanese Architecture 92 Conclusion 102 Bibliography 104 Appendix I: Illustrations 117 Appendix II: Construction Contract 182 Photo Credits 191

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