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研究生: 李育齊
Yu-Chi, Li
論文名稱: 大學生校園經驗與批判思考能力關係之研究—以北部某國立大學為例
Exploring the Relationships between College Students’ Campus Experiences and Critical Thinking Skills: A Case Study of a Public University in Northern Taiwan Abstract
指導教授: 張雪梅
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 322
中文關鍵詞: 大學生社團參與校園經驗批判思考能力
英文關鍵詞: college student, student participation in school club, campus experience, critical thinking skill
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:338下載:128
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  • 本研究旨在探討北部某國立大學學生之校園經驗與批判思考能力的關係,採用混合研究設計,量化部分採用問卷調查法,並以「大學生校園經驗與批判思考能力問卷」為研究工具,有效施測樣本為367人,分別以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、階層迴歸分析、結構方程模式分析之統計方法進行量化分析;此外並針對量化研究結果,進行質化訪談,以探究影響批判思考能力的深層因素。本研究發現茲分述如下:

    This study aims to explore the relationship between campus experiences of students in a public university in northern Taiwan and their critical thinking skills. A mixed-method research design and questionnaire survey was adopted for the quantitative study. The research tool was the “College students’ campus experiences and critical thinking skills” questionnaire. A total of 367 valid samples were retrieved. The data were analyzed by statistical methods including descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, hierarchical regression, and structural equation modeling. For the qualitative study, interviews were conducted based on the quantitative results, in order to probe into the profound factors affecting students’ critical thinking skills. The findings are as follows:
    1.College students’ best campus experience is institutional integration, followed by club experience, and official curriculum.
    2.College students show the best performance in the “inference” dimension of critical thinking skills, which is followed by the dimensions of “deduction”, “recognition of assumptions”, “evaluation”, and “interpretation”. In addition, they demonstrate superior overall critical thinking skills than the norms.
    3.Different background variables of individuals (gender, grade, field of study, part-time work experiences, educational attainment of parents, career aspiration) and participation in school clubs (main clubs, hours of participation, years of participation, and the extent of involvement) contribute to significant differences on college students’ overall critical thinking skills.
    4.Background variables of individuals (gender, field of study, part-time work experiences, educational attainment of parents, career aspiration), participation in school clubs (main clubs, hours of participation, years of participation, the extent of involvement), campus experiences (academic coaching, peer relationships, in-class learning experiences) have explanatory power in relation to college students’ overall critical thinking skills.
    5.The explanatory power of the hierarchical regression of “background of individuals”, “participation in school clubs”, and “campus experiences” in relation to college students’ overall critical thinking skills is 18.8%, 17.1%, and 28.1% respectively.
    6.The cause model involving college students’ campus experiences and critical thinking skills show adequate goodness of fit.
    7.Latent variables of institutional integration and club experiences have apparent and direct effects on students’ overall critical thinking skills.
    Based on the findings, suggestions are provided for college students, teachers, teaching units, education management units, and future studies.

    第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景1 第二節 研究動機7 第三節 研究目的與問題12 第四節 名詞釋義14 第五節 研究範圍與限制17 第六節 研究貢獻及對教育的意涵19 第二章 文獻探討23 第一節 高等教育課外學習與大學生基本核心素養23 第二節 大學生校園經驗研究與相關理論44 第三節 批判思考能力意涵與相關研究59 第四節 影響大學生批判思考能力之相關實證研究76 第三章 研究設計與實施97 第一節 研究架構與分析模型97 第二節 研究假設101 第三節 研究對象103 第四節 研究工具105 第五節 研究步驟126 第六節 資料處理與統計分析128 第四章 研究結果與討論133 第一節 研究對象分析133 第二節 大學生校園經驗情形分析142 第三節 大學生批判思考能力現況分析154 第四節 不同背景變項大學生校園經驗與整體批判思考能力之差異分析158 第五節 個人背景、社團參與情形、校園經驗對整體批判思考能力階層迴歸 分析193 第六節 校園經驗與整體批判思考能力因果模式建構與驗證分析198 第七節 質性訪談分析結果207 第八節 批判思考能力影響因素之綜合討論228 第五章 結論與建議249 第一節 結論249 第二節 建議256 參考文獻263 中文部分263 西文部分273 附錄284 附錄一:內容(專家)效度名單284 附錄二:專家(內容)效度問卷修正意見彙整285 附錄三:預試問卷294 附錄四:預試項目分析結果299 附錄五:正式問卷303 附錄六:「批判思考測驗第二級」使用同意書308 附錄七:質化個別訪談大綱309 附錄八:訪談邀請函及說明310 附錄九:訪談同意書311 附錄十:個別訪談核心概念歸納表312

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