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研究生: 陳亭君
論文名稱: 探討國三學生的工作記憶容量與讀、解計算題與圖文題表現之關連性
The relationship between working memory capacity of ninth graders with their performance on reading and solving computational problems and mathematical word problem with diagram.
指導教授: 譚克平
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 179
中文關鍵詞: 讀題工作記憶數學解題
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:147下載:17
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  • 本研究的主要目的在於瞭解國三學生解數學計算題與圖文題時,其讀題方式與解題表現之間的關係,並瞭解學生的工作記憶容量、學業成就、性別等變因與讀題方式之間的關連性。
    本研究首先收集國三學生的工作記憶容量資料,以建立常模與信效度;繼而以質性研究的方式,針對36位不同背景的國三學生進行個別施測與訪談。施測時使用電腦軟體The Restricted Focus Viewer(以下簡稱RFV)作為收集讀題資料的工具,此軟體能在電腦螢幕呈現數學題目,只有滑鼠附近區域為清晰,學生藉由操作滑鼠以控制閱讀區域,軟體則記錄下學生解題時的讀題過程。學生解題活動結束後,立即進行深入訪談,以瞭解學生解題錯誤的原因。

    This research aims to understand the relationship between the way ninth graders read the problem and their performance in solving computational and word problem with diagram. It also aims to understand the relationship between the way they read the problem and other variables: working memory capacity, academic performance, and gender.
    This research first collects the data on students’ working memory capacity in order to build the norm, reliability, and validity. Then individual tests and interviews are conducted for 36 students with different backgrounds as the quality research. The software, Restricted Focus Viewer (RFV), is used to collect the information on how students read the problem. This software presents problems on the computer screen. Only the area near the pointer can be seen clearly. Thus the software can record the process when students read the problem. After students finish solving problems, the in-depth interview is done immediately in order to find out the reason why students make mistakes when solving problems.
    The data on working memory capacity is analyzed mainly in quantity to build the norm, while the information on students’ reading problems and the interview is analyzed mainly in quality, accompanied by descriptive statistics. The method aims to analyze the relationship between the way students read and solve the question, and to understand what the variables are that affect how students read problems.
    The research result shows: first, the way students read problems is relative to performance of solving problems. Students who spend less time reading problems tend to make mistakes in solving problems; second, the capacity of working memory is relative to the way students read problems. Students with a larger working memory capacity have the tendency to spend less time reading the question; third, the academic performance on math has to do with students’ reading the question. Students with higher academic performance are prone to spend less time on computational question, but they spend more time on word problem with diagram; fourth, gender is relative to how students read problems. Male students tend to spend less time reading the question.
    According to the research result, the following are the suggestions: first, school teachers should emphasize the importance of reading the question in teaching; second, as to the teaching on how to read problems, complete skimming, repeated reading, and reading at a slower rate can be put a premium on. As to the future research, different research subjects, question patterns, subject fields, and reading comprehension ability can be further analyzed in order to unveil the hidden connection between reading and solving problems.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機1 第二節 研究目的5 第三節 研究問題6 第四節 名詞界定7 第五節 研究限制8 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 RFV軟體的相關研究9 第二節 工作記憶13 第三節 數學解題錯誤的類型與成因22 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究設計28 第二節 研究對象29 第三節 研究工具與資源32 第四節 研究步驟與過程52 第五節 資料處理56 第四章 資料分析 第一節 國三學生的工作記憶容量常模63 第二節 學生解計算題時讀題方式與解題表現之關連性69 第三節 學生解計算題時其讀題方式與學業成就、工作記憶與性別之關108 第四節 學生解圖文題時讀題方式與解題表現之關聯性119 第五節 學生讀圖文題方式與學業成就、工作記憶與性別之關係146 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結果與討論150 第二節 建議155 參考文獻159 附錄 附錄一 參與RFV解題研究的受試學生背景164 附錄二 數字符號工作記憶容量測驗題目167 附錄三 數字符號工作記憶容量測驗評分規則169 附錄四 語文工作記憶測驗題目170 附錄五 視覺空間工作記憶測驗題目171 附錄六 RFV參數設定導引172 附錄七 RFV數學解題題本173 附錄八 RFV output data 資料處理175

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