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研究生: 蘇婉蓉
論文名稱: 漢語批評言語行為之策略、主題與性別研究
Study of Strategy, Conversational Topic, and Gender in Mandarin Chinese Criticism Speech Acts
指導教授: 謝佳玲
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 146
中文關鍵詞: 批評言語行為語用面子威脅性別研究
英文關鍵詞: Criticism speech acts, Pragmatics, Face threatening, Gender study
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:298下載:86
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  •   批評作為一種嚴重威脅面子的言語行為,在本質上帶有很強的面子威脅性,故對學習者來說是語言學習與使用的難點。然而目前對批評的研究尚在起步階段,在定義與策略分類的系統性上仍待加強,加上前人多從社會權勢和跨文化對比的角度進行探討,較少論及主題與性別因素的影響,無法呈現批評行為的整體面貌。是故本研究從主題與性別的角度切入,藉此探究台灣漢語母語者批評策略的使用現象以及主題、性別因素對批評的影響,期能為漢語學習者提供一個參考的依據,減少語用上的失誤。

      Because criticism is a highly face-threatening speech act, it is very difficult for to learn how to use it appropriately in a second language. However, the study of criticism is still in its early stages, and the categorization of criticism strategies is still somewhat unsystematic. Furthermore, previous research on criticism has focused primarily on social power and cross-cultural comparison, with little attention paid to topic or gender, and is therefore unable to provide a complete picture of the use of criticism. For this reason, this study focuses on gender and topic, and examines how criticism is used by Taiwanese native speakers of Mandarin, and how gender and topic influence criticism. It is hoped that this will help learners of Mandarin Chinese avoid pragmatic errors.
      This study used three questionnaires as research tools: the first surveyed topics’ seriousness, the second surveyed the topics’ appropriateness of criticism, and the third surveyed the differences between the ways male and female native speakers make criticisms. The questionnaires were conducted in a set order, and the questions in each were closely interrelated.
      The survey’s results revealed that when the two interlocutors are acquaintances of equal status, Taiwanese native speakers of Mandarin tend to use relatively direct strategies; of these accusation acts are most common. The second most common strategy was evaluation. In terms of topics, the surveys revealed that native speakers avoided criticizing other’s appearance and innate competence, while the directness of their criticism increased with the seriousness of the topic. Also, in cases where the speaker believed that the hearer would be able to rectify the problem, the use of persuasive strategies and request strategies increased. This study also showed that gender is indeed a factor in the choice of criticism strategies. Male speakers tended to use more direct strategies, while female speakers were more indirect. When speaking with male listeners, both male and female speakers tended to be more direct, and more indirect when speaking with female listeners.
      Finally, this study provides an overview and analysis of the teaching of criticism strategies in teaching materials currently available, in the hopes that it will help increase learners’ pragmatic ability in the future.

    目錄 iv 表目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 3 第三節 名詞釋義 4 第四節 本文架構 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 相關理論探討 7 2.1.1 言語行為 7 2.1.2 間接言語行為 10 2.1.3 禮貌原則 10 2.1.4 面子保全理論 13 2.1.5 漢文化溝通模式 15 2.1.6 性別語言研究 16 第二節 批評行為研究 17 2.2.1 批評的定義 17 2.2.2 批評與抱怨 21 2.2.3 批評的策略 24 2.2.4 影響變項 34 第三章 研究方法 40 第一節 主題適宜性調查 40 3.1.1 問卷(一):議題嚴重程度 41 3.1.2 問卷(二):主題適宜性 43 第二節 批評方式調查 48 3.2.1 問卷(三):批評語料蒐集 48 3.2.2 策略分類方法 52 第三節 小結 53 第四章 結果分析與討論 55 第一節 策略分類 55 4.1.1 策略說明 56 4.1.2 間接程度 73 第二節 策略分布 75 4.2.1 主體策略分布 77 4.2.2 次類策略分布 78 第三節 主題因素 79 4.3.1 財物資產 81 4.3.2 技能表現 83 4.3.3 性格特質 85 4.3.4 服飾打扮 87 4.3.5 言行舉止 89 4.3.6 主題討論 90 第四節 性別因素 99 4.4.1 說話者性別因素 99 4.4.2 聽話者性別因素 102 第五節 研究問題回應 108 第六節 小結 112 第五章 教學應用 113 第一節 語用教學 113 第二節 現行教材檢視 114 第三節 教學建議與設計 116 5.3.1 批評方式(語用語言) 116 5.3.2 影響因素(社會語用) 119 第四節 小結 120 第六章 結論 121 第一節 研究結果 121 第二節 研究限制與展望 122 參考文獻 124 附錄一 133 附錄二 136 附錄三 140

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