簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 蔡聰榮
Tsung-Rung Tsai
論文名稱: 有去有回才厲害嗎?排球得分與勝負之探討
Are Long Rallies an Index of Professionalism? A Discussion on Volleyball Scoring and Its Relation to the Result of the Match
指導教授: 劉有德
Liu, Yeou-Teh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動競技學系
Department of Athletic Performance
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 得分方式攻勢波數分差企業甲級聯賽奧運排球
英文關鍵詞: types of scoring, numbers of rally, difference in scores, Top Volleyball League, Olympic volleyball games
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:120下載:14
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  • 前言:不論國內外,高水準的比賽一直是球員夢想中的舞台以及球迷眾所矚目的焦點;不僅球員能夠呈現給球迷精采的比賽內容,有興趣觀賞及了解排球運動的同好應該也可從球員的運動表現內容中得到使其動作技術進步之訊息。而比賽內容複雜多變,怎樣才能從比賽的內容中獲得有用的訊息以及如何被利用,應該是運動科學研究者關注的重點。目的:以不同性別與不同分差區分世界最高水準以及臺灣最高水準排球比賽內容,以得分方式、攻勢波數、得分情況來探討其與勝負之關係。方法:以2012倫敦奧運排球以及臺灣企業八年甲級排球聯賽此兩比賽內容影片進行運動表現記錄,記錄內容為球數、發球隊伍、得分隊伍、攻勢波數與得分方式。以局為單位,將各項數據彙整並化為次數百分比,進行變異數分析,顯著水準定為 α= .05。結果:在實力相當時得分方式與勝負無交互作用,以攻擊為主;攻勢波數也與勝負無交互作用,男女排之間得分攻勢不同,男排以一波攻勢為主,女排則以多波攻勢為主。實力越懸殊的時候得分方式、攻勢波數、得分情況都會與勝負有交互作用,影響勝負的關鍵分別為除了違例以外的四種得分方式、多波的得分攻勢、發球時得分的多寡。結論:以標記分析的方式定義得分方式、攻勢波數、得分情況來探討高水準的排球比賽內容,確實不同性別與分差之間會有其主要得分表現且不完全相同。進一步探討與勝負之關係,種種結果都顯示排球比賽的得分表現是存在著可加以區分的趨勢性,如何面面俱到才能更有機會掌握勝負。而以此架構再更細部地定義與觀察記錄比賽內容進行分析以提供重要的訊息作為回饋,是未來繼續研究競技運動行為表現的方向。

    Background: Throughout the world, high-level games are the stage all athletes dream of, and the center of fans' attention. Besides the breathtaking performance of the players, those who are interested in volleyball and understand the sport can acquire the information they need for improving their own skills by watching the games. However, the contents of volleyball games are complicated. The focus of a sports science researcher is how to acquire the valuable information in the games and how to make use of it. Purpose of the study: Dividing the games in the highest-level championship in the world, and the highest-level championship in Taiwan into groups according to the gender of the players and the scores difference of the games. The types of scoring, numbers of the waves of attack, and scoring situations in a game were examined in relation to game results. Method: The videos of 2012 London Olympics Volleyball matches and the 8th Top Volleyball League in Taiwan were used to record data. The analysis of variances were conducted (significant level =. 05). Results: In an even match, the main scoring type of a team is always spike regardless the game results. There are differences in the numbers of waves of attack between men and women volleyball games—one-wave scoring is dominant in men's games and multi-wave scoring is dominant in women's games. When there is a greater score difference between the two teams, the result of the game influences the type of scoring, the numbers of waves of attack, and the scoring situation. The key factors responsible for the result of the game includes the four types of scoring other than fouls, the scores gained with multi-wave attacks, and the numbers of scores won when serving for the point. Conclusion: By using notational analysis to define types of scoring, numbers of waves of attack, scoring situations, and discuss the content of high-level volleyball games, prominent differences can be found between men's and women's games as well as among teams with different skill levels. In the further discussion of the factors responsible for the match results, data show that the scoring patterns in volleyball games can be classified into groups, and that only grasping every perspective can lead to victory. By using the research methods in this study to define, observe, and analyze the contents of games in a more precise and detailed way, one can acquire more important messages. This is a possibility for future study on athletic performance.

    中文摘要 i 英文摘要 iii 致謝詞 iv 目錄 v 表次 vii 圖次 viii 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究問題 5 第四節 研究假設 5 第五節 研究範圍與限制 6 第六節 名詞解釋 7 第七節 研究重要性 9 第貳章 文獻探討 10 第一節 排球歷史沿革探討 10 第二節 排球技戰術分析探討 13 第三節 比賽影片分析之相關文獻探討 19 第四節 本章總結 21 第參章 方法 22 第一節 前導研究 22 第二節 研究對象 31 第三節 研究工具 31 第四節 研究步驟 34 第五節 研究觀察記錄信度 34 第六節 資料處理與分析 35 第肆章 結果 39 第一節 勝負與五種得分方式之關係 39 第二節 勝負與兩種得分攻勢之關係 59 第三節 勝負與兩種得分情況之關係 73 第伍章 討論 90 第陸章 結論與建議 102 第一節 結論 102 第二節 建議 105 參考文獻 107 中文文獻……………………………………………………………………………………………………107 英文文獻……………………………………………………………………………………………………109

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