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研究生: 張惠雯
Hui-Wen Chang
論文名稱: Issues and Solutions in Taiwan-Vietnam International Cooperation of Technological and Vocational Education
指導教授: 李隆盛
Lee, Lung-Sheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 173
中文關鍵詞: Modified-Delphi techniqueTechnological and vocational educationInternational cooperationTaiwan-Vietnam
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:242下載:3
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  • In the beginning of 21 century, Taiwan eventually joined WTO in 2002 and became a member of it after endeavor of 12 years. It influences significantly not only in economy, politics, but also in education. Higher education, introduce of foreign academic system accelerates the internationalization and globalization of colleges and universities. However, it also makes many of our TVE schools operate more difficultly, because they have problem of lacking of students originally, but now they even have to compete with foreign schools. In order to resolve the impact, change our position from “educational importing country” to “educational exporting country is a good way. The study focuses on exploration of top critical issues in Taiwan-Vietnam international cooperation of technological and vocational education with Modified Delphi technique designed by the researcher first and is assisted with interview with educational officers in Ministry of Education in Taiwan and in Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam later to seek for the solutions.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT I TABLE OF CONTENTS II LIST OF FIGURES IV LIST OF TABLES V CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 4 Purpose of the Study 5 Significance of the study 6 Delimitations and Limitations 7 Definition of Terms 8 CHAPTER II. LITERATRUE REVIEW Exploration of Problem Formation and Issues 14 The Present Situation in Vietnamese Technical and Vocational Education 18 The Present Situation in Taiwan-Vietnam International Cooperation of Technological and Vocational Education 27 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY Design of the Study 29 Population and Sample 32 Instrumentation 34 Procedure 37 Data Analysis 41 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Items in Delphi Questionnaire 43 Delphi Round 1 47 Delphi Round 2 54 Delphi Round 3 60 Consensus Items: Top Five Critical Issues of Research Results 65 Result of Interview 68 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conculsions 71 Recommendations 73 References 77 APPENDIX A: Inviting Letter to Request Experts’ Participation 82 APPENDIX B: The Name List of Delphi Panel 85 APPENDIX C: The Name list of Instrument Validation Panel 88 APPENDIX D: Round 1 Questionnaire with Its Cover Letter 90 APPENDIX E: Frequency Distribution of Round 1 Questionnaire 100 APPENDIX F: Statistics (Mode & Mean & SD) of Round 1 Questionnaire 108 APPENDIX G: Round 2 Questionnaire with Its Cover Letter 116 APPENDIX H: Frequency Distribution of Round 2 Questionnaire 128 APPENDIX I: Statistics (Mode & Mean & SD) of Round 2 Questionnaire 136 APPENDIX J: Round 3 Questionnaire with Its Cover Letter 144 APPENDIX K: Frequency Distribution of Round 3 Questionnaire 158 APPENDIX L: Statistics (Mode & Mean & SD) of Round 3 Questionnaire 166 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 2.1. Stages in the circular policy making process 11 2.2. The policy-analytic procedure of problem structuring 14 2.3. The sub-process of problem structuring 15 2.4. International cooperation distribution 25 3.1. Research framework for this study 39 3.2. Procedural flow for this study 40 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 2.1. Techniques for problem structuring 16 2.2. The classification of vocational schools in Vietnam 21 2.3. Number of student enrolled during the academic years from 1997 to 2003 21 2.4. Qualifications of teaching staff during the period from 1997 to 2002 22 2.5. 2003 & 2004 international cooperation types 23 2.6. TVE distribution of international cooperation 24 2.7. 2003 & 2004 international cooperation distributed countries (Northeast Asia & Southeast Asia) 25 3.1. Accessible population in the study 33 3.2. The contrast with interval of judgment and relative importance 41 4.1. Results of Round 1 Questionnaire 48 4.2. Critical Issues of Questionnaire Round 1 Rating in Order 50 4.3. Top Five Issues of Questionnaire Round 1 53 4.4. Results of Round 2 Questionnaire 54 4.5. Critical Issues of Questionnaire Round 2 Rating in Order 56 4.6. Top Five Issues of Questionnaire Round 2 59 4.7. Results of Round 3 Questionnaire 60 4.8. Critical Issues of Questionnaire Round 3 Rating in Order 62 4.9. Top Five Issues of Questionnaire Round 3 64 4.10. Consensus Items: Top Five Critical Issues of Research Results 68

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