研究生: |
徐曉帆 Hsu, Hsiao-Fan |
論文名稱: |
一位學習障礙觀念攝影藝術家的成長歷程暨鏡頭裡的學障影像 The development experience of a conceptual photography artist with learning disabilities and images of learning disabilities in the lens |
指導教授: |
Chen, Chao-Yi |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 284 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學習障礙 、觀念攝影 、成長歷程 、障礙經驗 、敘說研究 |
英文關鍵詞: | learning disabilities, conceptual photography, development experience, obstacle experience, narrative inquiry |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000980 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:533 下載:11 |
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一、 成長歷程
二、 學障影像意涵
三、 成長歷程與影像創作交織下的內涵
四、 探索克服逆境的支持力量
This study is based on purposive sampling to select a photography artist with outstanding performance in the field of image creation as a research participant. The purpose was to explore the participants' development experience and the obstacle experience he perceive. Through studying the life experience of the participant and the narrative meaning of the image creation of learning disabilities, the learning and growthing background and the obstacles of the perception were reproduced.
The study adopted narrative inquiry as its research method and used the model of "holistic-content" and "categorical-content" for analysis. The study also reviewed development through the research participant in a holistic context and summarized the types of obstacles experienced by the research participant. From the narratives of research participant about the meaning of "image creation of learning disabilities", the researcher explored the meaning of learning disabilities expressed in their image creation. The results of the study were as follows:
1. Development experience
During the school period, the research participant had symptoms of learning disabilities such as reading, writing, concentration, communication, social skills, and interpersonal interaction difficulties, which brought different challenges to each stage of development. He tried hard to keep up with academic requirements during school age. During the middle school stage of adolescence, he encountered challenges in learning and interpersonal interaction, which were intertwined the most painful period of time. With the development of adaptability, he developed a personal learning method and expanded his social life. After entering adulthood, he could met the requirements of university and research institutes, and his interpersonal relationships also grow with the exploration.
In the development of the artistic career, the research participant showed his interest in childhood and developed ability. After winning the competition in adolescence, the research participant was aware of his artistic potential. Among choices of direction for further studies, he evaluated his traits, interests, and abilities, and chose a direction of appropriate development. In adulthood, the creative ability cultivated by the research participant was recognized by domestic and foreign competitions. He used conceptual photography to create a series of images on the subject of learning disabilities.
2. Implications of images of learning disabilities
The research participant used conceptual photography to create, transforming the most profound symptoms of obstacles during his growth in photography. The images unveiled his experience in "communication and expression", "interpersonal interaction", and "reading and learning", so as to further enable others to understand the obstacle experience perceived by people with learning disabilities through creation.
3. The intersection of images of learning disabilities and development experience
The difficulties of "communication and expression", "interpersonal interaction", and "reading and learning" have brought different levels of influence in the growth process. Difficulties in "reading and learning", with the development of learning methods during adolescence, and the appropriate development in the field of art, the impact on life gradually decreases. The difficulties of "communication and expression" and "interpersonal interaction" emerge in the school period, and are intertwined in different learning and ecological environments at various stages, and these two factors continue to bring challenges to life.
4. Supporting power to overcome adversity
Research participant has overcome obstacles and adversities, and has continued to thrive. This is related to self-acceptance, personal learning attitudes and self-expectation, understanding and mastering personal strength, parental support and upbringing attitude, appropriate ecological environment, and significant other’s support.
Finally, the researcher put forward the following suggestions to people with learning disabilities:
1. Develop self-acceptance, and find ways to coexist with obstacles.
2. In the face of learning, they need to persist through the end without
ever quitting.
3. They need to explore personal traits, interests and superior capabilities,
integrating these characters to evaluate future development.
4. They need to expand the circle of friends, improve the ability of
communication and interpersonal interaction.
The advice for teachers is to pay attention to the social skills of people with learning disabilities. Teachers should encourage students to express their inner thoughts and use the attitude of support and acceptance to promote the overall learning adaptation of people with learning disabilities. In addition, teachers should enhance the cooperation between psychology teachers and special education teachers to help students with disabilities develop emotional adjustment ability and problem solving ability. At the same time, it is also necessary to see the strengths of people with learning disabilities and find a suitable development direction. Schools will provide support and care for transitioning to the workplace, and assist those with learning disabilities to adapt to the workplace ecological environment.
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