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研究生: 林孟郁
Lin, Meng-Yu
論文名稱: 從課程社會學觀點探討個案高中校長推動108課綱之課程領導
A Case Study of Leadership of a Senior High School Principal Implementing the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum : A Curriculum Sociological Perspective
指導教授: 卯靜儒
Mao, Chin-Ju
口試委員: 黃政傑
Hwang, Jenq-Jye
Pan, Hui-Ling Wendy
Chen, Yu-Chuan
Mao, Chin-Ju
口試日期: 2023/07/25
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 課程與教學研究所
Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 171
中文關鍵詞: 課程社會學課程領導課程決定課程管理
英文關鍵詞: Curriculum Sociology, Curriculum Leadership, Curriculum Decisions, Curriculum Administration
研究方法: 個案研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301624
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:78下載:15
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  • 研究個案之場域為都會地區一所高中,研究目的旨在陳顯《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要》推動之際,校訂課程決定的權責鬆綁和下放,並倡議學校自主發展本位課程。在此特定情境脈絡下,校長的領導不僅體現於校務行政上,更要展現課程領導者的積極作為和策略,與教師的互動和協同中持續的溝通和反思,課程開發時探討課程目標、教學策略及評量方式,提供所需的支持和資源,領導的歷程反映出校長的決心和承諾,確保課程知識能夠貼近學生需求和社會期待。




    Since the "Twelve-Year Basic Education Curriculum" was implemented, schools in Taiwan have been encouraged to develop their own school-based curriculum and the power of decision-making in this process has been delegated. A principal, as a core member of a school, has great power and thus his/her actions and decisions might influence the curriculum development and implementation significantly. This study aims to explore how the principal's leadership affects the power relations and interactions among different stakeholders in the school in the process of curriculum decision-making and implementation, and then affects the formation of curriculum knowledge.

    This study was designed as a case study. The research site was a senior high school in the northern part of Taiwan. One principal, four directors, and four teachers were invited to participate in the research. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews and focus group interviews. At the same time, relevant documents and materials were also collected, including the meeting minutes of the teaching and research communities, curriculum evaluation documents, and the project reports, etc. Data analysis adopts a micro-political approach and uses curriculum sociology as the analytical framework. In addition, another researcher was also invited to take part in the data analysis as a check on the research.
    The research findings are as follows: 1. Curriculum development is oriented toward a multi-dimensional dynamic process; 2. Curriculum development is reflexive and associated; 3. The roles of a curriculum leader is multiple and intertwined; 4. Cross-field curriculum collaboration has contributed to the de-stratification of knowledge; 5. The displacement of knowledge has surpassed the knowledge of any single field; 6. Dialogue and mutual understanding can help create a sense of collective responsibility.

    At the end of the study, some implications are made. It is hoped that through the prudent curriculum leadership of the principal and his/her collaboration with the stakeholders, the improvement of the teachers' curriculum development knowledge, teaching materials, teaching methods, and assessment strategies can be stimulated. In the way, the school has a better chance to take the initiative to respond well to the curriculum reform in today’s society.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 2 第二節 研究動機 9 第三節 研究目的與問題 14 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 校長課程領導的調變 15 第二節 課程社會學再脈絡化 28 第三節 課程領導與課程社會學相依關係 34 第三章 研究設計與實施 43 第一節 研究架構和方法 43 第二節 研究場域與個案簡介 46 第三節 資料蒐集與分析 51 第四節 研究信實度與倫理 60 第五節 研究限制 61 第四章 研究發現與討論 63 第一節 新課綱下校長的課程領導作為 63 第二節 校訂課程決定運作的機制. 83 第三節 校長對學校課程的理解與知識的重構 123 第五章 研究結論與建議 147 第一節 結論 147 第二節 建議 156 參考文獻 158 一、中文部份 158 二、英文部份 162 附錄 167 附錄一 校長訪談大綱(一) 167 附錄二 校長訪談大綱(二) 169 附錄三 師長訪談大綱 170 附錄四 訪談同意書 171

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