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研究生: 林惠敏
Lin, Hui-Min
論文名稱: 國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現研究
A Study of Elementary School Children's Expressive Drawings Concerning Emotional Images of Happiness and Anger
指導教授: 陳瓊花
Chen, Chiung-Hua
Wang, Kuo-Chang
口試委員: 徐秀菊 洪詠善 李靜芳 陳瓊花
Chen, Chiung-Hua
Wang, Kuo-Chang
口試日期: 2022/01/14
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 189
中文關鍵詞: 生氣快樂情緒圖像繪畫表現
英文關鍵詞: Anger, Happiness, Emotional Image, Expressive Drawing
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200053
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:75下載:20
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  • 本研究旨在調查國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現,並探討不同地區、年級、生理性別的國小學童快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現是否有顯著差異,進而分析不同階段學童繪畫表現特徵。本研究採問卷法,依方便取樣,以臺灣北、中、南、東地區,公立小學低、中、高年級為研究對象,計取得有效問卷1360份。資料以SPSS22.0進行分析,研究結果顯示:

    This research was to investigate the patterns and differences from the gender, grades and regions of the elementary school children’s expressive drawings concerning their emotional image of happiness and anger in Taiwan. An analysis of the pupils’ representations along their learning stages as indicated by this case was subsequently made. This research adopted a questionnaire survey, having collected 1,360 convenience sample participants from first, third, and fifth grades of the public elementary schools in the northern, central, southern, and eastern Taiwan. The findings laid bare by the SPSS22.0 were as follows. First, the expressive drawings concerning emotional images according to the frequency of occurrence consisted of “facial expressions & body gestures,” “narrative treatment of experience,” “metaphoric narrative,” and the “miscellaneous.” The narrative treatment of experience is the most common way of expressive drawings of happiness and anger in elementary school children. Second, there existed significant differences among expressive drawings concerning emotional images of happiness and anger with respect to regions, the grade distribution, and gender. This research reported that students from the central part of Taiwan proved more inclined to exhibit happy and angry images employing facial expressions & body gestures than those from other regions of Taiwan. They, by contrast, proved less inclined to express their emotion through the practice of narrative treatment of experience, or metaphoric narrative. When it came to the gender perspective, the male interviewees proved more significant in expressive means of facial expressions & body gestures, and narrative treatment of their own experience in dealing with the emotional image of happiness than the female. The male interviewees also proved more significant than the female ones when presenting the image of anger via the narrative treatment of experience and metaphoric narrative. Thirdly, when it came to facial expressions & body gestures, the male students in the high grade of the elementary school proved more capable of presenting fine parts of the facial image including the eye, the mouth, the hair, which were portraited in a round or oval-head style. They also prove more capable of drawing body gestures from a front view, where the hand, foot, attires, and accessories lively figured in a geometric but mixed form of the body image. It was also important to note, however, that there was a general lack of spatial concepts in most cases when the narrative treatment of experience was in application to denote the emotional images of happiness or anger. It is nevertheless fortunately to report here that as a contrast to students from the low grade that proved capable of performing the techniques of setting base lines, and good at superimposing and overlapping as well as the X-ray painting, students from the higher grade excelled in three-dimension expressive drawings.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 一、研究背景 1 二、研究動機 4 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 6 一、研究目的 6 二、研究問題 6 第三節 研究範圍與限制 7 一、研究範圍 7 二、研究限制 7 第四節 名詞釋義 8 一、情緒圖像 8 二、繪畫表現 9 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 藝術在情感教育的重要性 11 一、 藝術的表現性 11 二、 藝術的象徵性 12 第二節 兒童繪畫表現發展理論 14 一、Piaget的認知發展階段理論 14 二、Lowenfeld的兒童繪畫心理發展階段理論 16 三、Freud的精神分析理論 20 四、Arnheim的完形心理學理論 22 五、Gardner的兒童繪畫發展階段理論 24 六、Eisner的兒童繪畫發展階段理論 27 第三節 兒童繪畫表現的心理研究與情緒圖像分類探討 29 一、兒童繪畫表現的心理研究 29 二、兒童情緒圖像的繪畫表現分類探討 35 第四節 兒童對情緒圖像繪畫表現之相關研究 41 一、環境與兒童情緒圖像繪畫表現 41 二、年齡與兒童情緒圖像繪畫表現 45 三、生理性別與兒童情緒圖像繪畫表現 48 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究架構 51 第二節 研究假設 52 第三節 研究對象 52 第四節 研究工具 55 一、預試問卷 56 二、正式問卷 61 第五節 研究程序 89 一、研究流程 89 二、調查問卷實施 90 第六節 資料處理與分析 91 一、資料處理 91 二、統計分析 93 第四章 研究結果與討論 第一節 國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現現況描述 95 一、情緒圖像繪畫表現之整體結果 95 二、情緒圖像繪畫表現之細項結果 96 第二節 不同背景的國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現差異情形 105 一、不同地區的國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現差異分析 105 二、不同年級的國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現差異分析 107 三、不同生理性別的國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現差異分析 109 第三節 不同階段國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現特徵分析 111 一、人物形象 111 二、空間處理 121 第四節 綜合討論 123 一、國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現現況 123 二、不同背景的國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現差異情形 134 三、不同階段國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現特徵分析 137 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 141 第二節 建議 145 參考文獻 中文部份 147 英文部份 151 附錄 附錄1 「國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現研究」預試問卷調查 154 附錄 2 「國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現研究」之專家效度問卷調查 156 附錄3 國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像繪畫表現之分類表 159 附錄 4 「國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像繪畫表現分類」專家效度問卷 161 附錄 5 第一次焦點團體討論 166 附錄 6 第二次焦點團體討論 169 附錄 7 國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像繪畫表現之分類表修正 176 附錄 8 「國小學童對快樂與生氣情緒圖像之繪畫表現研究」問卷調查 178 附錄 9 兒童家長/法定代理人知情同意書 180 附錄 10質性深度訪談 181

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