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Peter Jean Paul
The Knowledge Integrated Management Model: A Case Study of International Cooperation and Development Fund
指導教授: 施正屏
Shih, Cheng-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 159
中文關鍵詞: 知識管理組織績效知識管理策略知識管理啟動知識建立進程
英文關鍵詞: Knowledge Management, Organizational Performance, Knowledge Management Strategies, Knowledge Management Enablers, Knowledge Creation Process
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:139下載:9
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  • This paper has five research objectives. Firstly, to measure the effect of Knowledge Management (KM) Strategies on KM Enablers; secondly, measure the effect of KM Enablers on the Knowledge Creation Process (KCP); thirdly, to measure the effect of KCP on the three aspects of Organizational Performance; fourthly, to determine if the degree of T-shaped skills affects Organizational Performance in TaiwanICDF; finally, to determine if there is a significant difference in the three aspects of Organizational Performance due to the four KM Styles formed from KM Strategies. A Quantitative Research design was used. 130 questionnaires were handed out, and 128 valid responses were received. The findings indicate that KM Strategies do have a significant effect on KM enablers, which in turn does have a significant effect on the KCP. KCP also has a significant effect on Innovation, Financial Performance and Customer Satisfaction in TaiwanICDF. The degree of T-shaped skills, as well as the KM Styles adopted, do have significant effects on Organizational Performance. Since this is a Case Study, results may not be generalized to all Non-Profit organizations (NPO’s). This paper shows that it is important that TaiwanICDF pay close attention to the KM Strategies and Enablers that they are using, as this can affect the KCP and indirectly affect the organization’s performance. Also, the degree of T-shaped skills present in the organization can impact all three aspects of the organization’s performance. Using a modified KM Model, this paper attempts to make NPO’s aware of the importance of KM variables to Organizational Performance.

    Table of Contents Abstract I Table of Contents III List of Tables VII List of Figures IX CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 Background of Study 1 Purpose of the Study 5 Questions of Study 6 Research Framework 7 Hypotheses 8 Significance of the Study 9 Delimitations and Limitations 11 Definitions of Key Terms 11 Key Assumptions 14 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW 17 Knowledge and Knowledge Management 17 Previous Empirical Studies of Knowledge Management 23 New Integrative Model 34 International Cooperation and Development Fund 51 Chapter III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 55 Research Procedures 55 Research Design 58 Instrumentation 60 Research Subjects and Sampling Plan 63 Validity and Reliability Methods 66 Methods of Data Analysis 68 Pilot Study 74 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS 85 Descriptive Statistics 85 Common Method Bias (CMB) 97 Structural Equation Modeling and Hypothesis Testing 98 CHAPTER V. IMPLICATIONS 111 Research Review 111 Implications from Descriptive Statistics 112 Implications from Research Finding 1 115 Implications from Research Finding 2 117 Implications for Research Finding 3 123 Implications for Research Finding 4 128 Implications for Research Finding 5 130 CHAPTER VI. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 137 Recommendations for Future Research 137 Recommendations for TaiwanICDF 139 CONCLUSIONS 141 REFERENCES 143 APPENDIX A. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONTROLLING FOR COMMON METHOD VARIANCE IN DIFFERENT RESEARCH SETTINGS 151 APPENDIX B. REMEDIES USED TO CONTROL COMMON METHOD BIASES 152 APPENDIX C. RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE (CHINESE VERSION) 153 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Definitions of Knowledge 17 Table 2.2 Classification of Knowledge 19 Table 2.3 Definitions of Knowledge Management 20 Table 2.4 Knowledge Management Strategies 35 Table 2.5 Knowledge Management Process Perspectives 40 Table 2.6 Choi (2002) Research Hypothesis and Results 48 Table 2.7 Current Research Hypothesis Compared to Choi’s Hypothesis 49 Table 3.1 Previously Established Reliability of Variables 59 Table 3.2 Reliability Methods for this Research 63 Table 3.3 Validity Methods for this Research 64 Table 3.4 Hypothesis Tests 71 Table 3.5 KMO and Bartlett’s Test for Sperecity Values 74 Table 3.6 Validity for Items Measuring Knowledge Strategies 75 Table 3.7 Validity for Items Measuring Organizational Performance 76 Table 3.8 Validity for Items Measuring Knowledge Enablers 77 Table 3.9 Validity for Items Measuring Knowledge Creation 78 Table 3.10 Reliability of Variable Scales 79 Table 3.11 Items Discarded 80 Table 4.1 Comparing Sampling and Population Characteristics 82 Table 4.2 Valid and Invalid Responses 84 Table 4.3 Descriptive Statistics for KM Strategies 85 Table 4.4 Descriptive Statistics for Organizational Performance 87 Table 4.5 Descriptive Statistics for Knowledge Enablers 89 Table 4.6 Descriptive Statistics for Knowledge Creation Process 91 Table 4.7 Model Fit Data 94 Table 4.8 SEM Regression Results for KM Enablers with KM Strategies as Predictors 96 Table 4.9 SEM Regression Results for KC Process with KM Enablers as Predictors 97 Table 4.10 SEM Regression Results for Organizational Performance with Knowledge Creation Process as a Predictor 98 Table 4.11 Analysis of Agglomeration Coefficients 104 Table 4.12 Groups for TSS 104 Table 4.13 T-Test Results on 3 Aspects of Organizational Performance 105 Table 4.14 Analysis of Agglomeration Coefficients for Human Strategies 106 Table 4.15 Analysis of Agglomeration Coefficients for System Strategies 107 Table 4.16 Groups for Human and System Strategies 107 Table 4.17 KM Styles Based on Human and System Strategies 107 Table 4.18 ANOVA Results 108 Table 4.19 Scheffe Post-hoc Test 108 Table 4.20 Research Hypothesis and Results 109 Table 5.1 The Practical Relationship of Organizational Performance and Knowledge Creation Process 126 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1. Byounggu Choi’s Integrative Knowledge Management Model. 4 Figure 1.2 Knowledge Integrative Model (K.I.M.) Model. 7 Figure 2.1. Summaries of Relationships between K.M. Variables 25 Figure 2.2. An Integrative Research Framework For Studying Knowledge Management 26 Figure 2.3. Choi’s Integrative Model 16 Figure 2.4. Choi’s Proposed Extended Model 28 Figure 2.5. Hsieh’s Integrative Model for Knowledge Management Performance 30 Figure 2.6. Lee and Lee (2007) Research Model. 31 Figure 2.7. Regression Results from Choi’s Research 32 Figure 2.8. SECI Model (Nonaka and Takeuchi) 42 Figure 3.1. Research Process and Timeline 58 Figure 4.1 SEM Results for the Proposed Model 99 Figure A1. Recommendations for Controlling for Common Method Variance in Different Research Settings 151 Figure B1. Remedies Used to Control Common Method Biases 152

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