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Author: 李宜航
Li, Yi-Hang
Thesis Title: 皮德思(R.S.Peters)的民主教育思想研究
The thought of democratic education of R.S.Peters
Advisor: 林逢祺
Lin, Ferng-Chyi
Degree: 碩士
Department: 教育學系
Department of Education
Thesis Publication Year: 2018
Academic Year: 106
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 108
Keywords (in Chinese): 皮德思民主教育權威道德原則程序原則學校教育博雅教育有教養的人自由人
Keywords (in English): R.S.Peters, Democratic education, authority, moral principles, procedural principles, schooling, liberal education, educated person, free man
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 426Downloads: 31
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  • 本研究以皮德思(Richard S. Peters)的民主教育思想為核心,並輔以分析哲學的取徑:釐清、證成與前提,探究其民主思想與道德原則,進而以教育實踐整合兩者。首先,本文先論其民主思想的內涵,如民主意義之釐清、前提與證成。另外,皮德思也提醒吾人權威在民主社會中的重要性,應加以重視與正用。其次,由於「政治判斷乃道德判斷之放大」,因此若要探究民主政治的運用,勢必須先行探究道德原則,藉由闡發皮氏民主思想中的道德原則,即探究平等、自由、誠實、敬人與利益考量等原則之釐清、證成與前提,有助於吾人掌握其民主思想的精髓。當然,由於程序性道德原則的落實,使得民主社會也得以成就。最後,就民主素養與道德原則之傳遞而言,教育扮演了極為重要的角色。基於皮亞傑與郭爾堡之道德發展階段,皮德思認為透過不同教育階段的實施, 如家庭教育、學校教育與博雅教育等,有助於逐步形塑個人之民主素養與培育個人之道德原則,以期成就民主社會中的良善公民,無疑地,這些良善公民與道德教育的最高理想人格並無二致,他們也是有教養的人及高貴的自由人。

    The purpose of this article focuses on the thought of R.S. Peters’ democratic education, with the approaches of analytical philosophy, such as “clarification”, ”justification” and “presupposition”, exploring Peters’ viewpoints of democracy and moral principles , which are combined by educational practice.

    First, this article explains the contents of Peters’ democratic thought, that is, the clarification, justification and presupposition of democracy. Moreover, Peters reminds us that we should put more emphasis on authority and make good use of it due to its importance in the democratic society.

    Second, according to Peters’ saying that all political decisions are moral decisions “writ large”, we need to understand more about what the moral principles are in order to comprehend what democracy is. As long as we can grasp the moral principles embodied in Peters’ thought of democratic education, such as equality, freedom, truth-telling, respect for persons and consideration of interests, we can know the essence of it very well. Without a doubt, due to the realization of procedural principles of morality, the democratic society is going to emerge as well.

    Finally, as far as the transmission of democratic education and moral principles are concerned, education plays a vital role. Based on Piaget and Kohlberg’s moral development periods, in Peters’ opinion, he considered the three different types of educational practice, the family education, the schooling and the liberal education, helpful to shape everyone’s democratic ideas and moral principles. Thus, we can expect that the achievement of good citizens in today’s democratic society. Most important of all, these good citizens are the same as those who are the educated persons and the free man, that is, the ideal characters of education.

    To sum up, there are three conclusions made by this article. First, as for Peters’ thought of democratic education, the main idea of democracy lies in content, sovereignty, discussion and tolerance. Besides, authority not only helps the democratic practice but also corresponds to the democratic spirits. Second, by the realization of procedural principles of morality, people in democratic society can make adequate moral judgement and behave morally. Third, in different educational periods, the leadership of authority can be beneficial for cultivation of good citizens in the democratic society.

    目次 誌謝詞 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目次 vi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的 7 第三節 研究方法 8 第四節 文獻探討 10 第二章 皮德思的民主思想 19 第一節 民主意義的釐清 19 第二節 民主的預設 30 第三節 民主的證成 34 第三章 民主思想中的平等與自由原則 39 第一節 平等原則 41 第二節 自由原則 52 第四章 民主思想中的敬人、誠實與利益之考量原則 59 第一節 敬人原則 59 第二節 誠實原則 65 第三節 利益之考量原則 68 第五章 民主教育的實施 73 第一節 家庭教育 74 第二節 學校教育 77 第三節 博雅教育 87 第六章 結論 93 第一節 研究成果 94 第二節 後續研究建議 100 參考文獻 103 中文部分 103 西文部分 106

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