簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 顧琛
論文名稱: 尋找舞臺交流的有機性 尋找舞臺交流的有機性——以《最後的瞬間》角色諾埃米為例
Look for the organicity of stage exchange--take Noaimi's imaginative communication in The Last Moment for an example
指導教授: 黎煥雄
Li, Huan-Hsiung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 獨角戲想像物件語言行動形體動作交流
英文關鍵詞: monodrama, Imagine role, Language action, bodies, communication
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205003
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:119下載:15
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  • 摘要

    The article summarizes the one-act play "the last moment," the director, the creative process of the characters in aino m and process performance. Articles to the script interpretation as the basis of creation, dedicated to the general analysis of the script, to achieve the overall depth of cognition to continue to play a comprehensive expression of the system. In the script analysis phase, the author first of all, combine s background of drama creation, from the perspective of political and cultural significance, and other analysis of the script. At the same time, from the Angle of art, the value of the script for further detailed analysis. Secondly, the paper from the aspects of the writer's life background style to read the script, combined with the author's all works to interpret the show. Thus a more comprehensive to read the script.
    After read through the understanding of the script, the article will be from two direction of director structure and performance skills in-depth analysis. A good director conception, can let actors to better grasp the characters of mental activity, and performing operations. According to the stage lighting, the adjustment of the props to match actors performed. So that actors can more accurate performance of the characters through the tragic bumpy life. Perfect utilization and scheduling stage is the key to successful performance. Then the director's idea is more soul leads generally exist in the stage of performance. Design the whole conception of good director, has guidelines as a whole stage, whether the actor on the stage to play the level of analysis or for all aspects of communication, play a supporting role. Wang actors to improve its logical stage, also make actor can more accurately express the characteristics of the character image will stage expression are correct to proceed. Conceived at the same time, a good director, to be able to make the characters image more plump stereo, clearly visible. Finally, the actor's own performance quality is also very important, according to the director of thinking, have to go to train yourself to play the role of the characters, from the age, occupation, social status, habits, and many other aspects, using a variety of means to train yourself and make the actors themselves are highly associated with role itself, let the actors in the limited time to better interpret the characters inner activities, an accurate portrayal of the characters in different times life experiences. And thus complete the performance better.
    In from paper to present on the stage of the play, from the plane of text in the form of the state to perform three-dimensional cross, actors for ideology purport of the script, refining the philosophical connotation of personalized visual condensation, is the foundation of stage role image creation. The author in the interpretations of the debating himself "the last moment,", starting from the role itself, conception created different ages, different stage image of the identity of Amy.

    目錄 第一章 緒論 12 第二章 與想像物件的語言交流 14 第一節 深挖規定情境,確定語言行動 14 一、從劇本出發,深入瞭解戲劇 15 二、切身體會,進入角色 18 第二節 為語言行動找到合理的根據 20 一、與想像物件空間的交流 21 二、化想像物件為現實的交流 24 第三節 給聲音“化妝”,以區分交流物件 27 二、語言的外部技巧 30 第三章 與想像物件的形體交流 34 第一節 借助真實對象,制定場面調度 34 一、舞臺與演員調度 34 二、舞臺美術的調度 37 第二節 構建合乎邏輯的內心視象,設計無實物動作 40 一、利用舞臺空間塑造內心視象 41 二、角色形體動作對角色內心的影響 42 第四章 形象的培育與生成 47 第一節 角色形象的種子 47 一、角色形象種子的構思 47 二、舞臺環境對角色形象的培育 49 三、感官審美生成舞臺形象 52 第二節 角色的塑造 53 一、“形象種子”的萌發 53 二、角色塑造的動作要求 55 三、整體把握角色形象 61 第五章 結 論 66 參考文獻 68 致 謝 70 劇本 73

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