Author: |
劉賢達 Liu Hsien-Ta |
Thesis Title: |
校園網路化組織重整與知識分享之個案研究 A Case Study on Campus Networking Reorganization and Knowledge Sharing |
Advisor: |
Chao, Mei-Sheng |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2005 |
Academic Year: | 94 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 106 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 校園網路化 、組織重整 、知識分享 |
Keywords (in English): | Campus networking, Reorganization, Knowledge sharing |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 667 Downloads: 5 |
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A Case Study on Campus Networking Reorganization and Knowledge Sharing
The study is to discuss how a school’s organization operation and knowledge sharing will be affected after campus networking and to conduct an overview. With the interview method, the researcher presents a case study as an example and captures conclusion as follows by collecting the case’s interior data and the interview analysis of the organization’s members:
1. The organization's members are rotated on an annual basis to different positions, and the rotation will elevate work efficiency while the members also acknowledge the essentiality of technology advancement for reorganization.
As Internet technology has been the main stream in many application areas, knowledge sharing among administration operations becomes comparatively important after information technology is incorporated into a school’s administrative processes. Next, the members have long been much concerned about the work distribution in the interior of the organization. Reorganization is mainly focused on organization restructuring and work redistribution plus incorporates Internet technology into campus; the work of the members is regulated by rotation.
2. Campus networking has a greater impact on users, and these users recognize that the impact will never disappear unless the organization keeps on learning.
In the case provided by the researcher, the school has implemented teaching websites, Digital Archives for Multimedia Database, grade registration system, and on-line test systems etc., after campus networking. Following the technology advances, the needs for teaching support from administrative departments and new campus operating systems will be subsequently incorporated to reconstruct the organization's learning. The study’s data analysis demonstrates favorable assessment of the school organization's members after campus networking.
3. The organization's learning should be directed by school and the organization's members should be backed by professional technology assistants.
School administration staff always rejected Internet technology mentally and rarely learnt new knowledge initiatively. After campus networking, the organization's members proactively adapt themselves to the change. Particularly after reorganization, the members are much more familiar with their work in the organization. From the study analysis we may understand effective organization’s learning performance will only be obtained if the members' demands for learning can be reflected bottom-up.
4. The computer facilities remaining in the same place are regarded as a valid knowledge sharing mechanism after reorganization and following the rotation of the organization's members.
Knowledge sharing turns to be easier after campus networking. However, if the organization fails to establish a powerful mechanism, thorough knowledge sharing will never be achieved, irrespective of the well-developed Internet technology. The study unveils that, after reorganization, the computer facilities in use remain in the same place despite member rotation. By way of such a powerful sharing approach, the related systems, information, tacit knowledge in the computer would be completely shared among all.
Keyword: Campus networking; Reorganization; Knowledge sharing
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