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研究生: 鄭凱夫
Cheng, Kaifu
論文名稱: 中南半島六國投資環境比較─以塑膠加工產業為例
A Study on Investing in Indo-Pacific Peninsula Countries: A case of Plastics Manufacturing Industry
指導教授: 印永翔
Ying, Yung-Hsiang
口試委員: 何宗武
Ho, Tsung-Wu
Yang, Shu-Chun S.
口試日期: 2021/05/27
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 塑膠加工產業海外投資新南向政策中南半島國家經濟越南投資
英文關鍵詞: Plastic Manufacturing Industry, Foreign Direct Investment, New Southbound Policy, Indo-Pacific Peninsula economy, Investing in Vietnam
研究方法: 主題分析現象分析內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100527
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:91下載:14
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  • 塑膠加工產業在臺灣過去70年來的經濟發展中扮演了重要的角色。不僅供應我們日常生活所需的用品,提升了我們的生活水準及便利性,也創造了大量的就業機會,促進了臺灣的經濟成長,更帶動1980年代對外貿易的榮景。然而自1990年代開始,臺灣的塑膠加工產業面臨了工資成本上揚、環保意識抬頭、土地取得不易,等製造成本高漲的經營困難。臺灣國內塑膠加工製品總產值,於1997年達到3,150億台幣後就逐年下滑,然而塑膠原料的外銷產值卻從1997年的540億臺幣,快速增加至2018年的3,500億臺幣。可見臺灣的塑膠加工產業自1997年後,逐漸外移至中國及東南亞國家。

    Plastic manufacturing industries play a critical role during Taiwan economy development in past 70 years. It has not only produced products for our daily life, improve our living quality and convenience, but also created numerous job opportunity. The plastic manufacturing industries enhanced Taiwan economy growth and brought the great prosperity of export trading for Taiwan in 1980s. However, from 1990s, due to the increasing labor cost, raising environmental protective acknowledgment and difficult to acquire land for manufacturing, Taiwan plastic manufacturing industries start to experience raising production cost and operational difficulty. The total production value of the Taiwan plastic manufacturing industries started to decline after the record high of 315 billion NT dollars in 1997. But the total export sales of plastic raw materials growth from 5.4 billion NT in 1997 to 350 billion NT in 2018. Thus, we discover the Taiwan plastic manufacturing industries start moving to China and southeast Asian countries since 1997.
    In recent years, the labor cast has increased in China and the export sales declined by China-America trade conflict. Many Taiwanese plastic manufacturing industries has considered to move their production facilities from China to Taiwan or other southeast Asian countries. Vietnam, located in east part of Indo-pacific peninsulas, have superior physical location and relatively abounding labor force, which are favor factors to attract investment from Taiwanese manufacturers. This thesis focuses on the current situation of Taiwan plastic manufacturing industries. Analyze and compare the economics of six countries in Indo-Pacific peninsulas. Discuss why Vietnam is the future target for investment of Taiwan manufacturing industries.

    第一章 緒論8 第一節 研究動機與目的8 第二節 研究架構10 第三節 預期貢獻11 第二章 產業分析12 第一節 臺灣石化產業的發展與背景12 第二節 臺灣塑膠加工產業的現況19 第三節 產業外移23 第三章 文獻探討27 第一節 古典經濟理論27 第二節 新貿易理論31 第三節 中南半島國家經濟與投資33 第四章 研究方法35 第一節 資料收集35 第二節 名詞解釋37 第三節 分析中南半島各國的資本存量與勞動力39 第四節 分析中國與台灣的資本存量與勞動力44 第五章 實證結果及結論48 第一節 實證結果48 第二節 研究範圍與限制52 第三節 結論與建議53 參考文獻 Bibliography/References 55

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