簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 馮瑞婷
Feng Ruei-Ting
論文名稱: 情境感知式行動戶外生態教學系統建置與應用之研究
The study of Implementation and Application for Context awareness Mobile outdoor ecosystem leaning system
指導教授: 蕭顯勝
Hsiao, Hsien-Sheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 128
中文關鍵詞: 無所不在學習戶外教學情境感知流水學習法
英文關鍵詞: Ubiquitous learning, outdoor learning, context aware, flow learning
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:86下載:17
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  • 近年來環境教育愈來愈受到重視,發展環境教育被視為環境問題解決方式之一,尤其生態教育是環境教育的重要環節,其在學校的推展與落實,更是刻不容緩。本研究以戶外生態教學法-流水學習法設計教學活動,並建置一個具有情境感知的行動戶外生態教學系統,運用個人數位助理與全球定位系統,配合戶外教學之時間、季節中變化與動、植物生長等情況,適時規劃並提供學習者當地情境之教學內容,規劃及建置出一個無所不在學習的戶外生態教學參照模式。
    一、 使用情境感知式行動戶外生態教學系統(實驗組)的學習者在生態保育學習成效上明顯優於以傳統戶外生態教學(對照組)的學習者。
    二、 不同環境行為表現的學習者在學習成就上表現情況如下:
    (一) 環境行為表現低分群組的實驗組學習者在生態保育測驗表現顯著優於對照組學習者。
    (二) 環境行為表現中分群組的實驗組學習者在生態保育測驗表現顯著優於對照組學習者。
    (三) 環境行為表現高分群組的實驗組與對照組學習者在生態保育測驗無顯著差異。
    三、 在質性觀察方面,在學習過程中,實驗組的學習者在學習專注力的表現上優於對照組的教習者。研究結果發現,無論在知識學習或情意感受上,以情境感知式行動戶外生態教學系統進行戶外生態教學是較優於傳統戶外生態教學方式,也證明無所不在學習在生態教學上的有效性。

    The environmental education is more and more important in recent years. The development of environmental education can be treated as the solution of the environment problem. Especially, the ecosystem education is the most important part of environmental education. It is urgent to promote and carry out at school. This research used the method of outdoor ecosystem teaching, called flow learning, to design teaching activities and proposed a system that included context aware and ubiquitous learning factors in outdoor learning. Using personal digital assistant and global positioning system, the proposed system can provide the right learning contents at right place in right time. This thesis does proposed a reference model of outdoor ecosystem teaching in ubiquitous learning environment.
    The research adopts the quasi experiment design method to analyze the effect of the proposed learning system. We selected two classes of students of Bali elementary school in Taipei County as participants in this study. One class of them were placed in the experimental group using the proposed learning system, and the another class were placed in control group, learning ecosystem using traditional outdoor teaching method. After the experiment, statistical methods were used to verify the effect of the proposed system compared with the traditional teaching method. The behaviors of the learners were also observed during the progression of the experiment. Finally, the system satisfaction was investigated from the students. The study proposed the experiment results as follows:
    1. The result of ANCOVA showed that the students’ ecosystem learning effect of the experimental group was significant better than that of the control group.
    2. The learning effects of the different representation of environment behavior students were analyzed in the following:
    (1) The learning effect of the students with lower representation of environment behavior in the experimental group was significant better than that of the control group.
    (2) The learning effect of the students with middle representation of environment behavior in the experimental group was significant better than that of the control group.
    (3) There is no significant difference in the experimental group with control group for the higher representation of environment behavior.
    3. On the qualitative analysis, we found that the focus of students in the experimental group was better than that of students in the control group. According to the research results, the learning effects in cognitive and affection of the proposed system were better than the traditional teaching method. It means that ubiquitous learning is a useful teaching method for the outdoor ecosystem learning.

    中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅲ 目錄 Ⅴ 表次 Ⅶ 圖次 Ⅸ 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起 2 第二節 研究目的 6 第三節 待答問題 7 第四節 研究方法 8 第五節 研究範圍與限制 10 第六節 研究流程與步驟 11 第七節 重要名詞釋義 13 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 無所不在學習 15 第二節 戶外教學 22 第三節 全球定位系統 29 第四節 流水學習法 32 第五節 情境感知 37 第六節 本章結論 42 第三章 研究設計與實施 43 第一節 研究架構 43 第二節 研究設計 44 第三節 研究對象與實施 45 第四節 教學活動設計 47 第五節 研究工具 49 第六節 資料分析 60 第四章 研究結果與討論 63 第一節 不同教學方式對學習者學習成效分析 64 第二節 不同教學方式對學習者環境保育行為表現分析 67 第三節 不同環境保育行為程度的學習者在學習成效之比較 69 第四節 情境感知式行動戶外生態教學活動滿意度調查問卷分析 79 第五節 教學實驗觀察分析 84 第六節 研究結果分析 94 第五章 結論與建議 99 第一節 結論 99 第二節 建議 101 參考文獻 104 附錄 110 附錄一 生態保育知識測驗_前測 110 附錄二 生態保育知識測驗_後測 112 附錄三 環境保育行為量表_前測 114 附錄四 環境保育行為量表_後測 115 附錄五 系統滿意度調查問卷 116 附錄六 行動戶外生態教學系統說明 117

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