Author: |
邱竣義 Chiu, Chun-Yi |
Thesis Title: |
不同臀肌熱身方式對於七人制橄欖球員運動表現的效果 Effects of Different Gluteal Muscle Warm-up Strategies for Rugby Seven Players on Sport Performance |
Advisor: |
Lee, Heng-Ju |
Committee: |
Lee, Heng-Ju 翁明嘉 Weng, Ming-Chia 林建志 Lin, Jian-Zhi |
Approval Date: | 2022/06/28 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
體育與運動科學系 Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2024 |
Academic Year: | 112 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 49 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 臀大肌 、環狀彈力帶 、下蹲跳 、發力率 |
Keywords (in English): | gluteus maximus, mini-band, countermovement jump, rate of force development |
Research Methods: | 實驗設計法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 177 Downloads: 5 |
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爆發力表現是七人制橄欖球運動員相當重要的能力指標,也是決定了運動場上表現好壞的關鍵。先前研究指出臀部肌群對於爆發力動作有著相當大的貢獻,但各種臀肌熱身運動提升爆發力的效果及機制還存在著不確定性。本研究探討以四種臀肌熱身方式介入後,對於隨後爆發力表現的差異、以及肌肉活化的影響。招募10名大學甲組橄欖球隊員 (年齡:20.30 ± 1.06歲;身高:176.36 ± 3.11公分;體重:81.58 ± 8.43公斤),實驗採隨機交叉設計進行槓鈴臀推、環狀彈力帶、單腳橋式、及休息情境等四種熱身的介入,在介入前、介入後休息0、5、10、15分鐘時,以Kisler測力板收集下蹲跳的動力學參數、測量40公尺衝刺速度、及以Delsys表面肌電儀測量臀大肌與股外側肌的肌電訊號。以One-way ANOVA分析運動表現在各個後測時間點之四種介入方式的差異、及肌電訊號的變化情形,再以LSD法進行事後比較,顯著水準訂為α= .05。槓鈴臀推於介入後15分鐘 (p=.047) 之0-20公尺衝刺速度顯著優於休息及單腳橋式;環狀彈力帶及單腳橋式在介入後0分鐘 (p=.032) 之發力率顯著優於休息,在介入後10分鐘之跳躍高度及最大功率顯著優於休息 (p=.014; p=.036);且環狀彈力帶在介入後10分鐘 (p=.049) 之0-20公尺衝刺速度顯著優於休息及單腳橋式;環狀彈力帶在休息後0、5、10分鐘之臀大肌EMG訊號顯著低於前測 (p=.039)。綜上所述,環狀彈力帶及單腳橋式對於下蹲跳有較佳的效果,而環狀彈力帶及槓鈴臀推對於加速度有較佳的效果,建議可依照球員屬性以及任務的分配,決定最適合的賽前臀肌熱身方式。
Explosive performance is an essential physical ability of Rugby sevens players, which is also a critical factor determining their performance. Previous studies had pointed out that the gluteal muscles considerably contribute to explosive movements. However, the effects and mechanisms of different gluteal muscle exercises as interventional methods to enhance explosive performance are still uncertain. This article investigated the acute impact of four different warm-up methods of gluteal muscles on explosive performance. There were ten rugby sevens players recruited in this study which used crossover designed. The intervention was to provide four different warm-up methods to activate gluteal muscles before physical assessments which was the barbell hip thrust, the mini-band, the single-leg bridge, and the control. Kinetic parameters of CMJ were measured by force plate (Kisler). 40m sprints were also assessed. Isometric muscle strength of gluteus maximus was assessed by Hand-Held Dynamometer (Gerin) before and after the intervention immediately, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the differences in each intervention. Post-hoc was applied when the difference was significant. The significance level was defined at α= .05. For the barbell hip thrust, the rate of force development (RFD) after a 5-minute rest was significantly greater compared to the control (p=.041), the jump height at 10 (p=.023) and 15 (p=.012) minutes after rest was significantly greater than that of the bridge exercise intervention, and the isometric muscle strength of the gluteus maximus at 10 minutes after rest was also greater than the control group (p=.001). The sprint speed of 0-20m after a 15-minute rest was significantly better compared with the bridge (p=.015) and control (p=.039); For the mini-band intervention, the sprint speed of 0-20m after a 5-minute rest was significantly better than the control group (p=.026), the sprint speed of 40m after 5 minutes rest was significantly better compared with the control (p=.003) and the bridge (p=.042); the isometric muscle strength of the gluteus maximus was significantly greater after 10-minutes rest for the bridge compared with the control (p=.003). Compared with the other intervention, using the resistance equipment activation method of the barbell hip thrust might be more helpful for the jumping mode. Still, it may cause the accumulation of physical fatigue in a short time, and the gain of the explosive effect will appear later. Although the mini-band intervention did not significantly increase glute strength, however, it significantly increased sprint speed after 5 minutes of rest. The bridge exercise intervention did not show much in gluteal muscle activation. It is suggested that the most suitable pre-match glute activation method can be selected according to competition considerations.
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