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研究生: 陳中雲
論文名稱: 國小教師休閒參與.休閒效益與工作滿意之關係研究
指導教授: 李晶
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 195
中文關鍵詞: 休閒參與休閒效益工作滿意
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:352下載:312
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  • 中文摘要 本研究主要目的在探討國民小學教師休閒參與、從參與休閒活動中所感受的效益對工作滿意之關係。休閒效益所探討的包含生理效益、心理效益、社交效益、教育效益四個構面。工作滿意探討的包含個人機會、薪資福利、行政督導、整體環境、工作本身及人際關係六個構面。本研究以台北縣公立國民小學合格教師為研究對象,採便利取樣之方式,採用問卷進行調查。研究工具包括休閒參與量表、休閒效益量表與工作滿意量表,以單因子變異數分析(one way ANOVA)及Tukey事後考驗等統計方法進行分析,結果發現:一、台北縣國小教師休閒參與頻率偏低,以『知識性休閒活動』參與頻率最高,而以『服務性休閒活動』參與頻率最低,同時不同性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、擔任職務及任教類別之教師在休閒參與頻率方面有顯著的差異存在,年資方面則無差異。二、在休閒效益的感受方面,台北縣國小教師在整體休閒效益感受頗高,以『心理效益』最高,而以『教育效益』的感受最低,同時在不同性別、年資、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況的教師,休閒效益感受並無差異,而不同職務及任教類別之教師在休閒效益感受有顯著的差異存在。三、台北縣國小教師的工作滿意程度尚屬滿意,其中以『人際關係』最高,而『薪資福利』的滿意度最低,同時在不同性別、年資、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、職務及任教類別的教師,工作滿意有顯著差異存在。四、休閒參與、休閒效益對工作滿意有正向關係,以教育效益對工作滿意助益較高,而社交效益、休憩性休閒活動及服務性休閒活動對工作滿意亦有正向的影響。本研究證明了休閒參與、休閒效益對於工作滿意有正面的影響,因此建議教育當局及學校行政單位,利用教師進修規劃不同類型之休閒活動,提昇休閒活動參與頻率與機會,同時著重於具有教育效益、社交效益之休閒活動及休憩性與服務性休閒活動的參與,以提昇教師的工作滿意度,塑造優質的教育環境。關鍵詞:休閒參與、休閒效益、工作滿意 Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate elementary teachers’ leisure participation, experience in leisure benefits, and work satisfaction in Taipei County. Leisure benefits contain four categories: physiological benefits, psychological benefits, social benefits, educational benefits. Work satisfaction includes six dimensions, which are opportunity for promotion, reward, administration, working environment, relationships with colleagues, and loading. The study was conducted by convenient sampling. The subjects were selected from certified public elementary school teachers sampled from those in Taipei County. The research instruments comprise the scale of leisure participation, the scale of leisure benefit, and the scale of work satisfaction . Collected data have been analyzed through One-Way ANOVA and Tukey’s honestly significant difference. Research results are concluded as follows: 1. The participation frequency in leisure activities for elementary school teachers in Taipei County is low. The participation in learning activities is the highest and the participation in voluntary activities is the lowest. There are significant differences in teachers participating in leisure activities. These variables include sex, age, educational level, marital status, working position, and course subject teachers conduct. The length of service is not a significant factor. 2. The leisure benefits experienced by elementary school teachers in Taipei County are high. The greatest is psychological benefits, while the lowest is educational benefits. The leisure benefits are not significant different among teachers who have different gender, length of service, age, educational level, and marital status. However, both working position and course subject teachers conduct show a significant difference in experienced leisure benefits. 3. Elementary school teachers in Taipei County are satisfied with their work. They are most content with their relationships with co-workers. They derive the least satisfaction from work reward. There are significant differences among teachers who have different sex, length of service, age, educational level, marital status, work position and course subject teachers conduct. 4. Leisure participation and benefits have a positive influence upon work satisfaction. Educational benefits,which is an element of leisure benefits, increases work satisfaction the most. Social benefits, recreational and voluntary activities also have a positive impact on work satisfaction. The study has proved that leisure participation and benefits have a positive influence upon work satisfaction. The study suggests to department of education and the administration in schools for consideration: utilize the time of on-the-job training for teachers to plan various leisure activities and the participation frequency and opportunities should be increased. The importance of participating in leisure activities with educational and social benefits, and that of participating in recreational and voluntary activities should be stressed to boost teachers’ work satisfaction and develop an educational environment of quality. Key words:leisure participation, leisure benefits, work satisfactions.