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研究生: 陳雅芊
Chen, Ya-Chien
論文名稱: 以溝通式教學策略發展國中科學課堂裡的探究式對話之行動研究
An Action Research on Using Communicative Approaches to Foster Discourse of Inquiry in Science Class of a Junior High School
指導教授: 林君憶
Lin, Chun-Yi
口試委員: 陳麗華 陳育霖 林君憶
口試日期: 2022/01/18
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 課程與教學研究所
Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 220
中文關鍵詞: 溝通式教學策略探究式教學探究式對話科學教育
英文關鍵詞: Communicative approaches, Inquiry-based teaching, Discourse of inquiry, Science education
研究方法: 行動研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200117
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:471下載:26
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  • 本研究中在探究5E教學模式下,如何運用溝通式教學策略發展科學課室中探究式對話。本研究探討以下研究問題:(一)教師如何在探究教學歷程中,運用溝通式教學策略以發展科學課堂中的探究式對話。(二)教師在實施歷程中面臨的困境與因應之道。

    本研究為行動研究,研究參與者為研究者任教之北部某國中八年級某班學生。為了發展課室中的探究式對話,研究者以5E教學模式結合溝通式教學策略為理論基礎,設計共 20節教學方案,單元內容包含理化科波動及光學。接著,由研究者進行六週的教學,過程中研究者每週進行探討與修正,包含分析資料並與協同研究者討論、反思來調整已實施的教學方案並檢視後續的教學策略設計。本研究發現包含:
    (一) 在教師教學層面,可根據單元性質、5E探究歷程各階段之教學目的,以及當下的情形作策略選擇,在合適的時機發展學生的探究對話。
    (二) 在學生學習層面,教師運用「多種聲音、多種想法」的溝通式教學策略能提供學生大量發展探究對話,培養與教師及同儕進行對話之能力,也可以在課堂後延伸探索。
    (三) 為讓學生協同探究時能更投入於探索,教師應提高挑戰。學生若具體瞭解學習任務及目標,便能透過探究對話與同儕協作處理更高層次的挑戰而獲得成就感,持續其學習動機。
    (四) 教師實施時,除了課程的充分設計,也需進行學習者評估,讓學生有足夠時間去理解彼此的想法。透過溝通進行更高複雜性探索,因此教師在時間及方法上應保留調整空間。
    (五) 反思能夠幫助學生檢視自我學習,也藉機讓學生理解分組學習的意義——在科學對話中,透過與他人協作可獲得更多能力以處理更高的挑戰,也增加學習的擁有感。


    In this research, under the context of the 5E instructional model, the communicative approaches are used as the main theoretical basis to develop discourse of inquiry in science class. According to the research purpose, two research questions are extended to explore: (1) The ways teachers use communicative approaches to develop discourse of inquiry in science classrooms in the process of inquiry teaching. (2) The difficulties encountered by teachers and the ways to respond during implementation.

    This research adopts action research, and the research participants are eighth-grade students in a junior high school in northern Taiwan. To research the scientific discourse of inquiry, a total of 20 lessons were designed, including wave and optics in physics. The study lasted for six weeks. During the process, I weekly analyzed the data, reflected and discussed with the co-researcher, adjusted teaching strategies, and revised the lesson plans. Findings from this study include:
    (1) Regarding teaching, the teacher's communicative approaches can be selected according to the nature of the unit, the teaching purpose of each stage of the 5E inquiry process, and the current situation; students' inquiry dialogue can be developed at an appropriate time.
    (2) Regarding students' learning, the “multiple voices, multiple ideas” communicative approach provides students with many developmental inquiry dialogues. Students develop the ability to communicate with teachers and peers from the surface to a deep level, and can also extend their exploration through “open inquiry”.
    (3) To allow students to be more engaged in exploring science, teachers should raise the level of challenges. If students have a detailed understanding of the learning tasks and goals, they will be able to deal with higher-level of challenges through inquiry dialogue and peer collaboration, gain a sense of achievement, reach the flow state, and maintain their motivation to science learning.
    (4) When the teaching is implemented, in addition to the complete design of the course, it is also necessary to consider students’ learning conditions. Students should have enough time to understand each other’s ideas and obtain higher-level and complex scientific explorations through communication. There should be room for adjustments to time and method.
    (5) Reflection can help students examine their learning conditions, and also take the opportunity to help students understand the meaning of group learning. In scientific discourse, students can help each other gain more ability to deal with higher tasks and challenges through group collaborative learning, and they can also increase their ownership of learning.

    This research also has some suggestions: For science teaching, the inquiry-based discourse enables students to discover their potential, and the learning method of scientific inquiry based on evidence can also cultivate students' scientific spirit and contribute to their career development. For researchers in related fields, first, the core concepts should be selected in the initial design, and should leave room for flexible adjustment. Second, qualitative data should be collected and analyzed at the same time, so that teaching can be continuously revised. Third, conduct long-term research on specific students to explore the development of dialogue from the students' perspectives. For teachers, let yourself follow the flow state, gradually increase the challenge and improve the ability of inquiry teaching. Do not be in a hurry, just do one thing at a time. Second, by sharing teaching stories with others, more meaningful reflection and discovery can be obtained.

    This is a bright future vision that students will be able to develop independent thinking, collaboration, to enhance students' ability to learn natural sciences and respond to scientific problems encountered in the real world.

    第一章 緒論 1  第一節 研究背景與動機 1  第二節 研究目的與待答問題 3  第三節 名詞釋義 4  第四節 研究範圍與限制 6 第二章 文獻探討 7  第一節 科學探究教學 7  第二節 探究式對話 12  第三節 能夠促進探究式對話的教學策略 19  第四節 能夠檢核科學探究式對話教學實施之研究工具 21 第三章 研究設計與實施 27  第一節 研究設計與流程 27  第二節 研究者教學經驗背景與理念 30  第三節 研究場域參與者及協同研究者 31  第四節 教學方案設計理念及內涵 32  第五節 研究工具選用說明 38  第六節 資料蒐集與分析 45  第七節 研究倫理及研究信實度 52 第四章 研究結果與討論 55  第一節 教學實施準備期 56  第二節 教學實施初期 67  第三節 教學實施中期 81  第四節 教學實施後期 104 第五章 結論與建議 121  第一節 研究結論 121  第二節 研究建議 129 參考文獻 133 附錄一 5E教學階段內容總表 137 附錄二 科學課室對話量表(DiISC)(探究與口說對話) 141 附錄三 校方研究知情書 145 附錄四 研究參與者知情同意書 147 附錄五 協同研究者參與研究同意書 149 附錄六 本研究實施單元對應108課綱之學習內容 151 附錄七 各單元教學方案與學習單 153

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