研究生: |
鄭伊雯 Cheng, Yi-Wen |
論文名稱: |
文化參與之研究:以雲門舞集為例 Case Study of Cultural Participation: Cloud Gate Dance Foundation and Cloud Gate 2 |
指導教授: |
Ho, Kang-Kuo |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
表演藝術研究所 Graduate Institute of Performing Arts |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 135 |
中文關鍵詞: | 文化公民權 、文化參與 、雲門舞集 、雲門2 |
英文關鍵詞: | cultural participation, cloudgate, cloudgate2, art blossom |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:307 下載:10 |
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本研究透過文化公民權的內涵—「文化參與」為基礎,以雲門舞集、雲門2做為主題案例研究。雲門舞集以「跳臺灣人的舞」為宗旨於臺灣深耕多年,後因日益漸多的海外邀請演出行程,而無法繼續深入每個鄉鎮,爾後,雲門舞集創辦人林懷民於1999年創辦「雲門2」,雲門2的成立理念有兩個,第一是給予年輕編舞家表現的機會、年輕舞者表演的舞台,第二則為繼續推廣藝術表演,讓較偏遠於都會圈、較少機會踏入正式表演廳、較少機會接觸藝術活動的民眾,得以有機會能夠近距離欣賞藝術之美,傳承「為全民起舞」的理想與傳統 ,希冀藉此達到美學教育培養,文化公民權的落實與文化的自我認同。雲門2被賦予、被交接的使命,除了單純的藝術表演,亦以『駐在(場域)』的方式做推廣教育,遵循回饋鄉土的初衷,達成使命傳承 。
Lung Ying-tai, former Minister of Council for Cultural Affairs of the Republic of China, emphasized the core value of cultural policy on her inauguration. The proposed cultural policy covers a diverse range of concepts, including: the implementation of civil cultural rights, the development of environmental aesthetics, and the maintenance of cultural values. These three concepts need four elements as starting points: localization, globalization, cloud computing, and value realization. With the policy proposed by Lung, Council for Cultural Affaires is hoping to achieve the following objectives: to broaden the influence of arts and culture locally, to help more performing arts groups head oversea, to cloud computerize database, and to enrich the Taiwanese public’s aesthetic appreciation.
This study begins with the analysis of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre which based on Taiwan, as more oversea performance invitations poured in, Cloud Gate could hardly spent time or resources on every single local region. Therefore, in 1999, the founder of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, Lin Hwai-Min, formed Cloud Gate 2. The idea of Cloud Gate 2 was not only to create more opportunities for young Taiwanese choreographers and dancers, but also to expose residents in remote villages to arts and cultural activities through continual promotion. “Dance for all” has long been the core philosophy of Cloud Gate, showing Cloud Gate’s dedication to arts and cultural education. Cloud Gate 2 has inherited this philosophy. In additional to performance touring, Cloud Gate 2 also send teams to stay in various places so as to conduct further education, making contribution to local communities.
The researcher began the study based on the concept of the full implementation of civil cultural rights, using the concept of cultural localization and cultural participation as support. This study applied qualitative methods. The researcher conducted interviews with Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, the organizers, and the other from the general public in order to gain deep knowledge of the overall process and its influence. More importantly, by having in-depth understating of the interaction between the performing groups and the general public, the researcher sought to thoroughly examine the effect. The researcher hopes this study will provide future studies with information in regards to Taiwanese performing arts group.
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