簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 紀美華
Mei-Hua Chi
論文名稱: 臺灣社會圖像與人文心象
Taiwan Pictorial and Literate Image
指導教授: 蘇憲法
Su, Hsien-Fa
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 社會圖像人文心象寫實象徵
英文關鍵詞: pictorial image, literate image, realistic, symbolist
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:133下載:28
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  • 本創作論文『臺灣社會圖像與人文心象』,為探討臺灣社會人民的生活現狀及思想現况,因社會現狀是具體可見的,故稱為『社會圖像』,在創作上採取具象表現技法;人民思想則較不具體,但需用感覺的,故稱為『人文心象』,在創作上採取象徵表現技法。

    The thesis on the subject of “ The visual image of Taiwan society and the mental representation of the people of Taiwan” is to examine the living circumstances and the mentality of the contemporary Taiwan. As the state of the society is visible and concrete, the author adopts the concrete expressional approach in her artwork. On the other hand, as the mentality of people is hard to present through concrete images, it should convey through feelings and emotions, hence the author uses the symbolic expressional approach.
    The accumulation of human living creates culture. Through language and literature, the culture survives generation after generation. Due to human migration, the cultures of different human races encountered, confronted, and further integrated to create new culture forms. Taiwan is the origin of Austronesian Culture, and it has been through the reign of the Dutch colonialists, the Ming (Chinese Zheng Clan) Dynasty, the Ching Dynasty, the Japan occupation and the Kuomintang government. Taiwan has incorporated the cultures of the Ming (Chinese Zheng Clan) and the Ching dynasty. Nevertheless, though the Taiwanese culture was originated from the Han Culture, Taiwan has developed a diverse culture of its own after hundreds of years of hybridization of different cultures.
    Under the capitalist policies, the natural environment in Taiwan has been severely damaged, and there are constant conflicts between different social classes; the people of Taiwan feel less hopeful toward the future. The author presents the footprint of Taiwan’s past from a humanitarian perspective. She demonstrates the contemporary world by realistic painting, and with optimism, she portraits the multicultural Taiwan society through symbolic approach. It is a happy, hospitable and hopeful society in her paintings.
    The first chapter of this paper researches on the causes of the current state of Taiwan and the social responsibility of an artist. The second chapter introduces the thinking process of defining the thesis subject as a way to show concerns for the society. The third chapter explains the media, form and method of the artworks. The fourth chapter examines the intellectual process of creating, the form of expression and the concept and major significance of the artworks. The fifth chapter reviews the development of her thinking and mindset throughout the past 30-year practice as an artist, and reaffirms the focus and theme of her artistic creation in showing caring for the society. In the meantime, she depicts the Taiwanese society and demonstrates love for the country through various methods and materials, and ultimately with a humorous attitude and an open mind.

    臺灣社會圖像與人文心象 ﹝Taiwan Pictorial and Literate Image﹞ 論 文 目 次 第一章 緒論.………………………………………………………………1 第一節 前言.…………………………………………………………1 第二節 創作研究之動機與目的.……………………………………5 第三節 創作研究之範圍.……………………………………………9 一、創作內容的範圍.………………………………………9 二、表現形式的範圍………………………………………11 第二章 創作思想及理論基礎……………………………………………12 第一節 創作理念……………………………………………………12 第二節 東、西方藝術之衝擊………………………………………14 第三節 本土化與國際化之省思……………………………………17 第四節 創作之理論基礎……………………………………………19 一、視覺寫實與視覺表現研究……………………………19 二、寫實與象徵的思維……………………………………25 第三章 創作內容、形式、技法與媒材…………………………………27 第一節 創作內容……………………………………………………27 一、社會圖像系列…………………………………………28 二、人文心象系列…………………………………………30 第二節 創作形式……………………………………………………31 一、以視覺寫實方式表現風土、民情等群像..…31 二、以類自然主義與類印象派技法來吟咏大地..32 三、以象徵、綜合媒材技法表現人文心象………………33 第三節 創作技法與媒材………………………………………….34 一、技法……………………………………………………35 二、媒材.…………………………………………………38 第四章 作品解說...………………………………………………………39作品一:巍峨玉山……………………………………………39 作品二:夜市闔家同樂圖…………………………………………41 作品三:龍山寺……………………………………………………43 作品四:阿美族歌舞揚名四海.……………………………….45 作品五:震不垮的生命力.…………………………………….47 作品六:臺灣山海戀組曲.…………………………………….49 作品七:野柳變奏曲……………………………………………53 作品八:温泉精靈與美女的對話…………………………………55 作品九:永夜長眠………………………………………………57 作品十:快樂希望………………………………………………59 第五章 結論...……………………………………………………………61 一、創作回願...………………………………………………………61 二、創作展望...………………………………………………………62 圖目錄...……………………………………………………………………63 參考書目...…………………………………………………………………65

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