研究生: |
論文名稱: |
國小一般智能優異班教師自我效能模式之驗證暨相關因素之研究 Verification of Self-efficacy Model on Elementary Gifted Resourceroom Teacher and its Correlastive Factors |
指導教授: |
Lin, Hsin-Tai |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 258 |
中文關鍵詞: | 教師自我效能 、教師自我效能模式 、國小資優班教師 、相關因素 |
英文關鍵詞: | Teacher Self-efficacy, Model o f Teacher Self-efficacy, Elementary Resourceroom Teacher, Correlative Factors |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:569 下載:27 |
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1. 本研究經嚴謹編製過程,設計出適合國小一般智能優異班教師使用的自我效能,教學成敗歸因,社會評價知覺及 學校氣氛量表,惟若干量表的信度和效度仍可再加修正.
2.教師自我效能與教師主觀知覺變項的關係較為密切;與個人背景變項則因變項不同(學歷,專業訓練,服務年資)而 有差異.至於個人背景變項與教師主觀知覺變項的關係不太明確.
3.本研究所提的"國小一般智能優異班教師自我效能模式",經線性結構關係(LISREL)的驗證和分析,獲得實證資料的 支持.也就是說,教師自我效能模式可以用來解釋國小一般智能優異班教師自我效能的情形.教師自我效能是一複雜 概念,必須同時兼顧教師對於教學成敗歸因,學校氣氛,班級學生特質及社會評價等變項的主觀知覺感受,才能有效 提高教師自我效能.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of self-efficacy on elementary gifted resoureroom teacher with teacher background and subjective perception variables, as well as to construct the model of teacher self-efficacy, and to apply Linear Structural Relations to identify the goodness of fit.
The sample of this studt consisted of 310 teachers, who came from elementary gifted resourceroom class in Taiwan, 253available samples were employed (81.6%). Instruments consisted of the "Inventory of Self-efficacy on Elementary Gifted Resourceroom Class Teacher","Scale of Teaching Attritubes", Social Evaluation Perception Scales","Questionnaire of student temperament", and "School Climate Scale". Obtained quantative data were analyzed by product-moment correlation, t-test, ANOVA test, MANOVA test, and LISREL test. Main research findings were as follows:
1.The relibility and avalidity of some scales still need to modify and refined.
2.Teachers' self-efficacy and subjective perception variables have close relationships;as to backgroung variables, differences are indicated by variables(degree, training, year). The relationships between teacherbacckground variables and subjective perception variables are obscure.
3.The model submitted by researcher has got the goodness of fit. That is, the model can explain practical status of self-efficacy on elementary gifted resourceroom class teacher. To sum up, if we want rto effectively prompt teachers' self-efficacy, teachers' sense of subjective perception toward teaching attributes, school climate, social evalution, student temperament and social evaluation need to be considered as well.
3.王振德(民85):資優教育的師資 培育.教育資料集刊,21輯,125-143頁.
10.吳武典(民86):教育改革與資優教育.特殊教育季刊,63, 1-7頁.
11.周新富(民80):國民小學教師專業承諾,教師效能信念與學生學業關係之研究.國立高雄師範大學教育研究碩士論 文(未出版)
13.林海清(民85):高中教師激勵模式與教學效能之研究, 國立政治大學"教育與心理研究",19期,59-92頁.
16.邵俊德(民84):高中音樂資優生自我效能感與生涯決定之研究.國立台灣師範大學教育研究所碩士 論文.
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王振德(民85):資優教育的師資培育。教育資料集刊, 21輯, 125-
研究所集刊, 28輯, 75-97頁。
紀。國立台灣師範大學特殊教育學系(所), 1-19頁。
吳武典(民86):教育改革與資優教育。特殊教育季刊, 63, 1-7頁。
林幸台(民85):資優教育研究的回顧與檢討。教育資料集刊, 21輯,
學「教育與心理研究」, 19期, 59-92頁。
育與心理研究」, 18期, 165-192頁。
張蓓莉、廖永 (民84):台灣地區特殊教育暨殘障福利機構簡介。國
師範教育政策與問題, 313-334頁。
育季刊, 50期, 15-19頁。
季刊, 26期, 1-5頁。
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一. 中文部份
教育研究學刊, 8期, 249-264頁。
王振德(民85):資優教育的師資培育。教育資料集刊, 21輯, 125-
研究所集刊, 28輯, 75-97頁。
紀。國立台灣師範大學特殊教育學系(所), 1-19頁。
吳武典(民86):教育改革與資優教育。特殊教育季刊, 63, 1-7頁。
林幸台(民85):資優教育研究的回顧與檢討。教育資料集刊, 21輯,
學「教育與心理研究」, 19期, 59-92頁。
育與心理研究」, 18期, 165-192頁。
張蓓莉、廖永 (民84):台灣地區特殊教育暨殘障福利機構簡介。國
師範教育政策與問題, 313-334頁。
育季刊, 50期, 15-19頁。
季刊, 26期, 1-5頁。
二. 英文部份
Anderson, R., Greene, M., & Loewen, P. (1988). Relationships
among teachers' and students' thinking skills,
sense of efficacy, student achievement.
Journal of Educational Research, 34, 148-165.
Alley, R., & Ballenger, M. (1990). Moonlighting teachers leave
reform efforts in the dark. Journal of School
Administrator, 47, 20-23.
Armor, D., Conry-Oseguera, P., Cox, M., King, N., McDonnell,
L., Pascal, A., Pauly, E., & Zellman, G. (1976).
Analysis of the schools preferred reading
program in selected Los Angeles Minority
Schools. Santa Monica, CA: The Rand
Ashton, P. (1984). Teacher efficacy: A Motivational paradigm
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