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研究生: 鄒隆萍
Chou, Lung-Ping
論文名稱: OEM/ODM 廠商新產品開發模式與策略之研究-以光通廠商E公司為例
The Strategy and Modeling of New Product Development by OEM/ODM--A Case Study of E Company in the Optical Communication Industry
指導教授: 蕭中強
Hsiao, Chung-Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 新產品開發核心競爭力專案管理資源
英文關鍵詞: new product development, core technology capabilities, project management, resource
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203033
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:182下載:0
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  • 回顧台灣自1980進入電子資訊工業,成為國際PC大廠的主要代工夥伴,代工業不僅為台灣創造經濟奇蹟,也讓台灣產生世界級代工大廠。進入二十一世紀,智慧型手機、物聯網、大數據的興起,光通訊產業被賦予資訊進入雲端的重要傳輸方式,雖為明日之星的產業,但市場競爭益加激烈險峻,產品可靠度驗證要求嚴苛,進化和替換快速,研發生產設備投資金額高;因此,光通訊廠商除了應持續強化其核心能力外,更需著墨於未來新產品開發的規劃、保持市場高度敏感,以維持企業永續競爭力。

    本研究以個案OEM/ODM 光通廠商E公司為例,探討企業應如何運用既有的核心技術進行新產品開發,以極大化公司研發效益,進一步擺脫OEM/ODM 受客戶牽制的困境並增進新產品開發的成功率。本研究採用質性研究之個案研究方法,除了進行新產品開發相關文獻探討、蒐集與整理產業新產品開發實務外,並針對個案公司外部、內部及參與新產品開發專案的相關人員,進行深度訪談以獲取多方資訊,交叉驗證。本研究歸納新產品開發之策略性決策應考量以下三面向:
    藉由本研究新產品開發策略與模式之導入,將有助於企業提升新產品開發效益與長期市場競爭優勢。以E公司為例,經參酌本研究發現於其新產品開發案規劃後,E公司將其所需要的技術資源以專案型式橫向連結不同部門的專長,將資源進行整合,新舊技術團隊藉由參與新產品專案的過程,互相學習不同產品的新知,建立有機企業的良性互動和成長,並將新產品技術結合E公司既有的核心競爭力,機構設計及實現量產能力,補強E公司不足的技術缺口-光學設計、電子和微機電能力,使E公司從零組件供應商的角色提升為解決方案提供商(Solution Provider),並且與供應商和客戶開啟創新的合作模式。

    Recalling Taiwan since 1980 entered the electronic information industry as the main international OEM foundry partners. OEM manufacturers businesses excel not only to create economic miracle, but also make Taiwan the world-class OEM factory. Into twenty-first century, the rise of smart phones, Internet of Things, Big data, Optical Communications industry has become the major medium to provide the information into the cloud as an important way of transmission. Although it is the rising star of the industry, the market competition is fierce and dangerous, with strict product reliability, short product life cycle, fast product evolving, replacement and high level of investment. Consequently, Optical Communication industry has to continuing to strengthen its core competencies, plan for new product development ahead and maintain a high degree of sensitivity to the market in order to maintain sustainable competitiveness into the future.
    This case study takes case OEM/ODM manufacturer as an example to explore how enterprises should use existing core technology for new product development to maximize the research and development benefits of the company, and further to get rid of the restraints from OEM/ODM customers to increase the success rate of new product. This study adopts the case study method of qualitative research, in addition to conducting new product development related literatures, collecting and organizing new product development practices of industry, and conducting in-depth interviews with relevant personnel from external, internal and new product development team to obtain multi-party information for cross validation. To summarize the strategic decision-making of new product development should consider the following three aspects:
    1. The planning of new products, active grasp of the market opportunities. Besides focusing on the development of important decision factors and technical feasibility of new product development, it is more important to look at the new blueprint for new product planning in the next three to five years or even 10 years. Enterprises should provide with core technical capabilities and focus on unfulfilled market demand to withstand future market changes.
    2. New product development should be based on the core technology and capabilities of the enterprise, and through the development of the emerging market opportunities or the control over next generation of potential niche product, continuous expansion and extension of the enterprise's existing core technology and capabilities.
    3. New product development should seek to maximize the benefits of development resources and maintain long-term competitive leadership. Enterprises should effectively manage and integrate internal and external R & D resources, and to ensure the sustainable management of internal R & D resources to enhance and strengthen the capacity of innovation and core technology, in order to be able to continue to maintain the steps ahead of the competition's product line.
    Introduction of the new product development strategies and models will help enterprises to raise the efficiency of new product development and long-term competitive advantage. Take E company as an example, study found in its new product development plan, E company will need to link the technical resources horizontally which consist with department of expertise. The old and new technical team learns the new knowledge of different products by participating in the process of the new product project, which establishes the positive interaction and the growth of the enterprise. Combining the new product technology with the mechanical design and mass production capability, technology gaps were able to reinforcement. E company transforms from components provider to solution providers with optical design, electronic and MEMS capabilities, which also create an innovative collaboration model with suppliers and customers.
    Keywords: new product development, core technology capabilities, project management, resource

    目錄 第一章 緒論 12 第一節 研究背景 12 第二節 研究動機 12 第三節 研究範疇 13 第四節 研究目的 15 第五節 研究流程 15 第二章 文獻探討 17 第一節 新產品的定義及分類 17 第二節 新產品開發的流程架構 21 第三章 研究方法 24 第一節 個案研究 24 第二節 深度訪談法 25 第四章 個案分析 32 第一節 個案公司介紹及產業現況與發展 32 第二節 新產品開發專案之產品介紹 40 第三節 新產品開發流程 41 第四節 新產品開發之行銷規劃 72 第五節 新產品開發專案執行規劃 77 第五章 研究結論與建議 81 第一節 研究結論 81 第二節 研究貢獻 82 第三節 本研究所提出的創新觀點 82 第四節 本研究所提出的創新解決方案 82 第五節 研究限制與建議 83 文獻參考 84 附錄 86

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