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研究生: 林美芳
論文名稱: 臺北市高職學生完美主義、生活壓力與憂鬱傾向之相關研究
A Study of the Relationships among Perfectionism, Life Stress and Depression for Vocational High School Students in Taipei City
指導教授: 陳李綢
Chen, Li-Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 136
中文關鍵詞: 完美主義生活壓力憂鬱傾向
英文關鍵詞: perfectionism, life stress, depression
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:320下載:38
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  • 本研究旨在瞭解不同背景變項的臺北市高職學生在完美主義、生活壓力與憂鬱傾向之差異情形,同時探討臺北市高職學生完美主義、生活壓力與憂鬱傾向之間的關係。本研究以1,244 位臺北市高職一至三年級的學生為研究對象,採用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,以「多元完美主義量表」、「生活壓力量表」及「流行病學研究中心量表」為研究工具,所得資料以描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析、單因子單變量變異數分析、t 檢定、皮爾森積差相關及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,本研究主要結果如下:





    The purpose of the study was to investigate the differences in perfectionism, life stress, and depression among vocational high school students of different background variables, as well as to explore the relationships among perfectionism, life stress, and depression for the students. The sample consisted of 1,244 students from 1th to 3th grades in vocational high schools of Taipei City. In the present study, data was collected through a survey method, and instruments used in the study were Multidimensional Perfectionism scale, Life Stress Scale and Center of Epidemiological Study Depression. Data obtained in the study were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA, one-way ANOVA, t-test, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. Main findings of this research were as follows:

    1. The aspect of perfectionism
    (1)With regard to different grades of students , there were significant differences among 1th to 3th grades students. The 3th grade students experienced higher degree of other-oriented perfectionism than 1th grade, and the 2th grade students also experienced higher level of other-oriented perfectionism than 1th grade.
    (2)With regard to different gender of students , there were significant differences between boys and girls. The girls experienced higher level of self-oriented perfectionism the boys.

    2. The aspect of life stress
    (1)With regard to different grades of students , there were significant differences among 1th to 3th grades students. The 3th grade students experienced higher level of individual stress than 1th grade.
    (2)With regard to different gender of students , there were significant differences between boys and girls. The boys experienced higher level of school stress and dating stress than the girls.

    3. The aspect of depression
    (1)With regard to different grades of students , there were significant differences among 1th to 3th grades students. The 3th grade students experienced higher level of depression than 1th grade.
    (2)With regard to different gender of students , there were significant differences between boys and girls. The girls experienced higher level of depression than the boys.

    4. The relationship among perfectionism, life stress, and depression
    (1)There was a positive correlation between perfectionism and depression. Social prescribed perfectionism and self-oriented perfectionism could predict depression, and the predictability was 13%.
    (2)There was a positive correlation between life stress and depression. Individual stress, interpersonal stress and school stress could predict depression, and the predictability was 37%.
    (3)There was a positive correlation between perfectionism and life stress. Social prescribed perfectionism, self-oriented perfectionism and other-oriented perfectionism could predict life stress, and the predictability was 13%.
    (4)Perfectionism and life stress could predict depression, and the predictability was 34%.

    致謝詞 中文摘要..................................................Ⅰ 英文摘要.................................................Ⅲ 第一章 緒論...............................................1 第一節 研究動機與目的......................................1 第二節 研究問題與假設......................................8 第三節 名詞釋義...........................................10 第二章 文獻探討...........................................13 第一節 完美主義之理論基礎與相關研究.........................13 第二節 生活壓力之理論基礎與相關研究.........................25 第三節 憂鬱傾向之理論基礎與相關研究.........................34 第三章 研究方法...........................................47 第一節 研究架構...........................................47 第二節 研究對像...........................................49 第三節 研究工具...........................................51 第四節 實施程序...........................................62 第五節 資料處理與分析......................................64 第四章 研究結果...........................................67 第一節 不同背景變項的臺北市高職學生在完美主義之現況與差異分析...67 第二節 不同背景變項的臺北市高職學生在生活壓力之現況與差異分析...71 第三節 不同背景變項的臺北市高職學生在憂鬱傾向之現況與差異分析...76 第四節 臺北市高職學生完美主義、生活壓力與憂鬱傾向之相關分析.....79 第五節 臺北市高職學生完美主義、生活壓力對憂鬱傾向之預測分析.....82 第五章 討論...............................................87 第一節 不同背景變項的臺北市高職學生在完美主義差異情形之討論.....87 第二節 不同背景變項的臺北市高職學生在生活壓力差異情形之討論.....90 第三節 不同背景變項的臺北市高職學生在憂鬱傾向差異情形之討論.....93 第四節 臺北市高職學生完美主義、生活壓力與憂鬱傾向相關及預測情形之討論.......................................................96 第六章 結論與建議..........................................101 第一節 結論...............................................101 第二節 建議...............................................105 參考文獻..................................................111 中文文獻..................................................111 英文文獻..................................................115 附錄.....................................................121 附錄一 研究工具使用同意書...................................121 附錄二 多元完美主義預試量表.................................123 附錄三 多元完美主義預試量表項目分析結果......................127 附錄四 多元完美主義預試量表因素分析結果......................129 附錄五 正式施測問卷—「青少年生活經驗調查問卷」...............130

    陳杏容(2001)。給他們一個Easy 的環境:青少年因應壓力行為之探討-憂鬱情緒與偏差行為。東吳大學社會工作研究所碩士論文,未出版。
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