研究生: |
楊依璇 |
論文名稱: |
Maslow需求層次改變歷程之研究 |
指導教授: | 林正昌 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 270 |
中文關鍵詞: | Maslow 、需求 、高峰經驗 |
英文關鍵詞: | Maslow, need, peak experience |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:364 下載:65 |
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The purpose of this study is to investigate changes of adults’ need based on the need hierarchy theory proposed by Maslow. Discussions focused on influential factors and alteration progress of needs. It is anticipated to understand various alternation mechanism and aftereffects of peak experience. Grounded theory is adopted in this study. Sixteen adult participants are interviewed about their need alternation and the transcripts of conversation recording from them are analyzed. Conclusions are made as follow:
1. Physical need of participants close to fully-satisfied. Healthy self-actualization need includes both societal and personal orientation. Contents of transcending self-actualization need are varied. Two other needs are discovered in this study, which includes trans-gender need and change need. However, both these two discovered needs are not meeting basic needs of participants.
2. In the aspect of need hierarchy alternation, this study discovered the sequence of need by hierarchy. Needs are overlapped, and alternation sequence develops broadly “from lower to higher level” in accordance with Maslow’s proclaim, while the sequence is not developed following six levels. The need is developed into the one which is urgently need under certain circumstance.
3. This study discovered 43 influential factors, which belong respectively to individual factor, system factor and being factor. Interactions among these factors determine the path of need’s alternation.
4. 14 paths of need’s alternation are found in this study. In addition to the quantity alternation of needs and satisfaction mentioned in past literature, quality alternation also take place among these paths.
5. When one need is altered, reactions of individuals include “accept”, “satisfaction request” and “ignore”.
6. When need is met, differences exist among satisfaction levels. When satisfaction is met partially but not fully, sense of satisfaction is experienced personally. Individuals will chase after such sense and the needs are extended. When the need is comparatively satisfied, an individual no longer needs to focus on such need, and the need is decreased.
7. The model of mobile need alternation progress is interlaced by individual and need alternation factors. Influential factors persuade individual needs change into 14 paths. Reactions are made by one individual including “remained unchanged”, “satisfaction seeking” and “ignore”. Interactions between reactions and need alternations produce next impulse for need alternation as a cycle.
8. Peak experience is partial to need alternation factor: transcendental experience. 13 aftereffects of personal peak experience include: with more confidence, and feel free to unknown things, feel like being loved and cherished, connected with the world, feel safe, more will to accept oneself and others, better physical condition, alternation of exterior image, be more modest and obedient, solve issues, be willing to love, feel and live in the present, more will to let go, and afraid or resist. In other words, peak experience can post positive effects on physical, safety and love and belongingness needs. But if one individual can not fully combine self and the world during peak experience, his value will influence the viewpoint toward it. When an individual hold negative perspective to peak experience, negative influence will be posted on it.
9. Two mechanisms are created when participants’ peak experience is formed: alternations on need satisfaction and transcending need. In these two, alternation of needs satisfaction takes the major part.
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