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研究生: 樊博聞
Najar Ramal, Francisco Javier
論文名稱: 在戒嚴中「教娃娃講中國話」——三毛譯作《娃娃看天下》之研究
"Teaching Mafalda and Her Friends to Speak Chinese" During the Martial Law Period
指導教授: 賴慈芸
Lai, Sharon tzu-Yun
口試委員: 張淑英
Chang, Luisa Shu-Ying
Chuo, Jia-Chen
Lai, Sharon Tzu-yun
口試日期: 2023/06/15
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 147
中文關鍵詞: 三毛瑪法達《娃娃看天下》季諾翻譯臺灣戒嚴時期雙重讀者文學多元系統贊助者
英文關鍵詞: Sanmao, Mafalda, Quino, translation, Taiwanese martial law, dual readership, literary polysystem, patronage
研究方法: 比較研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301094
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:75下載:4
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  • 結合多元系統理論(polysystem theory)和贊助者(patronage)概念,本論文分析臺灣著名作家三毛的譯作《娃娃看天下——瑪法達的世界》的第一個中文譯本。原作為阿根廷漫畫家季諾(Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón)的Mafalda, 全世界最著名的西班牙語漫畫。
    對於翻譯理論家埃文•佐哈爾(Itamar Even-Zohar)來說,翻譯作品在一般情況下被認為是邊緣文學(peripheral literature),是動態的多元系統(polysystem)中處於次要地位的文學。這意味著譯者被賦予了更大的自由度,並允許在一定程度上操縱文本以適應目標讀者的文化規範。 對於超邊緣文學的作品,例如針對成人和兒童雙重讀者群的翻譯漫畫書來説,這種效果可能成倍增加。
    此外,無論採用何種翻譯策略,都可能須要遵守勒菲弗爾(André Lefevere)的贊助者(patronage)概念。該概念被理解為在特定時間和地點的主導意識型態(ideology),並以強大的機構或個人的形式具體化,這些組織或個人來自文學系統之外,卻大幅度影響翻譯行為,並以不可忽視的方式限制文學作品的翻譯內容和方式。

    Considering both the polysystem theory and the concept of patronage, this thesis analyzes Wawa kan tianxia: Mafada de shijie (《娃娃看天下——瑪法達的世界》) the first Chinese translation by acclaimed Taiwanese writer Sanmao (三毛) of Mafalda, the most well-known comic in the Spanish-speaking world created by Argentinean cartoonist Quino. Through direct comparison, this thesis will attempt to shed light on the sometimes-self-conflictive translation strategy applied by Sanmao in the translation of Mafalda, considering, on the one hand, the strips' suitability for children and, on the other, the forced self-censorship and compliance with the political narrative and harsh conditions existing during the time of translation, i.e., the Taiwanese martial law period.
    As for translation theorist Even-Zohar, translated works are considered, in general circumstances, peripheral literature, literature in a secondary position in a dynamic polysystem. This implies that translators are granted a greater degree of freedom and allowed to manipulate, to some extent, the text to fit the target readership's cultural norms. This effect can be multiplied for hyper-peripheral works, for instance, a translated comic book targeting a dual adult-child readership. Moreover, irrespective of the translation strategy adopted, it possibly will have to comply with André Lefevere's notion of patronage, understood as a dominant ideology in a given time and place and crystalized in the form of a powerful institution or individual that, from outside the literary system, governs the translation action and, in non-negligible ways, restricts what and how a piece of literature is translated.

    Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 About the Author Quino 4 1.2 About Mafalda 7 1.2.1 The Birth of "Mafalda" 7 1.2.2 "Mafalda" from 1964 to 1973 9 1.3 The Characters 13 1.4 Argentina's Political Situation 20 1.5 About Sanmao 23 Chapter 2 Literature Review 26 2.1 On Comics and Multimodality 26 2.2 Mafalda in Academia 28 2.3 Mafalda, Sanmao and Wawa kan tianxia 31 2.4 Translation Theories and Strategies 37 2.4.1 "Wawa kan tianxia" as an Ambivalent Text 37 2.4.2 "Wawa kan tianxia" in the Literary Polysystem 40 2.4.3 Patronage Influences in "Wawa kan tianxia" 44 Chapter 3 Methodology 48 3.1 Direct Comparison 48 3.2 Books' Descriptions, Similarities, and Differences 49 3.2.1 In Spanish: "Toda Mafalda" 49 3.2.2 In Chinese: "Wawa kan tianxia" 50 3.3 A Word About the Images 51 Chapter 4 Politically-related Strips 52 4.1 Avoid Government Criticism 52 4.2 Anti-communism 89 4.3 On Censorship 96 Chapter 5 Strips Adjusted for Children 103 5.1 To Tone Down the Situation of the World 103 5.2 To Teach Positive Virtues 110 Chapter 6 Mistranslations and Possible Explanations 120 6.1 Religious Belief 120 6.2 Image Misread 124 6.3 Vocabulary Misread 129 Chapter 7 Conclusion 133 Limitations and Future Studies 138 References 140

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