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研究生: 簡辰蓁
Chien, Chen-Jen
論文名稱: 仿生概念應用於服裝設計之創作研究
An Exploration into the Concept of Biomimicry for Fashion Design
指導教授: 劉建成
Liu, Chien-Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 仿生概念軟雕塑服裝設計
英文關鍵詞: Bionics Concept, Soft Sculpture, Fashion Design
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204425
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:129下載:32
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  • 自然界的萬物生生不息,一直是人類自古以來學習的對象,這種模仿自然生物的科學稱為生物仿生學(Biomimicry)。而生物仿生學在2009年被《哈佛商業評論》列為最具突破的商業創意之一;2014年富比士雜誌也將其譽為為企業帶來成功的科技趨勢之一。由此可知,仿生概念可以說是具有時代意義的嶄新思維。人類的服裝除了功能性的穿著外,也是一種傳遞文化與思想的媒介,本創作研究冀望藉由服裝作為傳達載體,運用仿生概念之手法達到以下之目的:一、經由仿生與服裝設計文獻的整理與分析,探索其發展脈絡,進而掌握其趨勢與潮流;二、透過個案的比較分析,了解服裝設計風格應用的差異性,以及其設計師之表現手法,作為實證創作之基礎;三、利用創作實驗從不同角度解讀大自然的奧妙,運用仿生概念的手法,傳達另類反思美學,思考生態永續的重要性。

    The creatures of the nature survive endless that is always the learning targets of the human beings from the ancient time. This kind of imitation science of natural biology is called as Biomimicry. Biomimicry was listed one of the most breakthrough business innovations in the Harvard Business Review in 2009. The Forbes also acclaimed it will be one of the successful technology trends for enterprises in 2014. It can be seen, the bionics concept is the newly significant thinking of contemporary. The clothing of human beings is not only having the functional wearing for the people, but also is one kind of delivering media of culture and thoughts of the time.
    The study of this creation is intended to use the clothing as a conveying carrier and apply the methods of bionics concept to achieve the following objects: (1) to discover the contextual developments by the way of organization and analyses of the documentation on the topic of the bionics and fashion design, in order to grasp the tendencies and trends of fashion design; (2) to understand the differences among the application of various fashion design styles and the expressing practices of designers by the way of comparative analyses of cases study, in order to get the study bases for this empirical creation; (3) to utilize a creative experiment to interpret the subtle of the nature from various kind of view and to apply the methods of bionics to transfer the alternative Aesthetic of reflection, in order to ponder the importance of ecological sustainability.
    There are some steps in this creation study. At first, documentation analyses were presented for the purpose of organizing and generalizing the developing trends of the bionics concept and fashion design. In the discussing processes of literature analysis, the three facets of applying principle of bionics concept and soft sculpture of costume were found. Secondly, cases study was described. This is a cumulative study of representative cases on the topic of bionics concept and the fashion design of soft sculpture in the contemporary. Via these successful cases study, the application principles on the costume were captured, then to build up the bases for this creation study. The ideas of this creative topic were presented in three aspects, namely, object of study, method of creation and media of creation. Owing to the ratios of biodiversity of Taiwan native plants are higher than the others in the world, the flowers full of visual viewing effects and female characters were selected to develop the context of creation. Taiwan is well-known as a kingdom of Phalaenopsis Aphrodite Subsp. Formosana, and the number of genes of Phalaenopsis Aphrodite Subsp. Formosana are very similar those of human beings, thus, the Taiwan native Phalaenopsis Aphrodite Subsp. Formosana was chosen as the creative topic for this creation study.
    Finally, the approach of creative experiment was conducted, i.e. to discover the feasibility of different creation elements from three kinds of applying principles of bionics (including mechanism, composition and exterior); then, to combine the elements of the soft sculpture with employing the exaggerated cut, multi-leveled stacking and integrating different materials for the purpose of reinforcing the delivery strength of the fashion visually. As a result, the manifestation of creation full of the spirit of innovative experiment was come true.
    There are three conclusions found via this creative experiment study. (1) The bionics concept applied to the fashion design is able to upgrade the concept of ecologically sustainable development level to the artistic expression level and to promote the effectiveness of the daily lives imperceptibly. (2) To employ three-dimensional sculpture style on the fashion design can enforce the external structure and the level of modeling, and assist in conveying the internal meaning of the bionics creation better. (3) To adopt Taiwan native species as the topics of fashion design can strengthen their local characteristics and are able to mark up the importance of living in harmony between the nature and the human beings.

    謝誌 i 摘要 iii Abstract v 目次 vi 表目次 viii 圖目次 x 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與流程架構 3 一、研究方法 3 二、研究流程架構 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制 5 一、研究範圍 5 二、創作範圍 5 第四節 相關文獻研究分析 6 一、仿生之相關研究分析 6 二、仿生服裝之相關研究分析 8 第二章 文獻與學理探討 11 第一節 仿生概念 11 一、仿生學的定義 11 二、仿生概念的發展 12 三、仿生概念之手法 18 第二節 仿生概念應用 21 一、仿生概念之設計應用面相 21 二、用於服裝設計之仿生概念 24 第三節 時尚流行與設計 27 一、時尚流行的定義 28 二、近代時尚流行發展 29 三、軟雕塑風格表現 34 第三章 服裝設計之案例研究 45 第一節 案例取樣標準 45 一、仿生概念與軟雕塑之條件 45 第二節 服裝設計案例研究 46 一、加賀美敬(Kei Kagami) 46 二、三宅一生(Issey Miyake) 48 三、亞歷山大·麥昆(Alexander McQueen) 49 第四章 服裝設計表現實驗 55 第一節 創作理念與流程 55 一、主題意涵分析 55 二、創作架構 56 第二節 創作主題 57 一、創作元素建構 58 二、材質計畫 62 第三節 創作過程與應用 63 一、服裝創作款式設計 63 二、服裝款式與說明 81 第四節 系列服裝靜態展示 82 一、平面影像創作 82 二、立體展示 87 第五章 結論 91 第一節 結論 91 第二節 後續研究 93 參考文獻 94 附錄 98 附錄(一)創作草圖彙整 98 附錄(二)創作粗稿彙整 100 附錄(三)創作手繪表現稿彙整 102 附錄(四)創作合成示意圖彙整 103 附錄(五)服裝機械圖彙整 104

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