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研究生: 黃羿蓁
論文名稱: 不同振幅與頻率振動運動對生理反應之影響
The effects of the different amplitudes and frequencies of whole-body vibration on the physiological responses
指導教授: 鄭景峰
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動競技學系
Department of Athletic Performance
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 47
中文關鍵詞: 自律神經系統副作用振動運動
英文關鍵詞: autonomic nervous system, side effects, vibration
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:400下載:12
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  • 目的:本研究在探討不同頻率與振幅之振動運動,對心跳率、攝氧量、血乳酸、血壓及心跳率變異性之影響。方法:12位健康男性大學生(年齡,22.3 ± 1.9歲;身高:174.8 ± 6.1公分;體重:68.5 ± 5.3公斤),本實驗採重覆量數且平衡次序之設計。所有受試者均以半蹲姿勢於振動平臺上接受振動6分鐘、間隔休息10分鐘(坐姿)之三種不同實驗處理,振動運動包含低頻率 (10 Hz) 、中頻率 (30 Hz) 、高頻率 (50 Hz),搭配不同振幅 (0.4 mm, 2 mm) 。實驗過程中,以CORTEX代謝量測系統及血乳酸分析器分別檢測攝氧量及血乳酸。並以Polar心率錶及HRV分析軟體監控振動期間的每跳心跳率。本研究以重覆量數單因子變異數分析各變項間的差異。結果:本研究之心跳、血乳酸、攝氧量、血壓及心跳率變異性皆與安靜值達顯著差異 (p < .05) ,但不同振幅或頻率之搭配,各變項振動運動處理間均無顯著差異。而振動運動時的平均攝氧量及血乳酸分別為15.20 ± 0.69 ml/kg/min與4.1 ± 0.3 mmol/L。不論在高或低振幅搭配10 Hz之振動運動時的平均動脈壓均顯著高於安靜值。而HRV之CCVLF(低頻功率)在10 Hz與30 Hz搭配不同振幅時均顯著低於安靜值,但50 Hz則無顯著差異。結論:不同頻率 (10 Hz, 30 Hz, 50 Hz) 和振幅 (0.4 mm, 2 mm) 之振動運動可能會導致相似的生理反應,不過,振動運動屬於低強度之運動。再者,低振幅 (0.4mm) 與低頻率 (10 Hz) 之振動運動似乎會增加心血管壓力。

    Purpose: The study was to investigate the acute effects of the whole-body
    vibration (WBV) exercise with different amplitudes and frequencies on the heart rate
    (HR), blood lactate level (LA), oxygen uptake (V ‧O2), blood pressure (BP) and heart
    rate variability (HRV). Methods: Twelve college males (age, 22.3 ± 1.9 yrs; height,
    174.8 ± 6.1 cm; weight, 68.5 ± 5.3 kg) were voluntarily participated in this repeated
    measures designed and balanced ordered study. All subjects were asked to squat
    6-min on the vibration platform with 10-min rest intervals in a sitting position to
    randomly perform three treatments, low (10 Hz), medium (30 Hz) and high (50 Hz)
    frequencies of WBV with different amplitudes (0.4 and 2 mm). During the treatments,
    the V ‧O2 and La were measured by CORTEX metabolic analysis system and Lactate
    ProTM. The beat-to-beat heart rates were also assessed by Polar heart rate monitor and
    HRV analysis software during the WBV. The differences between mean values were
    tested by repeated measures one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: The
    HR, LA, V ‧O2, BP, and HRV were significantly different from the baseline values (p
    < .05). However, there were no significant differences on the HR, LA, V ‧O2, BP, and
    HRV among either the different amplitudes or frequencies of WBV treatments. The
    total average V ‧O2 and LA during the WBV were 15.20 ± 0.69 ml/kg/min and 4.1 ±
    0.3 mmol/L, respectively. Regardless of the high or low amplitudes, the mean arterial
    pressures (MAP) in 10 Hz WBV were significantly higher than the baseline. The
    CCVLF (coefficient of component variance of low frequency power in HRV) in the 10
    Hz and 30 Hz with the different amplitudes were significantly lower than the baseline,
    but not in the 50 Hz. Conclusion: The different frequencies (10, 30, 50 Hz) and
    amplitudes (0.4 and 2 mm) of WBV could induce similar physiological responses,
    however, the WBV was a low intensity exercise. Nevertheless, the low frequency (10
    Hz) and amplitude (0.4 mm) of WBV might increase the cardiovascular stresses.

    中文摘要 ............................................... i 英文摘要 ............................................... ii 謝誌 ............................................... iii 目次 ............................................... ix 表次 ............................................... x 圖次 ............................................... xi 第壹章 緒論 第一節 前言 ..............................................1 第二節 研究的重要性 .......................................3 第三節 研究目的...........................................3 第四節 研究假設...........................................3 第五節 研究範圍...........................................4 第六節 研究限制...........................................4 第七節 名詞操作性定義......................................4 第貳章 文獻探討 第一節 振動運動的生理機轉.................................7 第二節 振動運動對攝氧量的影響..............................8 第三節 振動運動對自律神經系統與血壓的影響....................9 第四節 本章總結...........................................11 第参章 研究方法與步驟 第一節 受試對象...........................................13 第二節 實驗設計...........................................13 第三節 實驗日期...........................................13 第四節 實驗地點...........................................13 第五節 實驗流程...........................................14 第六節 實驗方法與步驟.....................................15 第七節 前導實驗...........................................18 第八節 資料分析與處理.....................................20 第肆章 結果 第一節 受試者基本資料.................... ...............21 第二節 不同振幅與頻率振動運動對心跳率之影響................21 第三節 不同振幅與頻率振動運動對攝氧量之影響................22 第四節 不同振幅與頻率振動運動對血乳酸之影響................23 第五節 不同振幅與頻率振動運動對血壓之影響..................24 第六節 不同振幅與頻率振動運動對心跳率變異性之影響.......... 26 第伍章 討論 第一節 同振幅不同頻率對心跳率、攝氧量、血乳酸、血壓及HRV的影響.................................. ...................29 第二節 同頻率不同振幅對心跳率、攝氧量、血乳酸、血壓及HRV的影響......................................................31 第三節 結論與建議.......................................33 參考文獻 ............................................... 34 附錄一 健康情況調查表................................... 44 附錄二 受試者須知...................................... 46 附錄三 受試者自願同意書....... ......................... 47


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