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研究生: 李佩怡
Pei-Yi Li
論文名稱: 助人者與癌症末期病人關係歷程之質性研究
The process of helping relationships between the helper and the terminally ill cancer patients at hospice in Taiwan-- A qualitative research
指導教授: 金樹人
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 561
中文關鍵詞: 癌症末期病人安寧療護助人工作者關係歷程詮釋學
英文關鍵詞: terminally ill cancer patients, helpers in hospice, helping relationships, hermeneutical circle
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:456下載:264
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  • 助人者與癌症末期病人關係歷程之質性研究

    The Process of Helping Relationships between the Helper and the Terminally Ill Cancer Patients at Hospice in Taiwan—
    A Qualitative Research
    Pei-Yi Li
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the process of helping relationships between the helper and four terminally ill cancer patients who accepted palliative care at the Mackay Memorial Hospital. The specific aims of the study were: (1) to understand the essence of the helping relationships and the key elements of facilitating the helping relationships; (2) to understand the living experiences of terminally ill cancer patients; (3) to understand and reflect the personal experiences of the helper after encountered with four terminally ill cancer patients.
    The study was approved by the「 Institutional Review Boards of Mackay Memorial Hospital」 and the「 Joint Ethics Boards of Taiwan Academy of Hospice Palliative Medicine」. A hermeneutical approach was selected to achieve the purpose and specific aims. The data was collected from the beginning of the relationships till the end of the patient life. The raw data was generated from the in-depth unstructured interviews between the helper and four terminally ill cancer patients in the natural settings, as well as the field notes by the helper jotted down after the meetings. With the permissions of the four dying patients, most of the natural talks were taped and than had been transcribed into words. The transcriptions and field notes were interpreted following the hermeneutical concepts. Through the thick description, the hermeneutical circle of understanding and the dialectical questioning, the deep understanding of the raw data was obtained.
    Regarding to the helping relationships, the results of this study included three main parts. First, the essence of the helping relationships included 3 themes: (1) the two persons encounter with each other genuinely; (2) the balancing and collaborative interactions; (3) the steady connection with mutual trust and humanity.
    Second, the key elements of facilitating helping relationships included 2 themes: (1) keeping the deep understanding towards the inner world of dying patients; (2) keeping the contact with dying patients according as the changing situations and the wholeness of patients.
    Third, there were seven important issues emerged from the process of helping relationship, as namely: (1) to take care of terminally ill cancer patients’ physical needs with gentle attitudes; (2) to listen actively to the suffering of terminally ill cancer patients owing to the destructive illness; (3) to listen actively to the difficulties of terminally ill cancer patients in their lives; (4) to encourage the terminally ill cancer patients to describe their hope; (5) to facilitate the terminally ill cancer patients to connect with their spiritual objects; (6) to help the terminally ill cancer patients to find their strength inside; (7) to support the family members facing the reality of patients’ weakness and impending death.
    Regarding to the living experiences of terminally ill cancer patients, the main concepts were: (1) 「the phenomena of dying transition」; (2) 「the existence of dying patients dependent upon their social network」; (3) 「the concernment of dying patients changing from outside world into inside world」; (4) 「the concept of non-being-in-the-world」.
    Regarding to the personal experiences of the helper, there were three parts of description, including: (1) 「the destruction and reconstruction of the helper’s cognition concerning about counseling with dying patients」; (2) 「the integration of the helper’s emotions」; (3) 「the transformation of the helper’s personhood」.
    Through the findings of this study, some recommendations were given to the helpers who work in hospice, concerning about how to prepare himself/herself becoming a good helper and how to take good care of terminally ill cancer patients. Moreover, the researcher suggested that the hospice day care center should be established quickly in Taiwan. The hospice day care center could provide more supportive networks to the dying patients, so that they could live with pleasure and meaning. Finally, the researcher emphasized that all the caregivers who take care of terminally ill cancer patients should concern their relationships with dying patients, especially family members, friends, and health professionals. Being a helper, the researcher recommended the we should cherish our relationships with the dying patients, to contain a steady connection with them, to build mutual trust with them, to interact with them collaboratively, and to take care of them with humanity. If we could be genuine helpers, the relationships with dying patients will be magnificent!
    KEY WORDS: terminally ill cancer patients, the helpers in hospice, the helping relationships, the hermeneutical circle

    目  次 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究緣起…………………………………………… 1 壹、研究者學習死亡與瀕死議題的心路歷程 ………………… 1 貳、對癌症末期病人苦難理解的意義…………………………… 5 參、自然情境中如何反映病人、助人者,與兩者間關係之真實經 驗…………………………… 7 第二節 研究概念圖……………………………………………… 9 第三節 研究目的與問題………………………………………… 10 壹、研究目的……………………………………………………… 10 貳、研究問題……………………………………………………… 11 第四節 名詞涵義………………………………………………… 11 壹、癌症末期病人………………………………………………… 11 貳、安寧療護……………………………………………………… 11 參、存有…………………………………………………………… 12 肆、助人關係……………………………………………………… 13 第五節 研究限制………………………………………………… 13 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………… 15 第一節 國內相關於癌症末期病人的研究……………………… 15 壹、探討國內癌症病人經驗有關的研究文獻…………………… 16 貳、探討照顧癌症末期病人照護關係相關的研究文獻………… 23 第二節 研究者的先前理解………………………………… 30 壹、助人者與癌末病人之間心領神會的經驗…………………… 30 貳、癌症末期病人受苦經驗與靈性照顧………………………… 32 參、助人者的專業準備…………………………………………… 41 第三節 本研究方法論之基礎:詮釋學………………………… 54 壹、詮釋學一詞的來源與演進…………………………………… 54 貳、詮釋的態度…………………………………………………… 55 第四節 詮釋學的研究方法……………………………………… 70 壹、資料蒐集:詮釋學的訪談法………………………………… 70 貳、資料詮釋的方法……………………………………………… 72 第三章 研究方法………………………………………………… 79 第一節 本研究以詮釋學為研究方法之理由…………………… 79 壹、本研究主題在Heidegger的哲學詮釋學中找到研究可行性的基礎… 79 貳、本研究在「助人者與病人間」及「研究者與文本間」抱持「互為主體」的信念,符應詮釋學的態度……………………………… 80 參、本研究重視研究者與病人間的開放對話,符應詮釋學中言說的精神及資料蒐集的方法 81 肆、本研究具有詮釋循環的精神………………………………… 82 伍、本研究探究生命的經驗適宜以詮釋學的思維脈絡來理解………… 82 第二節 研究設計………………………………………………… 83 壹、研究場域與研究主體………………………………………… 83 貳、研究倫理……………………………………………………… 85 參、研究階段……………………………………………………… 88 肆、研究資料的來源……………………………………………… 90 伍、研究定位……………………………………………………… 90 第三節 研究進行過程…………………………………………… 91 壹、研究計畫接受「機構審查委員會」(IRBs)審查………… 91 貳、資料蒐集階段………………………………………………… 91 參、資料蒐集與詮釋階段………………………………………… 95 肆、研究結果撰寫………………………………………………… 95 第四節 資料詮釋的過程………………………………………… 96 壹、研究資料如何進行詮釋……………………………………… 96 貳、本研究資料之詮釋過程……………………………………… 101 第五節 研究嚴謹度…………………………………………… 104 壹、本研究徵信度(credibility)的說明…………………… 104 貳、本研究適切度(fittingness)的說明…………………… 107 參、本研究稽核度(auditability)的說明…………………… 107 肆、本研究確認度(confirmability)的說明………………… 107 第四章 結果與詮釋……………………………………………… 109 第一節 助人者與癌症末期病人之關係歷程及其詮釋…… 109 壹、助人者與病人A之關係歷程及其詮釋……………………… 110 貳、助人者與病人B之關係歷程及其詮釋……………………… 138 參、助人者與病人D之關係歷程及其詮釋……………………… 191 肆、助人者與病人E之關係歷程及其詮釋……………………… 248 第二節 癌症病人之末期生命經驗及其詮釋…………………… 303 壹、第一位病人A末期生命經驗………………………………… 303 貳、第二位病人B末期生命經驗………………………………… 325 參、第三位病人D末期生命經驗………………………………… 357 肆、第四位病人E末期生命經驗………………………………… 371 伍、四位病人生命經驗之詮釋論述……………………………… 399 第三節 助人者內在經驗之銓釋………………………………… 418 壹、前言:寫在詮釋前的心聲---致四位與我接觸的病人…… 418 貳、助人者之認知經驗的解構與再建構………………………… 420 參、助人者之情緒經驗的統整與轉化…………………………… 430 肆、助人者自我的轉化…………………………………………… 454 第四節 綜合詮釋與討論………………………………………… 463 壹、末期病人生命世界之綜合詮釋與討論……………………… 463 貳、「助人者與癌末病人的關係本質」的綜合詮釋與討論…… 482 參、「助人者與癌末病人關係進展的關鍵要素」綜合詮釋與討論…………………………………………………………… 496 肆、「助人者與癌末病人關係歷程中重要議題」綜合詮釋與討論…………………………………………………………… 509 第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………… 531 第一節 結論……………………………………………………… 531 壹、助人者與癌症末期病人關係歷程…………………………… 531 貳、癌症末期病人的生命世界…………………………………… 534 參、助人者的內在經驗…………………………………………… 537 肆、本研究貢獻與限制…………………………………………… 540 第二節 建議……………………………………………………… 542 壹、助人工作者的自我準備之建議……………………………… 542 貳、對於照護癌症末期病人相關建議…………………………… 543 參、給安寧療護制度的建議:廣為設立安寧療護日間留院(hospice day care center)刻不容緩………………………………………… 545 肆、對未來研究的建議…………………………………………… 546 伍、對諮商教育的建議…………………………………………… 546 陸、結語………………………………………………………… 547 參考文獻…………………………………………………………… 549 附錄一 知情同意書 …………………………………………… 559 附錄二 台灣安寧緩和醫學學會安寧療護相關研究倫理可行性同意書……… 561 表 次 表2-1 國內探討癌症病人經驗的有關碩士論文………………………………… 16 表2-2 國內探討癌症末期病人照護關係相關碩士論文………………………… 24 表3-1 助人者與四位病人關係起迄時間表……………………………………… 92 表3-2 本研究四位病人基本資料一覽表………………………………………… 93 表3-3 四位病人資料蒐集、彙整、詮釋與撰寫過程…………………………… 96 表4-1 助人者與病人A關係歷程之「主要階段與關係主題」一覽表…………… 131 表4-2 助人者與病人B關係歷程之「主要階段與關係主題」一覽表…………… 180 表4-3 助人者與病人D關係歷程之「主要階段與關係主題」一覽表…………… 225 表4-4 助人者與病人D第六次談話即「過程導向的隨意談話」……………… 236 表4-5 關係初始階段,助人者陪伴病人E照護內容一覽表…………………… 251 表4-6 助人者與病人E在第四階段關係進展現象之各週次例舉……………… 268 表4-7 助人者與病人E關係歷程之「主要階段與關係主題」一覽表………… 292 表4-8 四位病人的存有基礎地情況一覽表……………………………………… 299 表4-9 病人A末期生命階段之「身、心、靈、社會」等四層面的經驗……………… 323 表4-10 病人B末期生命階段之「身、心、社會」等三層面的經驗…………… 355 表4-11 病人D末期生命階段之「身、心、靈、社會」等四層面的經驗…………… 370 表4-12 病人E末期生命階段之「身、心、靈、社會」等四層面的經驗…………… 398 圖 次 圖1-1 研究概念圖…………………………………………………………………… 10 圖3-1 研究進行的階段……………………………………………………………… 89 圖3-2 辯證的理解…………………………………………………………………… 99 圖3-3 本研究詮釋過程中「包覆性的理解」………………………………………… 103 圖4-1 癌症末期病人「身體—心理」十字軸……………………………………… 187 圖4-2 癌症末期病人之心理狀態為主的「身體—心理」十字軸………………… 188 圖4-3 癌症末期病人之身體狀態為主的「身體—心理」十字軸………………… 189 圖4-4 病人內在世界………………………………………………………………… 229 圖4-5 病人內在世界以情感層次為重……………………………………………… 231 圖4-6 末期病人內、外在世界的平面圖…………………………………………… 239 圖4-7 末期病人身、心、靈、社會四層面的側面圖……………………………… 240 圖4-8 末期病人內、外在世界側面圖……………………………………………… 242 圖4-9 人「存有的基礎地」是社會關係…………………………………………… 298 圖4-10 末期病人之虛無存有乃是「存有基礎地」的關係碎裂導致……………… 299 圖4-11 末期病人的「臨終拋物線」……………………………………………… 400 圖4-12 末期病人的靈性界限開放………………………………………………… 412 圖4-13 社會關係、自我、靈性三層次的渴望…………………………………… 417 圖4-14 助人者的「做」與末期病人的「不做」形成關係中最大的落差…………… 435 圖4-15 助人者與末期病人關係中的同在………………………………………… 435 圖4-16 末期病人的臨終過渡現象………………………………………………… 464 圖4-17 身體或事件經驗層第一層的談話………………………………………… 501 圖4-18 情緒感受層第二層談話…………………………………………………… 502 圖4-19 認知信念與核心價值層第三層談話……………………………………… 502

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