研究生: |
吳孟錞 |
論文名稱: |
國小高年級學童自我效能、知覺父母期望、教師期望與行為困擾、學業表現之相關研究 |
指導教授: | 林家興 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 117 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自我效能 、父母期望 、教師期望 、行為困擾 、學業表現 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:980 下載:338 |
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一、 不同性別、年級國小高年級學童在自我效能、父母期望、教師期望、行為困擾之差異
1、 不同性別的國小高年級學童在自我效能的自我價值觀、認知、社交向度上無顯差異,但在體育效能上有顯著差異,且男生的體育效能高於女生。
2、 不同性別的國小高年級學童在父母期望中的參與活動的機會、成績關注、親子互動、配合課業提供四個向度上皆無顯著差異。
3、 不同性別的國小高年級學童在教師期望中的教學輸入尚無顯著差異,但在教學回饋上有顯著差異,且女生從教學回饋向度中所知覺的教師期望程度高於男生。
4、 不同性別的國小高年級學童在整體的行為困擾上有顯著差異,且男生的整體行為困擾程度高於女生,其差異展現在家庭困擾、人際困擾、學校困擾三個向度上尤其顯著。
5、 國小五六年級學童在自我效能的自我價值觀、社交、認知、體育四個向度上皆無顯著差異。
6、 國小五六年級學童在父母期望中的參與活動的機會、成績關注、課業配合提供方面無顯著差異,但在親子互動上有顯著差異,且五年級學生從親子互動中所知覺到的父母期望程度更於六年級學生。
7、 國小五六年級學童在教師期望中的教學輸入、教學回饋兩個向度上皆無顯著差異。
8、 國小五六年級學童在行為困擾中的人際關係困擾與身心發展困擾有顯著差異,且五年級學生在上述兩項困擾上的困擾程度皆高於六年級學生。
二、 自我效能中的社交、自我價值觀、認知三個向度與父母期望中的成績關注、親子互動可以有效預測行為困擾。
三、 自我效能中的認知向度、父母期望中的成績關注與教師期望中的教學回饋可以有效的預測學業表現。
一、 鼓勵教師與家長將其對孩子學業上的期待擴展至生活其它層面,並根據學生的能力對學生表達具體且適度的期望。
二、 將提升學生自我效能列為輔導工作重點,並落實於教學與輔導活動之中。
三、 針對不同性別、年級的高年級學童,設計符合其需求的輔導活動,並提供足夠的資訊以協助學生減輕困擾
四、 重視親職教育與親師交流,協助父母瞭解子女的身心發展歷程。
五、 重視學生的學習感受,確實落實小班教學,以維持教學品質。
The relationship of self efficacy, parental expectations, teacher expectations, academic performance and behavior disturbance of students in elementary schools
Wu Meng Chung
This study was designed to investigate the relationship of self efficacy, parental expectations, teacher expectations, academic performance and behavior disturbance of students in elementary schools.
There were 513 fifth and sixth grade students of elementary schools, including 272 boys and 241 girls, who participated in this study. Self efficacy, parental expectations, teacher expectations and behavior disturbance were measured by the following tools : (1) Perceived Competence Scale for Children, (2)The Elementary School Students’ Perceptions of Teachers’ Expectations Inventory, (3) The elementary School Students’ Perceptions of Parents’ Expectations Inventory, (4)Behavior Disturbance Scale, besides, the academic performance was documented by scores of Chinese and mathematics examination of mid-term. The data obtained by above methods was analyzed by independent-samples t-test, Pearson production-moment correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression. The results were summarized as follows:
A. Difference in social efficacy, parental expectations, teacher expectations and behavior disturbance between genders and grades of elementary schools
1. There was no significant difference in social efficacy including general self-worth efficacy, cognitive competence efficacy and social competence efficacy between genders except physical competence efficacy, male is superior to female in physical competence efficacy.
2. There was no significant difference in parental expectations including providing opportunity for participating in activity, regardness of academic performance, parent-child interaction, providing accessory reference for learning between genders.
3. There was no significant difference in teacher input of teacher expectations between genders. However, the difference was noted in teacher feedback. The scores of teacher feedback in female were higher than male.
4. General behavior disturbance revealed significant difference between genders especially in family disturbance, social disturbance and school disturbance. In addition, the extent of behavior disturbance in male was more severe than female.
5. No significant difference was noted in self-worth efficacy, social competence efficacy, cognitive competence efficacy and physical competence efficacy between fifth and sixth grade students of primary school.
6. There was no significant difference in providing opportunity for participating in activities, regardness of academic performance and providing accessory reference for learning of parental expectations, but fifth grade students significantly differed from sixth grade students in parent-child interaction.
7. Fifth grade students were not significantly different from sixth grade students in teacher input and teacher feedback of teacher expectations.
8. Fifth grade students differed significantly from sixth grade students in behavior disturbance including social disturbance and disturbance in physical and mental development, this kind of disturbance was more observed in fifth grade students.
B. The behavior disturbance can be predicted by social competence efficacy, self-worth efficacy, cognitive competence efficacy, regardness of academic performance, and parent-child interaction.
C. The academic performance can be predicted efficiently by cognitive competence efficacy, regradness of academic performance in parental expectations, and teacher feedback in teacher expectations.
Suggestions for teachers involving in school guidance and directions for further research were also discussed.
Keywords: self efficacy, parental expectations, teacher expectations, behavior disturbance
陳靜江(民82):從生態觀點談身心障礙兒童問題行為之處理 載於何素華主編:特殊教育研習專輯。嘉義:嘉義師範學院特教中心。
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