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研究生: 巫逸琦
Yi-Ci Wu
論文名稱: Nrf2與神經退化性疾病:啟動子多型性與 以氧化壓力為目標的治療策略
NFE2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) in neurodegenerative disease: promoter polymorphism and therapeutic strategy targeting oxidative stress
指導教授: 李桂楨
Lee, Guey-Jen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: Nrf2氧化壓力聚集多型性ATXN3
英文關鍵詞: Nrf2, oxidative stress, aggregate, polymorphism, ATXN3
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:92下載:7
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  • Nuclear factor-erythroid 2 (NF-E2)-related factor 2 (Nrf2)是basic leucine zipper (bZIP)的轉錄因子,可調節抗氧化路徑基因的活化,並維持細胞內氧化還原的平衡。氧化壓力的增加與許多神經性退化性疾病有相關性。舉例來說,帕金森氏症(PD)的致病機制就會受到氧化壓力的影響,增強Nrf2的活化會對於神經細胞有保護性的功效。在polyQ不正常擴增的脊髓小腦萎縮症中,擴增的CAG三核苷酸轉譯出的polyQ蛋白,聚集在細胞內增加細胞內的氧化壓力。本論文先以PCR-RFLP技術,對Nrf2基因啟動子-653 A/G、-651 G/A和-617 C/A多型性,進行帕金森氏症患者(n = 480)與年齡、性別配合的正常人(n = 526)的病例-對照組研究。結果多型性基因型、等位基因頻率、單套型等均並未發現相關性。另外,本研究建立誘導式ATXN3/Q14~75的Flp-In SH-SY5Y細胞株,添加retinoic acid誘導分化後,表現具有病理特徵的ATXN3/Q75融合蛋白會形成聚集,並伴隨神經纖維生長減緩。藉高通量影像分析及免疫轉漬分析,此細胞株處理中草藥NH004、NH008、NH021及NH008某組成份衍生物NH008-1可活化Nrf2的表現,並降低ATXN3/Q75融合蛋白的聚集,故可能發展為有潛能的治療策略。

    Nuclear factor-erythroid 2 (NF-E2)-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a member of the basic leucine zipper transcription factors that regulate the expression of many antioxidant pathway genes and maintains cellular redox homeostasis. Increased oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of many neurodegenerative diseases. For example, oxidative stress has been implicated as a major contributing factor in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and varying efficiency in the oxidative protection by Nrf2 may influence PD pathogenesis. In polyQ-mediated spinocerebellar ataxias, the expansions of translated CAG repeats in the disease genes result in long polyQ tracts in the respective proteins, leading to accumulation of aggregated polyQ proteins and increased oxidative stress. In this study, PCR-RFLP test was developed to examine the frequency of Nrf2 -653 A/G, -651 G/A and -617 C/A promoter polymorphisms in a larger cohort of PD (n = 480, 49.2% female, age at onset 61.8±11.2 years) and age- and gender-matched controls (n = 526, 50.5% female, age 60.3±13.1 years). No association between polymorphic genotype, allele or haplotype and PD was observed. In addition, Flp-In SH-SY5Y cells with ATXN3/Q14~75 expression in an inducible fashion were established. In retinoic acid-induced differentiated SH-SY5Y cells, the expressed ATXN3/Q75 formed aggregates, accompanying with reducing neurite outgrowth. By combining high content image analysis and immunoblotting, treatment of ATXN3/Q75 cells with Chinese herbs NH004, NH008, NH021 and NH008 derivative NH008-1 activate Nrf2 expression, accompanying decreasing ATXN3/Q75 aggregates. Thus NH004, NH008, NH021 and NH008-1 may be potential therapeutic strategies for polyQ-mediated disease.

    目錄............................................................................................................. I 中文摘要 ................................................................................................. IV Abstract ..................................................................................................... V 圖表目錄 ................................................................................................. VI 壹、緒論 .................................................................................................... 1 一、神經退化性疾病 .......................................................................... 1 (一)帕金森氏症(PD) .................................................................... 1 (二)脊髓小腦萎縮症 .................................................................... 2 (三)第三型脊髓小腦萎縮症(MJD/SCA3) .................................. 3 二、Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 ................................. 4 (一)Nrf2基因與抗氧化活性 ....................................................... 4 (二)氧化壓力與神經性疾病 ........................................................ 5 (三) Nrf2基因多型性與疾病風險 .............................................. 6 貳、研究目的 ............................................................................................ 8 參、研究材料與方法 ................................................................................ 9 一、分子遺傳研究 .............................................................................. 9 (一)研究樣品 ................................................................................ 9 (二)聚合.連鎖反應(PCR) .......................................................... 9 II (三)限制性片段長度多型性(RFLP) .......................................... 10 (四)統計分析相對罹病危險程度 .............................................. 10 (五)多型性點間的連鎖不平衡(LD)分析 .................................. 11 二、細胞分生研究 ............................................................................ 11 (一)細胞培養 .............................................................................. 11 (二)細胞存活率測定(MTT assay) ............................................. 11 (三)基因轉染(transfection) ........................................................ 12 (四)活細胞影像分析 .................................................................. 13 (五)蛋白質萃取 .......................................................................... 14 (六)西方轉漬法(Western blot) ................................................... 15 (七)RNA萃取 ............................................................................. 16 (八)反轉錄PCR(RT-PCR) ......................................................... 17 (九)同步定量PCR(Real-time PCR) .......................................... 17 肆、結果 .................................................................................................. 19 一、Nrf2啟動子與帕金森氏症(PD)分子遺傳研究 ....................... 19 (一)樣品群 .................................................................................. 19 (二)多型性及連鎖不平衡檢測 .................................................. 19 (三)多型性基因型、等位基因頻率及單套型分析 .................. 20 二、誘導式SCA3細胞株建立 ........................................................ 21 III 三、以抗氧化為治療策略的藥物篩檢 ........................................... 23 伍、討論 .................................................................................................. 26 一、Nrf2啟動子多型性與PD相關性 ............................................ 26 二、誘導式SCA3細胞株建立 ........................................................ 27 三、以抗氧化為治療策略的藥物篩檢 ........................................... 28 陸、參考文獻 .......................................................................................... 30 柒、附錄圖表 .......................................................................................... 42

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