研究生: |
王馨逢 |
論文名稱: |
寵物紀念物品之創作設計研究-以狗寵物紀念物品為例 A Design Research Of Pet Memento -A Case Study Of Pet Dogs Memento |
指導教授: | 康台生 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 198 |
中文關鍵詞: | 寵物 、互動設計 、紀念物 、療癒 |
英文關鍵詞: | Pet, interactive design, memorial, healing |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:583 下載:0 |
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Because of social structure change and because interpersonal relationships have become gradually weaker and fewer, the pet has become for many people a way to comfort the mind and gradually fill the void, and due to the sentimental change, then elevates the pet in people’s minds, causing people to change their pet related consumer behavior. Along with the mental elevation and the pet expense idea, when pets’ owners are faced with the pets’ death or disappearance, their innermost feelings become gradually stronger regarding the adjustment and the sadness of the loss. It has been discovered from the related research that when the pet owners’ relationship ends with their pet, they often must experience a time of long sadness, but can also get readjusted to a normal emotional state again by having events that help commemorate the pet’s life, such as a funeral or other event, which will allow for discussion about the loss, and which will help them cope with the sadness they are feeling.
When an average person is faced with a pet’s death, they often can only have some sort of funeral and burial, as well as a ceremony to remember the pet; however, these methods can only assist the pet owner to process the pet remains, but, in actuality, it is unable to assist the pet owner in adjusting and adapting with the sadness. Although the current market is flooded with pet related commodities, already too numerous to cite individually, in the current market it is, however, truly unusual to consider the pet’s owners psychological phase and to manufacture souvenirs about their pets, which may be used as mental healing “pet commemoration goods”. Taking this into consideration, the researcher hoped to design a series of memorable and sentimental pet commemoration goods and to create a structure for others to design similar products using the research.
This research uses the case study the way, was still alive in view of the pet,and can provide many are together entity of material the experience specific pet owner with the pet to carry on the depth interview, and the narrative methodology take the research technique. Researcher interviewed pets’ owners, documented the dialogues, and analyzed individual events. The researcher gathered authentic events, formed the main subject, interpreted and gave meaning to the event.It would form a pattern to understand the pets’ owners’ experiences.Extracting special commemorative information from the interview data is essential to the creation. Also important is adding healing and interactive concepts to create 9 different sets of pet commemoration goods.
The researcher hopes to provide the information needed for others to use in the development and creation of other types of pet commemoration goods.
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