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研究生: 田旻平
IMin-Ping Tien
論文名稱: A Study of Relationship of Learner Characteristics and Learning Satisfaction in Blended Learning Environment
指導教授: 侯世光
Hou, Shih-Kuang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 125
中文關鍵詞: Learning styleLearning satisfactionBlended learningPilot
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:253下載:38
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  • The study was aimed to investigate the learning satisfaction in blended learning environment. The population of this study was pilots in our country. Two airlines, one wing of the air force, and the flight institute were sampled. Individual background and learning style were the independent variables and learning satisfaction was the dependent variable in this study. The instruments included Kolb’s learning style inventory and blended learning satisfaction questionnaire. Except for Kolb’s learning style inventory, blended learning satisfaction questionnaire was designed by the researcher through referring to literature review and other questionnaires. 195 out 300 questionnaires were valid. Statistical methods as descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation were carried out to implement data analysis. Furthermore, the study surveyed participants’ opinions and suggestion for blended learning. The results were shown below.
    1. Participants’ learning styles were diverse and average. There were in priority convergers, accommodators, assimilators, and divergers.
    2. Participants were prone to agree to satisfy with blended learning.
    3. Regarding to job, age, and flying experience, there was significant difference in learning style.
    4. Respondents graduated from junior college have higher scores on teaching methodology than those who graduated from university.
    5. There was no significant in learning satisfaction regarding of learning styles
    6. Teaching methodology had significant correlation with overall rating.
    7. The major of respondents are willing to take blended learning again; nevertheless, the improvement on software and hardware, development of related talents, interaction between peers and instruction are important agenda.

    Abstract Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Statement of the Problem Purposes of the Study Questions of the Study Research Hypotheses Significance of the Study Delimitations and Limitations Definition of Terms CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction of E-learning Introduction of Blended Learning Learning Styles Learning Satisfaction Brief Introduction to Blended Learning Applied on Flight Training Summary CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY Research Framework Research Variables Research Procedure Research Methods Research Subject Research Instruments Validation and Pilot-test of the Instrument Data Collection Data Analysis CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION General Characteristics of the Sample General Description of Satisfaction with Blended Learning Findings for Each Hypothesis General Opinions and Suggestions from Respondents CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions Recommendations REFERENCES APPENDIX A: THE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR EXPERTS APPENDIX B: DRAFT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR PILOT TEST APPENDIX C: FINAL QUESTIONNAIRE FOR THE STUDY APPENDIX D: THE NAME LIST OF EXPERTS APPENDIX E: THE FORM OF CORRECTED ITEM-TOTAL CORRELATION APPENDIX F: FACTOR AND REALIABILITY ANALYSIS OF LEARNING SATISFACTION QUESTIONNAIRE APPENDIX G: MEANS AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS FOR EACH ITEM OF BLENDED LEARNING SATISFACTION QUESTIONNAIRE


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