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研究生: 張瓅勻
Chang, Li-Yun
論文名稱: 不同字形背景之西班牙語及泰語為母語之中文學習者在形構和位置判斷作業之差異分析
Analysis of Variance in the Configuration Task and Radical Position Task of Spanish and Thai CSL Learners in Different Visual-spatial Orthographic Backgrounds
指導教授: 陳學志
Chen, Hsueh-Chih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 中文組字規則形構合法性部件位置規則性視覺字形遷移
英文關鍵詞: Chinese orthography, configuration regularity, radical position regularity, visual-spatial orthographic transfer
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:167下載:24
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  • 語言遷移是第二語言習得研究中的重要議題之一,根據聯結理論:母語與目標語之間相似性的多寡影響遷移的結果;此假設獲得跨語言研究的支持,但過去研究大多以英語為目標語,其形音對應的特性難以區別遷移的結果來自字形或聲韻。本研究提出「視覺空間字形距離假說」,以距離中文相對近的泰語和距離相對遠的西班牙語作為自變項,中文形構規則性和部件位置規則性作為依變項,探討不同字形背景之中文學習者在中文字形構判斷作業和部件位置判斷作業上的差異。實驗1-1發現:參與者在形構合法與不合法的判斷作業中,受到形構頻率的影響,且泰語優於西班牙語;實驗1-2中,頻率效果在形構頻率高與低的判斷作業中消失,亦無母語的主要效果。實驗二得到母語、部件頻率、字度的三因子交互作用,結果顯示:第一、部件頻率有主要效果,參與者在高頻的表現較佳;第二、參與者在字度差異大的條件下表現較好;第三、泰語和西班牙語的表現略有差異。根據實驗結果推論:中文為第二語的學習者能覺察形構合法性及部件位置合法性,且主要受到形構及部件頻率的影響;此外,泰語者的組字覺識略優於西班牙語者,可能是受到母語字形與中文字形較相似的影響。本研究結果大致支持聯結理論,並支持形構規則性與部件位置規則性在中文組字知識中的重要性。

    This present study is concerned with the orthographic awareness of Chinese as second language (CSL) learners from different visual-spatial orthographic backgrounds. Two experiments were conducted to investigate this issue with the axis of visual-spatial orthographic distance and the framework of Chinese orthography knowledge. The Chinese orthographic choice task was adopted, and the participants consisted of 62 Spanish CSL learners and 62 Thai CSL learners after their Chinese reading proficiencies were controlled. In Experiment 1-1, the main effects of configuration legality and first-language were observed. In Experiment 1-2, the main effect of configuration frequency contrast was found, while first-language effect did not occur. In Experiment 2, the three-way interaction was significant and the major results were as follows: (a) radical frequency effect was observed (b) character-like degree effect occurred (c) the patterns of Spanish and Thai CSL learners were different. The results suggested that configuration regularity and radical position regularity are integral parts of Chinese orthographic knowledge; besides, visual-spatial orthographic transfer approximately supported connectionism in second-language learning.

    Acknowledgement i Abstract ii Table of contents iv List of Tables vii List of Figures viii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Characteristics in Chinese Characters 2 1.1.1 Chinese writing system 3 1.1.2 Chinese orthographic knowledge 4 1.1.3 Chinese orthographic awareness of experimental studies 9 Chinese orthographic choice task 11 Chinese Orthographic Database Explorer 13 1.2 Orthographic Transfer from Alphabetic Languages to Non-alphabetic Language 16 1.2.1 Language transfer 16 1.2.2 Cross-language orthographic transfer 17 1.2.3 Two alphabetic languages in different visual-spatial configuration 20 Chapter 2 Purpose of the Present Study 25 Chapter 3 Experiment 1 29 3.1 Experiment 1-1 31 3.1.1 Method 31 Design 31 Participants 32 Materials 33 Procedure 36 3.1.2 Results 36 3.2 Experiment 1-2 39 3.2.1 Method 39 Design 39 Participants 39 Materials 39 Procedure 40 3.2.2 Results 40 3.3 Discussion 43 Chapter 4 Experiment 2 47 4.1 Method 49 4.1.1 Design 49 4.1.2 Participants 49 4.1.3 Materials 49 4.1.4 Procedure 51 4.2 Results 51 4.2.1 Radical frequency × character-like degree by first language 54 4.2.2 First language × radical frequency by P-WN 57 4.3 Discussion 59 Chapter 5 General Discussion 65 5.1 How Orthographic Awareness Are Transferred 66 5.2 How Orthographic Knowledge Developed for CSL Learners 70 5.3 Conclusion 73 5.4 Limitations and Future Directions 73 References 77 Appendix A Stimuli for configuration regularity task 88 Appendix B Configuration regularity task 89 Appendix C Stimuli for radical position regularity task 90 Appendix D Position regularity task 91

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