Author: |
卓靜宜 Ching-yi Cho |
Thesis Title: |
以方案改變理論來檢視高瞻計畫中教師專業發展的途徑—以三所學校為例 Leveraging on Program Change Theory to Examine Teachers’ Professional Development Paths— Three Case Schools in High Scope Science Curriculum Program |
Advisor: |
Chang, Chun-Yen |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2011 |
Academic Year: | 99 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 109 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 方案改變理論 、教師專業發展 |
Keywords (in English): | Program Change Theory, Teacher development |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 147 Downloads: 16 |
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The purpose of this study was to investigate how high teachers went through the professional development process and the influencing factors for curriculum development in the High Scope program. Following Weiss’ (2000) program change theory, we first developed an analysis framework to serve as a theoretical professional development path; following the actual professional development the high school teachers were examined for comparison. Research data were collected from three high schools and analyzed by interviewing 17 teachers who participated in the High Scope program. The study resulted in the following conclusions:
First, teacher professional development of the program can be divided into four stages: decision-making and formation of the project goals, peer exchange and seeking assistance from academic experts, application of the knowledge and skills learned in teaching practice, and maintain the skill and knowledge of the curriculum.
(A) The main activities of the first stage are making plan, coordination and dividing the works.
(B) The main activities of the second stage are peer exchange through meetings, and seeking professional or science education experts.
(C) In the third stage, the participant teachers developed curriculum according to students' background and change their teaching method.
(D) In the fourth stage, the participant teachers spread the developed teaching materials to others or integrated the teaching materials and teaching methods into the general curriculum.
Second, the leadership style affected the first stage of teacher professional development. Teamwork of professional learning communities helps to deprive individual practice and enhance the effectiveness of teacher professional development.
(A) The leadership style of professional learning community affect the decision-making and formation of the project goals of the teachers’ professional development.
(B) The teamwork of professional learning community enhanced links between teachers and peer exchange, and enhanced the effectiveness of teacher professional development.
Third, the teacher's self-understanding promotes teachers to find their roles in their classrooms and their function to improve student learning.
(A)Teachers understood their limits of teaching knowledge and skill. The understanding promotes teachers’ continuing learning for professional development.
(B) Teachers understood their role of guiding students to learn. The understanding helps the teachers to change their past teaching method.
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