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研究生: 林稚維
論文名稱: Ruth Jonathan倫理自由主義在教育上之應用
Ruth Jonathan’s Thoughts about Ethical Liberalism and Its Applications in Education
指導教授: 林逢祺
Lin, Ferng-Chyi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 教育自由教育平等自由主義新自由主義倫理自由主義
英文關鍵詞: liberty of education, equality of education, Liberalism, Neo-Liberalism, Ethical Liberalism, Ruth Jonathan
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:185下載:51
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  • 本研究旨在探討「Ruth Jonathan倫理自由主義在教育上之應用」,希望藉此闡明市場化教育改革之利弊得失,並從中尋繹我國教育改革可資借鏡的方針。
    本論文主要之研究目的為:(一)理解Ruth Jonathan倫理自由主義理論之全象。(二)認識Ruth Jonathan倫理自由主義思想在近代自由主義思想中之地位。(三)認識Ruth Jonathan對於新自由主義教育理論之評判。
    (四)理解Ruth Jonathan論個體發展與教育資源分配之關係。(五)理解Ruth Jonathan論教育自由與教育平等之關係。(六)綜合研究結果,析論Ruth Jonathan倫理自由主義在教育上之應用。

    Ruth Jonathan’s Thoughts about Ethical Liberalism
    and Its Applications in Education
    The main purpose of this research is to explore Ruth Jonathan’s thoughts about Ethical Liberalism and its applications in education, with the hope this discourse would be helpful to explain that the advantages and disadvantages of educational reform which uses free market theory, and find out some suggestions for our educational revolution from it.
    The purposes of this thesis are as follows: (1) to understand Ruth Jonathan’s whole theory of Ethical Liberalism. (2) to realize the status of Ruth Jonathan’s Ethical Liberalism in Liberalism. (3) to realize Ruth Jonathan’s critics of Neo-Liberalism. (4) to understand Ruth Jonathan how to discuss the relationship between individuals’ development and education resources. (5) to understand Ruth Jonathan how to discuss the relationship between educational liberty and educational equality. (6) to explore the applications of Ruth Jonathan’s Ethical Liberalism on education.
    Based on the results above, the conclusions of this study are summarized as follows:
    1. Jonathan re-explains Liberalism’s ideals with an ethical view, resolving the dilemma which the principle of value-free causes, and she offers “substantive liberty” and “constitutive equality” to resolve the conflict of liberty and equality.
    2. Jonathan asserts education is such a positional goods that it is easy to cause education cumulative. So Neo-Liberalism’ educational theory is wrong, and the distribution of education resources needs appropriate regulation.
    3.Jonathan claims that equality of education is the necessary condition to liberty of education. The state or the government should provide persons ideal public education with public action, in order to makes Liberalism’s ideal come true.
    Finally, some suggestions of this study are provided for educational reform as follows: (1) reformers should formulate right conception of the individual. (2) the myth of that educational equality must result in social equality should be given up. (3) people in disadvantaged situation should be taken care of. (4) education activities should be appropriately regulated. (5) the context of education should be reflected in the value and culture of all ethics and statuses appropriately.

    第一章 緒論 --------------------------------- 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 ----------------------- 1 第二節 研究方法與步驟 ----------------------- 4 第三節 研究範圍與限制 ----------------------- 6 第二章 近代自由主義的思想沿革 --------------- 9 第一節 近代自由主義的發展 ------------------- 9 第二節 Jonathan倫理自由主義在自由主義中的地位-33 第三章 Jonathan對新自由主義教育理論的評判 --- 43 第一節 新自由主義的教育理論 ----------------- 43 第二節 教育財與市場化 ----------------------- 47 第三節 虛幻的自由:權利和選擇的分野 --------- 65 第四章 Jonathan論個體發展與教育資源之分配 --- 75 第一節 兩種自由的錯誤本體觀 ----------------- 75 第二節 兩種平等概念與自由主義理想的實現 ----- 78 第三節 個人特質的形成與發展 ----------------- 82 第四節 國家在教育資源分配上的角色 ----------- 87 第五節 自主的開展與教育資源分配 ------------- 89 第五章 Jonathan論教育自由與教育平等之關係 --- 95 第一節 消極教育自由觀的自我否定—放棄教育平等- 97 第二節 理想的公共教育 ----------------------- 106 第六章 結論與建議 --------------------------- 113 參考文獻 -------------------------------------- 125 圖 次 圖2-1 自由主義的道德基礎 ------------------------------ 42 圖3-1 新自由主義教育理論之三大命題極其隨之產生的問題 -- 56

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