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研究生: 郭堉圻
論文名稱: 運動訓練期間補充兒茶素對脂質過氧化物的影響
指導教授: 林正常
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 運動訓練兒茶素脂質過氧化總抗氧化能力
英文關鍵詞: exercise training, catechins, lipid peroxidation, total antioxidant status
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:205下載:33
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  • 本研究的主要目的,(1)探討四週的運動訓練對於抗氧化及脂質過氧化物的影響,(2)比較兒茶素的增補,對於氧自由基的產生及肌肉損傷程度的影響。40名健康的大學男生,隨機分成控制組(C)(20.06±1.35yrs,172.80±4.52cm,69.50±9.85kg)、補充組(S)(20.01±0.67 yrs,171.01±5.58cm,64.10±7.46kg)、訓練組(E)(20.50±0.85yrs,172.01±5.91cm,67.17±8.2kg)、訓練+補充組(ES)(20.40±1.08yrs,172.54±5.97cm,63.26±6.69kg)等四組。所有的受試者分別接受訓練前後二次衰竭性運動,在過程中測量最大攝氧量及心跳率,並記錄衰竭時間。(E)和(ES)以最大保留攝氧量75%(maximum oxygen uptake reserve,VO2R75%)為運動強度,進行四週的運動訓練(每週3次,每次20分鐘),(S) 補充四週的兒茶素(250mg/day),(C)則不進行任何運動訓練及兒茶素的補充。於訓練前、訓練後立即及訓練後24小時進行抽血,並分析總抗氧化能力 (TAS)、肌酸激(CK)及丙二醛(MDA)等血液濃度。結果發現:一、E及ES的最大攝氧量和衰竭時間,訓練後明顯高於訓練前;二、在訓練後24小時CK值S、E及ES明顯低於C;三、在ES的TAS活性,訓練後明顯高於訓練前,而訓練後24小時則明顯低於訓練後;四、在MDA方面,ES在訓練後24小時明顯低於C。結論:最大攝氧量和衰竭時間,在運動訓練後有明顯增加的現象;就CK和MDA而言,沒有運動訓練經驗者,在從事激烈運動時,血中CK和MDA容易上昇,並在運動後24小時達最高點。在運動訓練過程中,結合兒茶素的補充,除了可降低MDA的值外,並增強身體的抗氧化能力。

    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of exercise training combined with catechins supplementation on the antioxidant, lipid peroxidation and free radical generation in muscles injury. Forty healthy male students were voluntary to participate in this study and randomly assigned to four groups, control (C, 20.06±1.35yrs, 172.80±4.52cm, 69.50±9.85kg), catechins supplementation (S, 20.01±0.67 yrs, 171.01±5.58cm, 64.10±7.46kg), exercise training plus catechins supplementation (ES, 20.40± 1.08yrs, 172.54±5.97cm, 63.26±6.69kg) and exercise training (E, 20.50±0.85yrs, 172.01±5.91cm, 67.17± 8.2kg). Before and after treatments, all subjects performed exhaustive running test to determine VO2max, HRmax and time to exhaustion. The E and ES groups completed 4 wk running exercise training on the treadmill at the intensity of 75%VO2R (3 times per week, 20 min per session). The ES and S groups had to ingest catechins (250 mg per day) during this treatment period. The blood samples were taken from antecubital vein before, immediately and 24h after running tests to analyze the total antioxidant status (TAS), creatine kinase (CK) and malodialdehyde (MDA). The results indicated: 1) VO2max and time to exhaustion were improved in E and ES groups after training. 2) The CK activities after 24h post-running test in S, E and ES groups after training were significantly lower than in C group. 3) The TAS activity immediately after running test in ES group was significantly increased over training period, and the TAS activity after 24h post-running test in ES group after training was significantly lower than before training. 4) The MDA activity after 24h post-running test in ES group after training was significantly lower than in C group. In conclusion, the VO2max and time to exhaustion would be significantly improved after training. The activities of CK and MDA in the individuals, without exercise training experiences, would increase after intense exercise and to the peak values at the 24h post-exercise. The combination of exercise training and catechins supplementation might have a tendency to decrease the activity of MDA and to increase total antioxidant status.

    中文摘要.................................................Ⅰ 西文摘要.................................................Ⅱ 謝 誌.................................................Ⅲ 目 次.................................................Ⅳ 表 次.................................................Ⅶ 圖 次.................................................Ⅸ 第壹章 緒論........................................... 1 第一節 問題背景....................................... 1 第二節 研究目的....................................... 4 第三節 研究假設....................................... 5 第四節 研究範圍限制................................... 5 第五節 操作性定義..................................... 5 第貳章 文獻探討........................................8 第一節 自由基與氧化壓力................................8 一、 自由基的定義 .................................. 8 二、 自由基的產生........ .......................... 8 三、 自由基的種類.................................. 10 四、 自由基的機轉和脂質過氧化過程.................. 10 五、 氧化壓力的傷害和疾病的生成.................... 12 第二節 抗氧化系統與功能.............................. 15 一、 抗氧化系統.....................................15 二、 抗氧化劑的種類和功能.......................... 16 第三節 綠茶萃取物兒茶素與抗氧化作用.................. 20 一、 茶的簡介和分類................................ 20 二、 茶的主要成分.................................. 21 第四節 運動、氧化傷害與抗氧化物的補充................ 29 一、 運動與氧化性傷害...............................29 二、 運動與脂質過氧化傷害.......................... 31 三、 運動與抗氧化物的補充.......................... 34 第參章 研究方法與步驟................................ 37 第一節 研究對象...................................... 37 第二節 研究流程與步驟................................ 37 一、 實驗流程...................................... 37 二、 儀器校正與設備檢視............................ 39 三、 受試者注意事項................................ 40 四、 最大攝氧量的測量...............................40 五、 運動訓練及補充兒茶素...........................43 六、 血液樣本的採集及分析...........................43 第三節 資料統計與分析.................................47 第肆章 結果.......................................... 49 一、 基本資料...................................... 49 二、 受試者基本測驗資料............................ 49 三、 血清肌酸激.................................. 54 四、 血漿中總抗氧化值.............................. 57 五、 血漿中脂質過氧化物............................ 60 第伍章 討論.......................................... 64 一、 前言.......................................... 64 二、 運動訓練與生理反應............................ 64 三、 血清肌酸激.................................. 65 四、 總血漿抗氧化能力.............................. 66 五、 脂質過氧化物 ................................. 68 第陸章 結論與建議.................................... 71 一、 結論.......................................... 71 二、 建議.......................................... 71 引用文獻............................................... 73 附錄一、受試者須知........... ......................... 88 附錄二、受試者同意書................................... 89 附錄三、健康情況調查表................................. 90 附錄四、TAS參數設定.................................... 91 附錄五、CK參數設定..................................... 91 附錄六、受試者的CK資料表............................... 92 附錄七、受試者的MDA資料表.............................. 94 附錄八、受試者的TAS資料表.............................. 96 附錄九、受試者的VO2max資料表........................... 98 附錄十、受試者的衰竭時間資料表.........................100

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