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研究生: 黃文田
Wen-Tien Huang
論文名稱: 探討建模教學對八年級學生酸鹼概念發展與建模能力的影響
Investigating the Effectiveness of Model-based Teaching on Eighth Graders’ Conceptual Development and Modeling Ability in Acid and Base
指導教授: 邱美虹
Chiu, Mei-Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 176
中文關鍵詞: 模型與建模酸與鹼心智模式合作式建模教學
英文關鍵詞: model and modeling, acid and base, mental model, cooperative modeling teaching
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:163下載:57
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  • 本研究選取國民中學教科書自然與生活科技第四冊『酸與鹼』單元為研究主題,依課程內容擷取『酸鹼的定義與通性』、『酸鹼濃度與pH值』和『酸鹼中和與鹽類』三個主題概念設計教學活動。分別進行『建模教學』、『建模合作教學』和『一般教學』三種不同教學模式,探討不同教學法對學生酸鹼概念與建模能力的影響,並進一步探討兩者間的相關性。

    The topic of this research was chosen from “Acid and Base”, Science and Technology, Book Ⅳ in junior high school. It contained three subconcepts of “definition and generality of acid and base”, “concentration and pH value of acid and base”, and “neutralization and salts” to design the instruction. It conducted three different teaching models of “modeling teaching”, “cooperative modeling teaching”, and “general teaching” to investigate the effectiveness on students’ concepts of acid and base and modeling ability and further explored the correlation between them.
    The participants in this research included 88 8th graders from three classes. The research instruments included “diagnostic test of concepts of acid and base” and “analytic test of modeling ability” which were designed by researcher to analyze students’ concepts of acid and base and modeling ability quantitatively. The research results were mentioned as below:
    1. The performance of posttest and retention test in the
    concepts of acid and base of the two modeling teachings
    (experimental groups) were significantly superior to
    the general teaching (control group) after teaching.
    Compared with the two experimental groups, “cooperative
    modeling teaching group” was superior to “modeling
    teaching group” in both posttest and retention test. The
    modeling teaching group and the cooperative modeling
    teaching group were also significantly superior to the
    general teaching group in the subconcepts of “definition
    and generality of acid and base” and “concentration and
    pH value of acid and base”. However, in the learning of
    more complicated subconcept of “neutralization and
    salts”, the modeling teaching group was not able to be
    superior to the general teaching group, but the
    cooperative modeling teaching group still did.
    2. Before the teaching, students’ “mental model of
    neutralization ” in the three groups all came with
    phenomenon model, intuitive concentration model, mixed
    model, competitive model, and messy model. After the
    teaching, there were 25% students could reach to
    scientific-like model in the “general teaching group”,
    35.7% students in the “modeling teaching group”. There
    were 34.7% students could reach to scientific-like model
    and 9.4% students could reach to scientific model in the
    “cooperative modeling teaching group”. In the retention
    test, the “modeling teaching group” and the “cooperative
    modeling teaching group” both slightly increased the rate
    of scientific-like model, but the “general teaching
    group” decreased. It revealed that modeling teaching
    could help students constructing more correct scientific
    mental model than general teaching did.
    3. The performance of posttest and retention test in
    modeling ability of the two modeling teachings
    (experimental groups) were significantly superior to the
    general teaching (control group) after the teaching.
    Compared with the two experimental groups, the
    “cooperative modeling teaching group” was superior to the
    “modeling teaching group” in the posttest. The
    “cooperative modeling teaching group” still had the best
    performance among the three groups in the retention test.
    In every modeling process, modeling teachings were
    superior to general teaching in both posttest and
    retention test. It showed that modeling teachings could
    efficiently promote students’ modeling ability than
    general teaching. It also found that there was not
    significant difference on modeling ability between the
    two modeling teachings in the first three modeling
    processes, but the “cooperative modeling teaching group”
    was superior to the “modeling teaching group” in the last
    two modeling processes. As we can see that through the
    cooperative modeling teaching could promote students’
    high level cognition and deductive ability.
    4. Before the teaching, only the “cooperative modeling
    teaching group” had a significant and positive
    correlation (p<.01) between the concepts of acid and
    base and modeling ability. After the teaching, there were
    significant and positive correlations (p<.001) in the
    three groups. It showed that the three teachings could
    simultaneously promote students’ concepts of acid and
    base and modeling ability. Modeling teachings could
    simultaneously facilitate teaching effects and students’
    modeling ability than general teaching. Through the
    cooperative learning, it could enhance even more in the
    whole effects.

    第壹章 緒論..............................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機..................................1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題...............................3 第三節 名詞釋義.......................................4 第四節 研究範圍與限制..................................6 第貳章 文獻探討...........................................7 第一節 概念改變.......................................7 第二節 心智模式......................................17 第三節 模型與建模.....................................22 第四節 合作學習的基本概念..............................37 第五節 酸鹼概念研究...................................39 第参章 研究方法..........................................49 第一節 研究設計......................................49 第二節 研究對象......................................52 第三節 研究工具......................................53 第四節 研究流程......................................58 第五節 資料處理與分析.................................60 第肆章 研究結果與討論.....................................63 第一節 酸鹼概念學習成效分析............................63 第二節 酸鹼主題概念學習成效分析.........................67 第三節 酸鹼中和心智模式分析............................78 第四節 酸鹼建模能力分析...............................88 第五節 各建模歷程之建模能力分析.........................93 第六節 酸鹼概念和建模能力的相關性......................109 第伍章 結論與建議.......................................119 第一節 結論........................................119 第二節 建議........................................122 參考文獻............................................125 一、中文部分.....................................125 二、西文部分.....................................127 附錄一 酸、鹼、鹽概念圖...........................133 附錄二 酸鹼概念命題陳述...........................134 附錄三 建模教學組教學設計.........................135 附錄四 建模合作組教學設計.........................138 附錄五 一般教學組教學設計.........................141 附錄六 建模教學組與建模合作組課程學習單..............143 附錄七 一般教學組課程學習單........................156 附錄八 酸鹼概念診斷測驗...........................166 附錄九 酸鹼建模能力分析試題........................170 附錄十 酸鹼建模能力試題計分標準.....................175

    專題研究計畫成果報告,NSC 95-2511-S-003-024-MY2。
    陳姍姍(1993 )。我國國三學生酸鹼概念之研究(未出版之碩士論文)。國立臺灣師

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