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研究生: 李侑儒
Lee Yu-Ru
論文名稱: Floating 浮世意象:氣球造形意象分析應用於海報設計創作之研究
Floating World Image: Study on Balloon Shaping Imagery Analysis for Poster Design Application
指導教授: 施令紅
Shih, Ling-Hung
Sun, Wen-Ching
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 浮世意象符號學海報氣球
英文關鍵詞: floating world image, semiotics, poster, balloon
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:144下載:32
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  • 本創作研究以社會新聞事件為引,試圖以海報創作的形式呈現現代人面臨的各種攸關生存的面向,創作主題將從三個方向進行,分別為「經濟」、「性別」、「飲食安全」。從有感於民生用品上漲的事件,到跟任何民生消費有關的議題,進而試圖理解人們面對當今物質生活下的角色立場,以及經濟環境的脈動對人類生活所造成的影響。藉由探討人民在整體世界經濟體制之中,如何被操控與影響,卻又不得不面對基本的生存、消費的問題,反思與建構出對於生活消費、經濟議題的創作思維。「性別議題」來自於女性作為被觀看的對象的觀點,受制於性別的意識形態的社會立場。在當今的社會風氣與媒體文化中,刻意強調女性的身體,並放大檢視女幸身體,反而忽略個人的整體特質,「事業線」的詞彙出現便是明顯的例子。透過以上觀點,進而試圖理解女性在當今社會中的角色為何,女性主義與性別不平等的問題有什麼衝突,在尋找答案的過程中發現也許這是整個性別發展脈絡之下在當代所產生的面貌,女性作為被觀看的角色有何先例以及當代的意義,試圖透過創作呈現出個人的理解與詮釋。最後一個是食品安全的議題,「食安」在2013年成為消費新聞的重要項目,人們最基本的生存條件-飲食,面臨了前所未見的問題,這個幾乎逼近到人類生存的底線,以當前所發生的事件作為核心概念,進而建構出對於飲食安全的詮釋方式與概念。最後,透過探討三個面向的議題,引導出「浮世」的核心概念,透過海報的形式呈現,同時加以整理海報的歷史文化背景,對於視覺載體進一步的瞭解與剖析,作為整體系列創作呈現的主要方式。


    By utilizing social news events as wedge, this work attempts to present various situations of life and death we meet nowadays through the form of poster design. The creative theme is composed of three topics respectively: “economy”, “gender” and “food safety”. Touched by the rise of consumer goods prices and similar issues of living expenses, we try to understand how people react to the modern materialistic life and how the economic environment affects human life with its movement. While discussing how people are manipulated and affected in the entire global economic system where they can’t hide from fighting with the problems of basic survival and consumption, we reconsidered and constructed the creative concepts of living expenses and economic issues. “Gender issues” come from the perspective where women are treated as displayed objects and are restricted by the gender ideology of their societies they belong to. In such social environment and media culture today, female body are emphasized and amplified while overall personal qualities are ignored; the slang “business line (cleavage)” is an obvious example. Through these views, we tried to identify the role women play in today’s society and the conflicts between feminism and gender inequality. While looking for the answers, we realized that this may be the contemporary impression of women on the journey of the entire gender development, and we figured out the past examples and contemporary significances of how women are set to be exhibited items and tried to present individual understanding and interpretation with creation. The food safety issue comes at the last. “Food safety” has become the major issue for news about consumption in all media in 2013. The most basic survival condition for human beings, food, is facing unprecedented challenges which endanger our lives. With these events as the core concepts, we generated the interpretation and some creative ideas for food safety. Finally, the core concept of “floating world” was reached through the discussion of the three dimensions and was presented by posters with historical and cultural backgrounds. The work was then further dissected and analyzed for the visual carrier as the main presentation method of the entire creation series.
    Semiotics is the basic theory for creation analysis, by which we can discuss and organize the visual symbols of works. In the visual presentation of this creation series, “balloon” is the main subject of the concept of “floating world”, and the way they combine all topics and convey the connotation of each topic is also analyzed by semiotics. We tried to use “balloon” as the unified visual element for this series and to develop diverse application modes of balloons through different topics. The overall direction of this research is expected to depict the outline of modern human survival issues. By being presented in the form of poster, we tried to integrate “balloon” with the concepts of the three main issues in order to capture the content of “floating world image” and the way to present it.

    第一章 緒論……………………………………………….….....1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………….....2 第二節 研究背景…………………………………………….....3 第三節 研究方法…………………………………………….....4 第四節 研究範圍與限制...…..……………………….............4 第五節 名詞釋義…………………………………………….....6 第六節 研究架構…………………………………………….....7 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………....….....8 第一節 海報設計…………………………………………........8 第二節 符號學基礎理論…………………………………......26 第三節 浮世概念的衍生…………………………………......32 第四節 小結………………………………………………......45 第三章 創作方法與實驗……………………………..……......46 第一節 物質的氣球……………………………………….......46 第二節 創作導入-氣球符號的分析……………………........49 第三節 創作運用-氣球符號的界定……………………….....57 第四節 小結……………………………………………….......63 第四章 創作呈現與分析…………………………………........64 第一節 「Breath Between Inflation and Deflation」.....66 第二節 「Who Decides Your Look」…………………......75 第三節 「In and Out-母體的依存關係」……………….....86 第四節 小結.…………..…………………………………......90 第五章 結論……………………………………………..…......92


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