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Author: 陳秀玲
Chen, Hsiu-Lin
Thesis Title: 心之慢舞-書法在指間的定靜功
Slow Dance of Mind- The Focus and Calmness of Calligraphy between Fingers
Advisor: 林玫君
Lin, Mei-Chun
Committee: 林玫君
Lin, Mei-Chun
Cheng, Chih-Fu
Kao, Li-Chuan
Approval Date: 2022/08/25
Degree: 碩士
Department: 樂活產業高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability
Thesis Publication Year: 2022
Academic Year: 111
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 89
Keywords (in Chinese): 美感臺北故宮博物院抄經心齊坐忘草堂字帖
Keywords (in English): aesthetic feeling, National Palace Museum, copy the scriptures, Xinzhai Zuowang Calligraphy Research Studio, calligraphy copybook
Research Methods: 敘說探究
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 215Downloads: 8
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  • 一趟到西安、敦煌有穿越古今之感的旅行,啟動了書法的學習,幸運找到心齋坐忘草堂書法教室,體驗了書法學習帶來的許多正向的改變,有感於現代生活節奏緊張,加上書法漸漸淡出我們的生活。本研究以敘說探究法及文件分析法進行,希望從我自己及訪談六位書法同好們的學習經驗,將寫書法從字的外形之美到內心的感受、美感的提升,及習書法從慢出發得到定靜的美好,透過本研究找出書法在現代生活中的作用及價值。書法的線條之美展現在篆隸草行楷各書體上,習書法者初期可能會對某一書體有特別的偏好,但在書法老師五書體都指導下,學習者跨出原先的單一視野,加上參觀書法相關展覽及讀字帖,穿越時空的界線,和千年前的書法偶像對話,學習書法後,更能領會書法家們在運筆時的情緒思維,達成心靈上的交流,在美感的鑑賞力提升後,反饋到書法的學習,期許有朝一日寫出自己的風格。佛教的流傳過程中有譯經和抄經的需要,與書法相結合,發展出抄經書法,歷代書法家留下為數眾多的抄經書法字帖,是書法史上重要的一部分,也提供現代習書者一個自我修練的方式。體會到寫書法的美好後,研究參與者變得主動且自律在生活中安排固定時間練習書法,進而發覺書法的慢功對書寫者產生影響,變得更有耐心,在節奏緊湊的生活中,只要提筆寫書法,就進入了一個可以安適其中的時空,有療癒心靈的作用。

    A trip to Xi'an and Dunhuang made me feel like crossing ancient and modern times, and inspired me to learn calligraphy. Luckily then, I found a calligraphy classroom called Xinzhai Zuowang Calligraphy Research Studio. I experienced many positive changes through learning calligraphy, The tense pace of modern life and calligraphy’s gradual fading out of our life motivated this research, which is carried through by narrative inquiry method and document analysis method. Through narration of my learning experience and interviews with six friends who also love writing, it may be demonstrated that calligraphy can be not only beautiful characters but also an inner experience, improve learners’ aesthetics literacy, and help obtain for them the beauty of calmness and tranquility from slowness in learning calligraphy. Throughout this research, we can find the function and value of calligraphy in modern life. The beauty of the lines of calligraphy is in the styles of seal, official, cursive, and regular scripts. In the beginning, calligraphers may have a preference for a certain script, but under the guidance of calligraphy teachers in all five script styles, learners are able to step out of the original restricted vision. In addition, visiting exhibitions related to calligraphy and reading copybooks also allow learners crossing the boundaries of time and space, and having conversations with calligrapher idols thousands of years ago. After learning it, you can better understand the emotions and thoughts of calligraphers when they move their brushes and achieve spiritual exchanges. After improving my appreciation and feedback from learning calligraphy, I expect myself to be able to write in my own style one day. In motion of spread Buddhism, there is a need for copying and translation scrip-tures. Calligraphy specifically for copying Buddhist scriptures, a combination of calligraphy and the religion has thus been developed. Calligraphers of the past dynasties left lots of copybooks for copying scriptures, which are principal parts of the history of calligraphy and also resource for modern calligraphers to cultivate themselves. After realizing the beauty of writing calligraphy, the study’s participants became more active and self-disciplined. They arrange a fixed time in their life to practice calligraphy and then found that the slow work of calligraphy had an impact on them, making them become more patient. If you pick up the pen and write calligraphy, you will enter a time and space where you can comfortably heal the soul.

    第一章緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起與目的 1 第二節 文獻探討 3 第三節 研究方法 8 第四節 研究歷程 14 第五節 研究信實度 16 第六節 章節安排 19 第二章 紙上的舞姿 20 第一節 線條之美 20 第二節 美感經驗 27 第三章 穿越時空來看你 39 第一節 字如其人 39 第二節 傳世真跡的啟發 46 第四章 由筆入心 57 第一節 關於慢 57 第二節 抄經體驗 65 第三節 靜慢指間 72 第五章 結論 79 引用文獻 84 附錄 訪談同意書 89

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