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研究生: 陳銨裴
Chen, An-Pei
論文名稱: 課程改革下一位國小體育教師專業認同之敘說探究
Professional Identity of an Elementary School Physical Education Teacher : Narratives of Curriculum Reform
指導教授: 林靜萍
Lin, Ching-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 139
中文關鍵詞: 十二年國教課程改革教師專業認同國小體育教師
英文關鍵詞: 12-year Basic Education, Curriculum Reform, Teacher Professional Identity, Elementary School Physical Education Teacher
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100314
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:136下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在了解國小體育教師專業認同建構歷程的經驗樣貌,及面對十二年國教課程改革的因應與困境,以提供相關啟示。研究方法:研究參與者為某縣市健體領域輔導團團員,並積極參與課改相關活動之國小男性體育教師。以敘說探究方式進行,採半結構式深度訪談,以編年式進行分析,直至資料飽和。研究發現與討論:教師個人特質、過往學習經驗、學生回饋、教師與教練、同儕及自我專業進修,對教師專業認同發展具影響力;教師專業認同發展歷程,是生命經驗與專業認同不斷在順應課改潮流下持續協商、重新定義與建構的動態歷程;教師對課改精神認同,能發揮能動性提升教師對其專業的認同;透過在校公開授課,漸漸影響學校體育文化,為課改帶來一線曙光。本研究所得結論:一、非專體育教師透過運動參與與不斷進修建立自信-形成體育教師專業認同。二、教師受環境影響產生角色衝突,體育教學磨練與學生回饋克服教師專業認同混沌-非專體育教師亦能成為專長體育教師。三、面對課改,教師發揮能動性瞭解其內涵並做出體育教學改變來因應。未來建議:一、鼓勵課改下的國小體育教師(非專長與專長)多參與運動培養體育相關興趣、參與相關研習、進修及培養多元能力。二、國小體育教師多元角色職務環境下-應持續專業成長維持教師熱忱。三、面對課改-體育教師應設計符應素養導向的課程在教學現場做出改變。四、未來建議可針對瞭解現場對課改不認同的體育教師探究其原因,以利課改推行。

    The purpose of this research is to understand the experience of the construction process about professional identity of physical education teacher in primary school, and to provide relevant enlightenment to encounter the reform of 12-year Basic Education Curricula. Research method: The research participant is a member of National Health Education and Sports Counseling Organization, and also a primary school physical education teacher who has been actively participated in curriculum reform and related activities. The research is conducted with narrative inquiry and semi-structured interviews, and it would analysis by conducted chronologically record until the data is saturated. Findings and discussion: It showed there is a strong impact of teachers’ personal traits, past learning experiences, students' feedback, teachers, coaches, peers and self-advanced studies are related with the development of teacher’s professional identity ; the development process of teacher’s professional identity keep continuous to negotiate of life experience and professional recognition in compliance with the trend of curriculum reform. It is a dynamic process of redefinition and construction to adapt and fulfill the needs. Also, teachers recognize of curriculum reform can exert their initiative to enhance their recognition of profession. Furthermore, through public teaching in school, it has been gradually influenced sports culture at school and affect the curriculum reform in the right track. Conclusions: 1. Non-specialized physical education teachers have regained their self-confidence through sports participation and continuous learning, which could help them to build up the professional identity. 2. Teacher who had been affected by the environment and role, but physical education training and students’ feedback helped to overcome the confusion of professional identification - non-specialized physical education teachers could become and act as a specialized teacher. 3. Facing the curriculum reform, the teacher has took the initiative to understand the meaning deeply and made changes in the way to teach physical education. Suggestions: 1. Encourage physical education teachers of primary (non-specialized and specialized) who under the curriculum reform to participate more in sports in order to cultivate interests of sports. It suggested to participate in related workshops, engaged in advanced studies and foster multiple capabilities. 2. Under the multi-role environment, primary physical education teachers should maintain their professional development and also to keep their teaching passion. 3. Facing the curriculum reform, physical education teachers should design quality-oriented curriculum to fit in every the teaching site. 4. In the future, it recommends to explore more about the reasons why some of the physical education teacher are disagree on the curriculum reform, to facilitate the implementation of the curriculum reform.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 2 第二節 研究目的 6 第三節 研究問題 7 第四節 研究範圍與限制 8 第五節 名詞解釋 9 第貳章 文獻探討 11 第一節 十二年國教課程改革 11 第二節 體育教師角色與專業能力 15 第三節 教師的專業認同 20 第四節 教師專業認同之相關研究 30 第參章 研究方法 37 第一節 研究方法的選擇 37 第二節 研究架構與流程 39 第三節 研究參與者 41 第四節 研究者角色 43 第五節 資料蒐集與分析 44 第六節 研究倫理 48 第肆章 故事的敘說 50 第一節 斜槓人生 51 第二節 思考轉捩點-體育教師人生 58 第三節 從非專到專長的體育信念 62 第四節 自我的價值與定位 70 第五節 十二年國教課程改革下的「亮點」與困難 80 第伍章 研究發現與討論 99 第一節 小志老師的教師專業認同內涵 99 第二節 小志老師的專業認同發展歷程與影響 108 第三節 小志老師在課改下的困難與因應方式 114 第四節 我的省思 120 第陸章 結論與建議 123 第一節 結論 123 第二節 建議 124 參考文獻 126 附錄 138

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