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研究生: 林正斌
Lin Cheng-pin
論文名稱: 我國政黨黨團組織運作研究-以2000至2004民主進步黨黨團為例
A study on the operations of caucus system used by political parties in Taiwan, using DPP caucus in the Legislative Yuan from 2002 to 2004 as an example.
指導教授: 劉昊洲
Liu, Hao-Jou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 政治學研究所
Graduate Institute of Political Science
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 157
中文關鍵詞: 黨團三長資深制黨團組織黨團制度黨團會議動員令政策小組
英文關鍵詞: three leaders of the caucus, seniority system, organization of caucus, caucus system, caucus, an order of mobilization, policy team
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:175下載:34
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  • 2000年總統大選過後,選舉結果對於台灣的政治生態造成非常重大的影響。朝野互換的結果,大家都在找尋一個平衡點,也同時在適應角色的轉換。而位居全國政治權力核心之一的立法院,也跟著發生了重大的轉變。正因為已經形成政黨輪替,原本的政治遊戲規則也起了變化,政黨黨團的角色也變得更形重要,各黨黨團組織也開始有比較顯著的進展。這當中又以立法院民主進步黨黨團有最明顯的轉變,包括在推動資深制以及黨團三長推選方式上,都有相當程度的改變,也因為這些轉變,更加速了民主進步黨的發展。本文試著針對立法院民主進步黨黨團在政黨輪替後的轉變進行研究,期能找出當中可供作為建立黨團運作模式的指標。

    Institution: Graduate School of Political Studies, National Taiwan Normal University.

    Title: A study on the operations of caucus system used by political parties in Taiwan, using DPP caucus in the Legislative Yuan from 2002 to 2004 as an example.

    Graduation: 2005 (abstract for an MA dissertation for the second term of the 93rd academic year)

    Name of Student:Lin Cheng-pin
    Name of Supervisor:Liu how-jou


    The result of the 2000 Presidential Election has a large impact on the political ecology in Taiwan. As a result of reversal positions between the ruling party and the opposition party, a point of balance is sought for, as well as an adjustment to their new roles. This transformation is also taking place in one of the centers of political power – the Legislative Yuan. As the transition of ruling parties is formed, a set of new rules is taking over the old ones. As the role of caucus becomes more important, a significant progress is seen in the caucus of each party. The most significant change is seen in the DPP legislative caucus, which includes the promoting of seniority system and the selection of three leaders in the caucus. The development of DPP gains momentums as a result of these changes. This dissertation aims to investigate the transformation of DPP legislative caucus after the transition of ruling parties. It is hoped that a model can be established as an example for caucus operation.

    This research aims to study the transformation and development of DPP legislative caucus after the transition of ruling parties, including the forming and changing of seniority system, the structure of caucus and the role of caucus in inter-party consultation. While most studies on caucus focus on inter-party consultation, this research highlights the importance of the organization of caucus as the origin of inter-party consultation. This knowledge provides a positive perspective in terms of understanding the problems faced by inter-party consultation. It is also hoped that the discussion of caucus system in other countries will provide useful references for party caucus in Taiwan.

    目次 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………1 第二節 研究方法與架構……………………………4 第三節 研究範圍與限制……………………………8 第二章 黨團組織的相關理論基礎 第一節 黨團理論專書………………………………11 第二節 學術論文及其他資料………………………16 第三節 國外政黨組織理論…………………………31 第三章 民進黨黨團的變革  第一節 黨團的由來及黨團幹部的特性……………35 第二節 立法院黨團組織的相關規定………………46  第三節 民進黨黨團組織之深入分析………………49 第四章、美英日三國的國會黨團組織  第一節 美國的國會黨團組織………………………65  第二節 英國的國會黨團組織………………………72  第三節 日本的國會黨團組織………………………78 第五章、政策小組政策制訂運作過程  第一節 政策小組的運作過程………………………87  第二節 政策小組的成效……………………………98  第三節 政策小組的改進之途………………………107 第六章、結論 第一節 研究發現……………………………………117 第二節 研究建議……………………………………120 第三節 未來研究方向建議…………………………124

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    1. 美國國會研究服務處網站(http:/www.crs.gov)搜尋日期:2005.05.20
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    3. 美國眾議院網站(http://www.house.gov/)搜尋日期:2005.05.20
    4. 日本國會參議院網站(http://www.sangiin.go.jp)搜尋日期:2005.05.20
    5. 英國國會網站(http://www.parliament.uk)搜尋日期:2005.05.20
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    1. 自民党三役,2003.09.22,《読売新聞》