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研究生: 高志忠
論文名稱: 即時監控系統之嵌入式軟體平台設計
The Design of Real-Time Surveillance with the Embedded Software Platform
指導教授: 高文忠
Kao, Wen-Chung
Huang, Chi-Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 人臉偵測人臉辨認支援向量機嵌入式系統數位相機
英文關鍵詞: Face Detection, Face Recognition, Support Vector Machine, Embedded System, Digital Camera
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:158下載:3
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  • 人臉偵測與人臉辨認在監視系統、智慧型人機介面與安全資訊擷取上面非常有用。有非常多傑出的論文提出演算法解決人臉偵測與人臉辨認的問題。然而,非常少的論文考慮關於整合曝光控制、影像擷取、人臉追蹤與有效率人臉辨認的系統並且實現於行動的數位相機系統上。

    Face detection as well as recognition is particular useful for surveillance systems, intelligent human-computer interface and security information access. Many excellent algorithms have been proposed to solve the problems of face detection as well as recognition. However, very few of them considered the integration issues from exposure control, image capture, face tracking and efficient recognition for realizing such a system in portable camera system.

    In this thesis, we propose a complete surveillance which is implemented on a commercial digital camera. The system first adaptively control the exposure based on the locations of human face which is detected by probability skin color model to ensure the right exposure of human face. The next step is to extract the possible locations of eyes, noses and lips. Then the right location of human face can be determined with relative location models. Finally the human faces are recognized based on DCT coefficients of the segmented image areas and classified with support vector machines. The experimental results show that the proposed system is stable and fast enough for real-time applications.

    目錄 1 圖目錄 3 表目錄 4 第一章 緒論 5 1.1 研究動機 5 1.2 相關研究 7 1.2.1 人臉偵測相關研究 7 Knowledge-based methods 9 Feature-based methods 10 Template-matching methods 10 Appearance-based methods 11 1.2.2 人臉辨認相關研究 13 1.3 本論文提出之方法 14 1.4 論文架構 16 第二章 系統架構 17 2.1 硬體平台說明 17 2.1.1 ARM子系統 18 2.1.2 DSP子系統 19 2.1.3 影像週邊單元 19 2.1.4 記憶體控制單元 19 2.2 硬體流程說明 20 2.3 軟體系統架構圖 21 第三章 人臉偵測 26 3.1 相關研究 26 3.2 提出的方法 33 3.2.1 膚色偵測 33 3.2.2 使用輪廓搜尋演算法的膚色物件切割 35 3.2.3 臉部特徵抽取與驗證 37 3.3 以人臉為目標的自動曝光調整 40 第四章 特徵抽取與人臉辨認 42 4.1 特徵抽取與特徵統計分析 42 4.2 使用SVM的人臉辨認系統 48 4.2.1 SVM簡介 48 4.2.2 人臉辨認 54 第五章 實驗結果 55 5.1 人臉偵測 55 5.2 人臉辨認 58 第六章 結論與未來工作 59 6.1 結論 59 6.2 未來工作 59 參考文獻 60 附錄一 65 附錄二 80

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