簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 具孝靜
Koo, Hyo-jeong
論文名稱: 現代漢語複合詞的研究與教學應用
A Study on Compound Words in Modern Chinese and Its Pedagogical Applications
指導教授: 鄧守信
Teng, Shou-Hsin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 詞素複合詞詞組熟語華語教學
英文關鍵詞: morpheme, compound words, phrase, idioms, teaching Chinese
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:568下載:52
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  • 傳統的漢語語法研究,經常對雙音節詞有不同的看法,例如「約好」,史嘉琳(2006)等有些研究視為「複合動詞」;而《漢語情景會話》(1991,第三十八課)等有些教材視為「動補詞組」。我們認為如此不一致的看法對學習者的教學及學習上會產生阻力。因此,我們從現代漢語的「詞法」開始探討,區分「詞素」的屬性,進而界定「單純詞」、「合成詞」和「複合詞」,其內部成分皆為詞(自由詞素)的界定為「複合詞」。此外,藉由一些「成詞性」的探討,討論「複合詞」和「詞組」的不同,「複合詞」和「熟語」的不同,並且探討「複合詞」的語義及結構特性。

    According to traditional Chinese grammar studies, scholars have different opinions to the disyllables. Take“約好”as an example. Some studies, like Chung(2006), regard it as a compound verb. Some teaching materials edited by some scholars , like 《Chinese situational dialogues》(1991,Lesson thirty-eight), regard it is a verb-result phrase. Such different opinions will lead obstructions to the teaching and learning in our opinion. As a result, we have to discuss about modern Chinese “morphology” and distinguish what is “morpheme” property. Furthermore, we may define what is “simplex”, “complex” and “compound” witch ingredients inside are all “free morpheme”, and defined as “compound words”. On the other hand, according to some “wordhood” studies, we can discuss about the difference between “compound words” and “phrases”, the difference between “compound words” and “idioms”. Also, we may analyze the meaning and structure character of “compound words”.
     We based on the content of compound words and conduct the analysis of first language (Korean) in further. We discuss through the language type comparison of “Korean” and “Chinese” and through the comparative analysis of contrastive analysis of word formation in depth. In addition, by the analysis of Korean learners Inter-language, we pointed out some “error” behavior of “compound words” and “vocabularies” in Modern Chinese which the Korean learners easily make firstly. Second, we discuss about the factors why it be generated and the phenomenon of the “negative transfer” from mother tongue. Based on the content of we mentioned above, we discuss “pedagogical applications” program for the Korean learner’s, and hope it will be reference for a teaching manual or the preparation materials editor for the Korean learners.

    中文摘要--------------------------------------------------ii 英文摘要-------------------------------------------------iii 目錄------------------------------------------------------v 表目次---------------------------------------------------vii 圖目次--------------------------------------------------viii 第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------1  1.1 研究動機與目的----------------------------------------1 1.2 研究範圍及架構------------------------------------------2 第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------------5  2.1現代漢語「詞」與「複合詞」的研究-------------------------5   2.1.1 現代漢語「詞」的定義-------------------------------5   2.1.2「複合」與「複合詞」的意義---------------------------7  2.2現代漢語「複合詞」與「合成詞」的研究---------------------10   2.2.1「複合詞」的界定問題--------------------------------10   2.2.2「複合詞」與「合成詞」的區分問題---------------------11  2.3現代漢語「複合詞」與「詞組」的研究-----------------------12   2.3.1「複合詞」與「詞組」區分問題的產生--------------------12   2.3.2「複合詞」與「詞組」的區分---------------------------15 2.4 小結--------------------------------------------------19 第三章 現代漢語「複合詞」(compound words)之探討------------21  3.1 現代漢語「詞」的探討----------------------------------22   3.1.1 現代漢語的「詞素」-------------------------------22 3.1.2 現代漢語的「構詞」與「詞」----------------------------27 3.1.3 現代漢語的「複合詞」與「詞組」---------------------30  3.2 現代漢語「複合詞」的語義及結構探討----------------------33   3.2.1「複合詞」與語義變化-------------------------------33   3.2.2「複合詞」與「熟語」(idioms)----------------------35   3.2.3「複合詞」的結構-----------------------------------39  3.3 現代漢語「複合詞」的類型探討---------------------------41   3.3.1 「複合詞」的類型----------------------------------43   3.3.2 非右側中心語(non-right headed)的「複合詞」-------45 3.4 小結-------------------------------------------------47 第四章 韓籍學習者的偏誤及其因素-----------------------------49  4.1 中介語理論------------------------------------------49  4.2 韓語的「構詞」---------------------------------------51  4.3 韓語的「複合詞」-------------------------------------54  4.4 韓籍學習者的偏誤-------------------------------------58   4.4.1 韓籍學習者的偏誤分析------------------------------58 4.5 小結------------------------------------------------67 第五章 教學應用(針對韓籍學習者)----------------------------69  5.1 對外漢語教材的檢視------------------------------------70   5.1.1 教材對「詞素」的處理模式---------------------------70   5.1.2 教材對「複合詞」與「詞組」的處理模式----------------72   5.1.3 教材對「熟語」的處理模式---------------------------75   5.1.4 針對教材編寫的建議--------------------------------79  5.2 針對韓籍學習者的教學內容------------------------------81 5.3 小結--------------------------------------------------84 第六章 結論-----------------------------------------------87 6.1 研究總結----------------------------------------------87 6.2 研究限制與未來展望-------------------------------------89 參考文獻--------------------------------------------------91

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