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研究生: 林慧怜
Lin, Hui-Lin
論文名稱: 真實與虛幻‧逍遙遊—林慧怜繪畫創作研究
Reality and Illusion.Free and Easy Wandering—The Research of Lin, Hui-Lin's Creation Painting
指導教授: 王瓊麗
Wang, Chiung-Li
口試委員: 林兆藏
Lin, Jaw-Tsang
Hsu, Ming-Hsiung
Wang, Chiung-Li
口試日期: 2021/12/09
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系美術創作碩士在職專班
Department of Fine Arts_Continuing Education Master's Program of Artistic Creation
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 115
中文關鍵詞: 視象意象數位影像真實虛幻逍遙遊
英文關鍵詞: visualism, imagism, digital image, reality, illusion, free and easy wandering
研究方法: 主題分析內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200026
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:110下載:9
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  • 對著風景寫生多年,嘗試了許多形式的表現風貌,進了夢寐以求的國立台灣師範大學美術研究所,於是想嘗試不同的主題、不同的媒材來表現內在澎湃的情感,追求繪畫形式的自由,探索畫面的新美感印象,讓自己化身為《莊子〈逍遙遊〉》一文中描述的鯤或鵬,於是思想騰飛,上天下地,盡情翱翔;我的繪畫世界,忽地自由自在起來,無論在繁華都會城市光廊中,抑或在山巔海濱的純樸自然中,開始用繪畫記錄我的游移的狀態與足跡,融入心中對生活的省思。
    (一) 真實系列~呈現在視象的景物。

    After many years of practicing landscape painting, I attempted many forms of expression styles and entered my dream institute—Institute of Fine Arts of National Taiwan Normal University. I wanted to try different themes and different media to express my surging inner emotions, pursue the freedom of painting form, explore any new aesthetic impressions of the picture, and turn myself into the Kun fish or Peng bird described in Zhuangzi’s Roaming with Ease 〈莊子逍遙遊〉, where thoughts take off and soar across the world. My painting world suddenly became free. Whether it was the light corridor of the bustling metropolis or the simple nature on the top of the mountain and near the seashore, I began to record my wandering state and footprints through painting and integrated my reflections on life in my heart.
    In this article, I discussed and reviewed various pieces of literature on contemporary art movements and carried out some activities involving personal creative practice, thinking context, and learning process. The main text is divided into two series:
    (1) Realist Series - the scenery presented in a visual image
    Using the concrete realism method, I created a series of tourism sketching works, which depicted love and respect for nature, recorded what I saw and heard, and discussed research regarding painting techniques.
    (2) Unrealist series - focuses on the creation of images
    With the aid of the digital imaging device and Photoshop software, I experimentally present an objective scene in the subjective consciousness by carrying out decomposition and reconstruction to convey an inner attachment to and reflection on the world, expectation, and criticism and to observe the phenomenon of “society.”
    The freedom of painting allows people to be carefree while shuttling between reality and unreality and to attempt to explore the strange beauty and present a new visual aesthetics.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究範圍與限制 6 第四節 名詞釋義 9 第二章 文獻探討與創作理論基礎 17 第一節 由東西方哲學探索真實與虛幻 17 第二節 寫實的藝術風格 27 第三節 抽象的藝術風格 31 第四節 超現實主義呈現的虛實 34 第三章 創作理念分析與實踐 37 第一節 創作理念源起 37 第二節 媒材、工具之運用 39 第三節 技法之示現 48 第四章 創作內容與形式 54 第一節 寫生追逐光與影的 54 第二節 探索生活的美麗與哀愁 56 第三節 寫生紀錄生態環境 58 第四節 光線穿透玻璃呈現虛實意象 61 第五節 運用攝影與photoshop組合新構圖 63 第五章 創作作品解析 67 第一節、真實系列 67 第二節、虛幻系列 85 第六章 結論─未來創作展望 110 參考文獻 112

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