Author: |
張濰鍇 Chang, Wei-Kai |
Thesis Title: |
不凡的總合:解讀奢侈品牌在Met Gala的展演奧義 The Sum of the Extraordinaries: Decoding the Luxury Brand Language on Met Gala |
Advisor: |
Lin, Shu-Jou |
Committee: |
Lo, Shih-min 林舒柔 Lin, Shu-Jou 周慧君 Chou, Christine |
Approval Date: | 2023/05/21 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2023 |
Academic Year: | 111 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 309 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 奢侈品 、Met Gala 、精緻工藝 、高級訂製服 、創造力 |
Keywords (in English): | Luxury, Met Gala, ultimate in craftsmanship, haute couture, creativity |
Research Methods: | 個案研究法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 251 Downloads: 13 |
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「專屬於時尚」是Met Gala最為顯著的獨特性。而結合了極致創造力與精緻工藝的高級訂製服,是設計師與奢侈品牌展現其前瞻眼光和時尚領導力最強而有力的象徵。在兩者相互加乘的背景下,Met Gala提供了一個極為獨特的視角來觀察奢侈品如何塑造文化認同與對品牌價值形成建樹。
本研究分析Gucci以及Versace兩大奢侈品牌在2018年與2019年是如何利用高級訂製服與Met Gala兩大載體為自己發聲,以及它們如何與文化價值觀和品牌認知度等問題交織在一起,在時尚產業形成深遠的影響。
Luxury brands have been able to engage in the highest and most extraordinary dialogue with the world thanks to their depth of heritage. As a symbolic indicator of today's global prestige and social status, luxury has become a vital element of contemporary culture through the powerful drive of the fashion industry.
The Met Gala is unique in that it is "exclusively about fashion". High-end bespoke haute coutre, combining the ultimate in creativity and craftsmanship, is the most powerful symbol of the vision and fashion leadership of designers and luxury brands. In a context where the two are mutually reinforcing, the Met Gala offers a highly unique perspective on how luxury goods shape cultural identity and build brand values.
This study analyses how two major luxury brands, Gucci and Versace, used haute couture and the Met Gala as vehicles to make their voices heard in 2018 and 2019, and how they intertwined with issues of cultural values and brand recognition to create a far-reaching impact on the fashion industry.
Fashion is making waves with all kinds of innovations and transformations. As technology continues to advance, the medium and mix of communication is constantly changing. The speed of focus has to be extremely short, but the benefits must be enormous. Luxury goods are valued for all their extremes and for their mission to perpetuate the culture of craftsmanship and branding, and they have become notable subjects that can be studied in all their facets.
To be continued.
We are born into unparalleled beauty.
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