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研究生: 鄔毅愷
Wu, Yi-Kai
論文名稱: 副熱帶東北太平洋海溫年際及年代際變化以及其對亞洲-太平洋之影響
Interannual and Interdecadal variations of Subtropical Eastern North Pacific SST and its Impact on Pacific-Asia Climate
指導教授: 陳正達
Chen, Cheng-Ta
Hong, Chi-Cherng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 東北太平洋海溫年際年代際聖嬰現象太平洋經向模態全球暖化
英文關鍵詞: subtropical Eastern North Pacific SST, Interannual, Interdecadal, ENSO, PMM, Global Warming
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201901026
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:89下載:15
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  • 觀測發現,副熱帶東北太平洋的暖海溫從2013年開始出現持續增暖的現象,近期研究發現此暖海溫對短期天氣或長期氣候變異颱風都有顯著的影響。然而相較於赤道東太平洋海溫, 有關副熱帶東北太平洋海溫的時空特徵之相關研究仍相當有限. 本研究主要探討副熱帶東北太平洋的特徵, 增暖的物理機制, 以及對天氣與氣候的可能影響
    海洋混合層熱量收支得知,此海溫近期之增暖,主要透過風-蒸發-海溫(wind-evaporation-SST, WES) 之正回饋機制。除此之外,本研究也藉由兩個個案,討論此海溫對聖嬰現象以及西北太平洋颱風活動之影響。

    The subtropical Eastern North Pacific (SENP) sea surface temperature (SST) is persistent warming from 2013. Notably, the impact of the SENP SST on weather and climate are also significant and demonstrated in several recent studies. Compare to the equatorial eastern Pacific SST, the characteristics of SENP SST are less discussed. In this study, we aired to diagnose the characteristics, warming mechanism, and possible impact of SENP SST.
    It reveals that the SENP SST is associated with Pacific meridional mode (PMM) and global warming. The warming trend contributes approximately 15% to the variability of SENP SST. Wavelet analysis further shows that SENP SST exhibits the interannual and interdecadal variations. The regression analysis shows that SENP and ENSO-like (El Niño–Southern oscillation) SST warm simultaneously in the interannual time scale. The Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO), North Pacific gyre oscillation (NPGO), Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation (AMO) have an impact on SENP SST variation in the interdecadal time scale.
    The mixed layer heat budget analysis suggested that the SENP SST is warming through wind–evaporation–SST mechanism. Furthermore, the impact of SENP SST on ENSO and tropical cyclone (TC) activity are also showed in the two case studies, which hinders the development of 2014 El Niño and enhances the 2016 TC activity in western North Pacific.

    致謝 I Abstract II 摘要 III Catalog IV Ch1. Introduction 1 1.1 Oceanic and Atmospheric Background in Tropical Pacific 1 1.2 Oceanic and Atmospheric Background in Subtropical Pacific 2 1.3 Motivation 3 Ch2. Data and Method 6 Ch3. Spatial–Temporal Characteristics of Subtropical Eastern North Pacific SST 8 3.1 SST Variance, Background, and SENP Definition 8 3.2 Spatial–Temporal Evolution 9 3.3 Comparison between SENP and PMM 10 3.4 Effect of Warming Trend 11 Ch4 Interannual and Interdecadal Variations 13 4.1 Wavelet Analysis 13 4.2 Interannual Variation 13 4.3 Interdecadal Variation 15 Ch5 Mechanisms of SENP Warming 18 5.1 Mixed Layer Heat Budget Analysis 18 5.2 Wind–evaporation–SST 20 Ch6 Impact of SENP on ENSO and TC 21 6.1 ENSO: Meridional Dipole of SSTA and Associated Cross-Equatorial Flow in the Tropical Eastern Pacific in Terminating the 2014 El Niño Development 21 6.2 Tropical cyclone: Distinct effects of the two strong El Niño events in 2015–2016 and 1997–1998 on the western North Pacific monsoon and tropical cyclone activity: Role of subtropical eastern North Pacific warm SSTA 28 Ch7 Conclusion and Discussion 36 Reference 40 Table Captions 48 Figure Captions 51

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